Sony picks Andrew Garfield to play Spider-Man

Posted by on 01. 07. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

In a remarkable announcement today Sony has picked their Peter Parker.

Andrew Garfield will play Spider-Man in Marc Webb’s reboot of the franchise.

IndieWire breaks the news

Sony Pictures Entertainment has chosen its new Spider-Man. It’s Brit Andrew Garfield, perhaps the most mature of the crop of boyish actors the studio was reportedly considering. He’ll be 27 in August.

This is the LAST guy I would have wanted to see as Peter Parker.

Its either more clear than ever that the “highschool Spider-Man” angle has been tossed out the window and we will now see a full adult Spider-Man, or this casting director has no clue what a teenager looks like.

I can’t express just how disappointed I am with this news. They better show me some damned good and convincing footage of this guy as nerdy Parker, and witty banter Spider-Man for me to think of this guy in the role.

Director Marc Webb states ““Though his name may be new to many, those who know this young actor’s work understand his extraordinary talents,” states Webb. “He has a rare combination of intelligence, wit, and humanity. Mark my words, you will love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.

And while I want to believe him, I just cant see this guy as Parker. The only thing I have seen him in is Dr Parnassus, and while I had no problem with him, he sure as hell can’t pass as a teenager, and he didn’t seem to exhibit anything I would say makes him an asset for this role. Maybe there is more to him, but I don’t see what it is.

I will say my anticipation is squashed until I see what these guys see.

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38 Responses to “Sony picks Andrew Garfield to play Spider-Man”

  1. Leif Erikson says:

    He looks too old, unless they are gonna cast Helen Mirren as MJ than yeah.
    Peter Parker is supposed to be a nerdy high school student loner. This Garfield dude looks like he just popped out of a GQ magazine cover.

    • Rodney says:

      I wouldn’t go that far, but yes, he is too old for the age that they reportedly said they were aiming for.

      And Zachary Levi looks nerdy enough and he pulls off GQ as well, but not everyone can make that transition.

      Im just saying he doesn’t look Peter Parker in presence or age (from my limited exposure to him) so we will have to wait and see.

      My first reaction is an emphatic NO.

  2. Amey says:

    They should start planning a 2nd Reboot after this gets over :P

    • nooowayyyy says:

      hahahah nice one.

      i liked the kid from Gamer. i forgot what his name was but he looked the part.

  3. Asgard says:

    Tobey Maguire was 27 when the first Spiderman was released, and he was convincing enough during the high school scenes. I’m really pleased by this news, Garfield is a great actor, his screen test must have been really impressive to beat out the other contenders.

    • Rodney says:

      And Maguire LOOKED 16 when he was 27.

      People keep giving examples of older actors playing teens like it means ANY 27 year old can play a teenager on film.

      This guy does NOT look like a teenager.

      • Jon says:

        That’s your opinion. I don’t think he looked 16. He looked slightly older then what that character called for but definitely not 16. Take away the facial hair and long hair he can pull off the look. As for the acting that determines to be seen.

    • Paul says:

      Yelling, doesn’t make it correct. It’s only your opinion, and there are lot of those, out there.

  4. batesmotel says:

    rodney wait until The Social Network comes out and you will eat your words. this kid is an amazing actor. his performance in Boy A was outstanding. he may look too old but hey i think Robert Pattinson is too old to play 100 yr old high school vampire

    • Rodney says:

      Russel Crowe is an amazing actor. I still can’t see him as Spiderman.

      This guy just doesn’t feel like Spidey to me at all. Granted if they make him an adult Parker, I could buy it and hope for the best.

      Its all about how they presented who they were looking for, then showing us this guy.

      • batesmotel says:

        word is theyre changing it to a college setting instead of high school. so that should help. and most of the other choices were wieners imo.

  5. Pman-67 says:

    I did an image search and found a couple pix where he looked pretty nerdy. I don’t know how old the photos were, but at the very least I’m convinced he can pull off the loner, nerdy kid look.

  6. ThePeter says:

    Sam and Toby had a good thing going until Sony meddled with things. I’m not sure i’m ready for a reboot - with any actor.

