Predators 2 Likely Happening?

Posted by Franciscoon 23. 07. 2010in News Chat

It’s not even been two weeks since Predators was released, and there’s already talk about a sequel happening. Most of the talk comes from the man himself, Robert Rodriguez. Apparently he has told everyone at Comic Con that a sequel is probably coming.

CinemaBlend says:

The news comes from Comic Con where Rodriguez told everyone that a sequel to Predators was likely.

He says their goal with the first movie was just to keep it simple and get things started. “So we could see what the appetite was, because the bigger movie would actually be what comes following that. That kind of sets up a new storyline, new location and world, and then you can really go crazy from there.”

I still haven’t seen the movie. From what I’ve read/heard, it’s ok. Everyone keeps saying that this film should be heralded as the REAL sequel to the original one. So, in Predator sequels talk, I guess it’s pretty cool. I’m definitely watching it this weekend. As for another sequel, if this one was pretty good, why not? This one cost approx. $40 million to make, and in less than two weeks, it’s already made $80 million worldwide. If they keep making good money back, and the films are pretty good, sequels will happen. I have no problem with Rodriguez wanting to go all Predator crazy in the sequel, now that he has set up this new story already.

What do you guys think?

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Francisco who has written 123 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Predators 2 Likely Happening?”

  1. roman says:

    Think a sequal would be warrented Brody was legit man

  2. Ram says:

    I agree with friend and critics that Predators is the best predator movie since the original. And the movie was just “”ok” but the potential for greatness was constantly pouring out of this movie. So if they do make a sequel I believe that Rodriguez will learn from his mistakes in Predators and make the sequel phenominal.

  3. smack says:

    it was an awsome movie and yes it was way better than predator 2 and they even reference arnie from predator 1 in it.

    I enjoyed it more than AvP and AvP 2 thats for sure.

  4. Polished says:

    Personally, I thought AVP was better. Predators was a shadow of the original, attempting to capture the same “movie magic”…and falling short. Plus, is it just me or was Adrian Brody channeling Christian Bale from Batman - his voice was too contrived? Anyway, I am hoping, if a sequal does come to pass, Robert R. will make a no hold barred version with more originality and conviction.

  5. darren j seeley says:

    It would technically be Predator 4, with the AvP films discarded and left in the junkheap. So far, in my view, it is one of the best films this year. It exceeeded my expectatations. I would not mind another film at all.

  6. shakeyrage says:

    AVP was better what planet are you on?

  7. shakeyrage says:

    AVP was something that was ruined by bad ideas and bad actors, shitty filming, and especially the darkness of AVP2. Predators was refreshing as a reboot to the series, and hopefully the next one doesn’t take to long.

  8. Castle91 says:

    I’m completely looking forward to a sequel. Get us further into the Predator-verse so to speak. I was only really disappointed that the plot really didn’t go anywhere.
    Otherwise, yeah Robert! Full-steam ahead, man.

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