Rose Huntington Whitely is Carly in Transformers 3

Posted by Rodneyon 21. 07. 2010in News Chat

We all know that Rose Huntington-Whiteley was brought in as the new eyecandy element when allegedly what was left of Megan Fox refused to eat a sammich and Bay decided to move on.

Everywhere I read it, she was to be playing some scientist girl or some scholar of some sort, not outright replacing the actor for the role of Mikaela, and those assumptions might just be right. And the name of her character is Carly.

JoBlo reports:

Well IMDB currently lists her as Mikaela, but as it turns out, that’s not the case. I’m not sure if this has been reported on before, but this is the first time I’ve seen confirmation that Huntington-Whitely is playing Carly, who according to lore, eventually becomes Carly Witwicky, Sam’s wife in the Transformers animated series.

According to The Transformers Wiki Carly is a character from the G1 Animated series who is an MIT graduate and somewhat of a gifted genius. She meets Spike and Bumblebee in an episode titled Robot Arcade and is eventually welcomed as one of the Autobots human pals becoming a reoccurring role in the show.

In the post Animated Feature Film portion of the G1 series, set in the year 2006, Carly and Spike are married, are Earth’s ambassadors to Cybertron and have a son named Daniel.

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Rodney who has written 8280 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Rose Huntington Whitely is Carly in Transformers 3”

  1. TigerClaw says:

    I think its great that they added another character from G1 for the 3rd film considering its the last one of a trilogy.

  2. Andrew says:

    Well, that’s great, a nice little throw-back to G1. I just wonder how they are going to explain what happened to the Mikeala character. Did they break up? Was she killed? Maybe those parts that were filmed with Megan Fox before the announcement she was gone is going to be her death scene? All I can say is that my interest in this movie has definitely peaked.

    • Rodney says:

      A simple “we broke up” in a line of dialogue is enough to dismiss her character. She was eyecandy and validation of Sam’s own self image. There isn’t any reason other than “she was in the first two” to keep her around anyways.

  3. Mark Moore says:

    Actually, the episode in which Carly was introduced is called “The Immobilizer”. She meets Spike and Bumblebee at Robots Video Arcade (suggesting she’s also a bit of a video game geek).

    Carly wasn’t utilized much in G1. She appears in six present-day episodes (one of which was a silent cameo) and three 2006-era episodes (one of which was a bit part, and another of which was a silent cameo). She doesn’t even appear in the episode dealing with her son’s birthday. What that says of her role as a parent, I’ll leave up to you to decide.

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