    • darren j seeley says:

      Play fair.
      Even if Raimi and MaGuire made Spider-Man 4, that would have been the last one anyway. Fate so happened that it ended with the previous film.

  7. I love Rodney says:

    I know you’re just reacting Rodney on how he looks right now, but Andrew Garfield was amazing in Boy A (I think he even got a BAFTA or a nomination for it) and I would definitely rather have a great actor play Spiderman, regardless of his age. I was never that keen on the idea of a high school spiderman reboot - so hopefully this might mean it’s more of a college Spiderman - but even if it’s not surely we should withhold judgement till we see on the set pics/footage of whether he looks the part or not…

    • Jon says:

      I’m slightly torn to regard this new guy. As of now he doesn’t look the part but Im very confidant he’ll look it when the time comes. As for a high school Spider-Man that doesn’t interest me in the least and I think focusing on his high school years wouldn’t be that interesting. I liked the way Raimi briefly touched upon it in the first film. I hope they do the same thing with this one.

  8. AAH says:

    i think he’s a good choice

  9. tzaylor says:

    the thing I like about this guy is that I think he will sell me on both sides of spiderman. The nerd and the superhero. Toby sold me on nerd Pete Parker well enough…..but he never felt strong enough for spidey.

    • frank says:

      I agree with you on this. I like Maguire but not so much as Peter/Spidey. After Ledger i hold judgement on everything now.

  10. Kevin says:

    Why are my comments getting deleted

    • Rodney says:

      I sent you an email explaining why. You need to read the commenting rules.

      Breaking those rules will get your comment deleted.

      And I emailed you as to why, but you must not be using a valid email address because it bounced back undeliverable.

  11. hamiwill says:

    I’m with Rodney on this one. Garfield just doesn’t fit the role for me. I was hoping that the casting of Parker/Spidey would give me better hope for the reboot, but this does not bolster my spirits. Although if they do make this more of a college set time frame it opens the door for some Connors/lizard action!

  12. darren j seeley says:

    While I’m sure Garfield will be alright (his selection might have to do with availability, I s’pose) and it is possible that one of the actors might still get a part…this casting does suggest the reboot isn’t a reboot so much as it might be a retcon.

    The only way is to have two films shot back to back if you want to keep a HS setting. Folks bring up the first film. Keep in mind the HS setting was only 1/4 of that film; Parker, Mary Jane and Harry graduated by the halfway mark.

    As for folks “boycotting” or saying Peter Parker : The Spectacular Spider-Man will fail (hey, if it is still a reboot and it is set in HS, what better title could there be? It has to be something like ‘Percy Jackson and The Olympians’ ‘Harry Potter and the…” etc. correct?) that remains to be seen. I can’t get worked up much over it, as the notion was after Raimi was done a reboot or recasting would have commenced anyway. Raimi was simply done sooner than expected. (Although it would not surprise me if he came back as a co-producer. Of course, if he does, I want my boat n’ babes)

    I want to see how the casting goes from here regardless.
    Now, if Megan Fox joins the cast, run for the hills!

    No, silly, those those hills.


  13. Kevin says:

    I don’t know why it said it’s was undeliverable.i use it to order my graphic novels off of barnes and noble also for my movies on amazon.anyways I’m sorry I didn’t realize I guess I was just hoping for a thanks for giving you the news about who the new spiderman was lol. I just look up to this site and always wanted to write articles on it lol,but honestly I sincerely apologize and keep up the good work Rodney and thanks for responding

  14. Kevin says:

    Rodney I also fixed my email problem thanks for letting me know that

  15. jkeith0207 says:

    Ok…Spider Man arrived in 2002…The third film came to us in 2007. It is not only 2010. At the risk of sounding ignorant due to an element or answer that may have previously eluded me, I ask…Why in the hell sre we already getting a “re-boot” of Spider Man only eight years after the first one, and a mere three years after the last one?

    Don’t bash, I love Spider Man. I read the comics, I loved the animated series, and despite perhaps a few of my peers, I actually thought the first film was spot-on, not in just capturing everything in Spider Man’s world, including Spider Man and Peter Parker. Really, what is a re-boot going to offer us? DO we really want to see Peter Parker or Spider Man through a different lens? Especially one that may not mesh with the original scheme?

