Marvel regains Punisher Rights

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 07. 2010in News Chat

Punisher is coming home. More like he couldn’t pay his rent so he is coming to crash on dad’s couch so he can get himself sorted out.

slipped into the Marvel Entertainment panel Saturday night in Hall H: Marvel has regained the film rights for the Punisher from Lionsgate. Kevin Feige, the president of production for Marvel Entertainment, had this to say: “Frank Castle is under the roof of Marvel Studios… and we hope to bring him into the fray shortly.”

It is good news that Marvel has acquired the rights to one of its properties again. I was kind of hoping we would hear about some massive deal where Marvel recinds all its outsourced material to bring it back to the studio where they belong.

But regaining Punisher is hardly a “win”

After three stellar attempts to depict the character on screen (Dolph Lungren,1989 - Thomas Jane,2004 - Ray Stevenson,2008) none of them managed to put the character in the spotlight. No one cared.

Punisher is no better than the criminals he kills. He takes his own narrow view of “justice” and deals it out like a true villain. Good for you criminal… you showed those badguys how bad people do things.

While some characters can gain empathy in a situation like this, I just never felt that the Punisher was “right”, just crazy and had seemingly unlimited access to firearms. And yeah, we know that vigilantee type heroes are all breaking the law to some degree, but Punisher embraces being wrong in order to deliver “right”

So while they make it sound like they are happy to have Punisher back, you know if there was any hope that Punisher was going to be a megahit, the studio who had him wouldn’t have let him go.

Kind of like how Fox wont abandon X-Men, or Sony wont let go of Spider-Man.

Will a Marvel run Punisher be any different than the last 3 tries?

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Rodney who has written 8000 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “Marvel regains Punisher Rights”

  1. cloud720 says:

    I will say it again

    I cant wait till they make another punisher movie, and the trailer comes out ans the the first thing you see is the disney logo.

    Maybe they can the people behind Dexter to this movie.

    • Rodney says:

      You will see the Marvel Logo.

      While Disney owns Marvel now, I don’t see any indication that they intend to rebrand all things Marvel with a Disney logo.

      And even if it did flash in the pre-opening credits, it still wouldn’t change the film at all.

      • Ty says:

        Idk why they (Disney) WOULD put their name though. The only ones who really know that Marvel is under Disney are the bloggers and maybe the forum prowlers… But I would think Disney wouldnt want it’s name associated with a sadistic anti-hero.

        Did that make sense?

      • Rodney says:

        You may have answered your own question Ty.

        Disney might tag on their tag just because they want to remind people that they do own Marvel.

        While it was publicly announced in the news, most people likely don’t know about it because its not going to change anything Marvel does. Just gives them more money to play with.

      • cloud720 says:

        You see Marvel and Paramount on the current movies. They had a deal in place. Disney could distribute their own films. Why bother with a third party?

        I have no problem with this, i just think it would look funny.

      • Derek 8-Track says:

        Disney didn’t put their name on the Apocalypto opening credits, a movie with murder, gore, and nudity. They wont put it on Marvel Movies either. They know where to and where not to put their name.

  2. Todd Horst says:

    I was always under the impression that the punisher WAS a bad guy. He did do good things occasionally but as far as the good guys were concerned he wasn’t one of them. I would be interested in seeing him in a marvel origins film and then as a villain on one of their other properties. I thought he was in spider-man some, so maybe if they ever get spidey back they could do that.

    • Pman-67 says:

      The Punisher is more of an anti-hero, not a villain or bad guy. He’ll employ any means necessary in his war on crime. He’s often come into conflict with heroes like Spiderman and Daredevil because of his brutal nature and willingness to kill, but he has fought alongside them just as often.

      It’s good that’s he’s back in Marvel’s hands. Hopefully we’ll finally get a good Punisher movie.

      • Jon says:

        Plus we already got a origins movie. That was the one with Thomas Jane, which in my opinion was very good. It’s one the better comic book films that is completely underrated. Just because it didnt do well at the box office the general public thought it tanked. While the story may have been a bit different that the comics it accurately portrayed The Punisher.

