Sucker Punch Character Posters Online

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 07. 2010in News Chat

Zack Snyder’s new Sucker Punch is hitting with both fists. The fantasy escape adventure film illustrated from the fractured mind of Babydoll as she attempts to free herself from a mental hospital.

Thanks to Comic Con, the character posters of Babydoll’s gang of accomplices is online.

These look a little too photoshopped, but still pretty damned impressive. Some serious eyecandy there, and what I hope will be a fun adventure film with some great visuals.


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Rodney who has written 7867 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Sucker Punch Character Posters Online”

  1. AAH says:

    Emily Browning sooo sexy

  2. cloud720 says:

    You could lock me in that mental hospital any day.

  3. Anti-Septic says:

    hubba, hubba. This is a must watch for me for obvious reasons.

  4. Shane says:

    I’m liking Jamie Chung in her poster :)

  5. Matt Keith says:

    Sweet Pea is my favorite. There’s just something about a woman weilding a sword that’s just….sexy.

  6. Devan Price says:


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