    I dunno. I was pretty much done with Spider Man after they released the sorry excuse they called Spider Man 3. I think it might have made more sense to give the fans what they really want, and what we barely got cock-teased with in the third film, and that was VENOM.

    Just sayin…but you know, thats fine, you go ahead with your “re-boot” of a story that’s still fresh in our heads.

    • Rodney says:

      After Sony parted ways with Raimi, his style and vision (that they allowed him anyways) and his actors are all gone. They figured if they were going with an entirely new cast, and new director they might as well reboot.

      By not letting Raimi do what he wanted they have painted themselves into a corner, so now that he has walked they have the chance to fix what happened with Spiderman3

      They would have waited so it wasn’t so fresh in your heads, but if they don’t make a Spider-Man film within a reasonable amount of time (its been 3 years already) they would lose the rights to the franchise and Marvel films would just have rebooted it anyways.

      Its a whole new cast and director. It will have a different feel and a whole new Spider-Man. I am not against a reboot this soon - provided they handle it right. We will have to wait and see what they are doing, because so far it looks so random.

  16. Jack says:

    You should check out Garfield in the Channel 4 series Red Riding. In that, he plays a guy who’s about 18 - I’m sure that he can be made to look like a high-schooler with little effort. He also played a fantastically gawky and awkward 16-year-old in Boy A (when he was 24, incidentally). I think it’s a little bit short-sighted to dismiss his suitability for the role based on his performance in the one movie you’ve seen him in. As has been noted, Garfield must have performed very well in the screen tests to beat out all those (younger) guys. I’m sure he’ll be a great Parker.

    • Rodney says:

      As has been noted, I have already said I only have seen him in one thing and will have to wait and see what they see.

      It was short sighted of you to make that presumption when I clearly stated that limitation in my post and that this was a knee jerk reaction to the casting.

      I hope he proves me wrong, but right now I am not feeling it.

      • Jack says:

        …okay? There’s no need to be defensive. I was simply suggesting that Garfield has a greater range than might be guessed from his work in Imaginarium. In fact, since you didn’t actually say that your post was an instant reaction to the casting, I assumed you might have mulled it over a little and investigated him. Seriously, if you want to assuage your fears about his suitability for the role, check him out in Boy A or Red Riding (or The Other Boleyn Girl, or that episode of Doctor Who…)

      • Rodney says:

        Its not defensive. I said “my anticipation is squashed until I see what these guys see.”

        I also admit to only seeing him in one thing.

        How can that not be any clearer?

  17. Lawrence says:

    This Andrew Garfield dude looks a bit like Peter Parker in the comics (perhaps the Mark Bagley drawn Ultimate Spiderman) . Let’s see how director Marc Webb does with his Spiderman reboot.

  18. Tyler says:

    He better do a good job!!! Where I stand, he’s kind of a “meh” actor.

  19. 420BAND says:

    Hey Guys Rod-man here has a right to feel this way, This guy is Waaaaaay left field for me too. He needs a shave and glasses and a screen test and we’ll see I guess.

    Not very excited yet.

  20. Scott says:

    Surprising choice but lets see how things pan out. I know its a “re-boot” but I really do hope they just continue the story somehow. Maybe not directly following on but there really is no need for an origin story, if they go that way I’ll wait for Spiderman 2.1 and 3.1 to come out. I like the spidey films although 3 was really poor a part 4, 5 and 6 needn’t be all that bad. Can it? Will it?

  21. nat says:

    Peter Parker’s not suppose to be a teenager though. He never was in the shows. Except for that new one on Disney, Spectacular Spiderman, that’s where he’s in High School. He’s always been in college. At least that’s what I remember.

    • Rodney says:

      And what is he supposed to be? Who made these rules? You just mentioned a few incarnations of the cartoons where he was a high school student, so why cant that happen? Those were not supposed to happen?

      for the first 20 years of Spider-man’s comic book he was in high school. In the 80s they made a big deal out of him graduating and going to college.

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