        In response to how the Punisher handles crime I always liked the fact that he killed his enemies/the bad guys. His character paved the way to make it ok to kill the bad guy. After a while its boring to repeatedly see a good guy defeat a bad guy and then hand him over to the police. Wolverine does it and there’s no problem when he kills someone. Frank Castle was tired of the relaxed justice system, which consistently let criminals get away. He made known that criminals would pay for their crimes. Furthermore, I would like to see certain comic book movies have an R-rating like the 2004 Punisher. Obviously that can’t work for every film but there is a demand for it.

  3. joe says:

    this is a step in the right derection while i dont know if there will be a good punisher movie at least it is in its owners hands

  4. Castle91 says:

    I myself liked the 2004 version, but this is still good news to me. Thus far I think Frank Castle hasn’t been portrayed as best he could in film. The ’89 film was just a cash-in because vigilante action films were big back then. So it was really just Punisher in name only. 2004 was a step in the right direction; giving us his backstory & his reasons for doing what he does so we have a character to get behind. And 2008, while Stevenson was the best choice to play Castle thus far, was basically just a remake of the ’89 entry with a Batman Forever atmosphere thrown in.

    I’m disappointed that Marvel Studios promised no R-rated films, but if we were ever going to get a decent Punisher film, we’d get it from Marvel.

    • bigsampson says:

      Ya know as someone who loves and touts R rated films I have to say that I have no problem with Marvel not going that route. Marvel has always been the PG comic book company. Dark Horse and Image have always been my favorite for graphic novels and dark and gory comics. I mean a rated R spidey would be awesome but that’s not the spidey I know.

  5. thematticus says:

    I have no desire to see another Punisher movie, but I would love to see him as a secondary character in other Marvel films.

  6. darren j seeley says:

    The main problem with The Punisher is that revenge pictures, in general, don’t work. There is nothing much at stake other than revenge. I don’t mind the character, I like the Lundgren version for some reasons (mostly due to B-film action, an attempt at plot and supporting actor Jeron Krabbe) I liked the 2004 film a lot more because at least the character played the bad guys against each other and there was some humor in it- and some characterization of Castle. Then we find out “the fans” really want Punisher to be an emotionless, cold one dimensional killing machine with “Warzone”, which raised one interesting topic (how far is too far) and then dropped it. Jigsaw was a clown.

    I suppose if one were to have a “Punisher vs. Foolkiller” I might like it some. I know with this news Punisher won’t face off against Spidey (with Sony) or Daredevil (with Fox-although I think the clock is ticking with DD)

    I suppose I can “get it” if Marvel got back the rights to Man-Thing I could see the purpose (ties to Capn America Super Soldier; maybe even Hulk)

    But here we are…Punisher.

    I’m racking my brain here.

    * Could Punisher fit in to the Avengers films? Perhaps. No.

    * Could he fit into a Nick Fury movie? YES.

    That’s where I’m looking. Frank Castle was recruited by Fury and SHIELD at one point in the comics. They also crossed paths in the MAX versions as well.

    I would LOVE to see Tom Jane back in the role myself. I’m pretty sure Ray Stevenson is out, as he is one of the Thor characters now.

  7. EZELL says:

    I disagree the punisher is a more humanized way of how people would want to live out their fantasy if some one took away everything from them.

  8. Viglin says:

    You have a…interesting view on the Punisher. Actually compared to other heros[Superman and his powers, Batman and his wealth, Wolverine and his abilites, etc etc], the Punisher is the most easy to connect to and understand.
    Hes done what most of us would only dream of if our family was murdered…fight back.
    Not with super powers or endless money…but with skill and grit.

    Of course in todays age its all about money and the toys.

  9. Lawrence says:

    The Punisher:War Zone movie is probably the bloodiest and the most faithful adaptation of the Punisher, from a “gory” standpoint that is.
    That movie lacked gravitas and acting chops. I think the 2004 version is the best film of the three. But I think the character has run its course.

  10. Kaneda979 says:

    Awesome news. So glad to see them starting to get their babies’ back. This gives me hope they might get others back in the future as well. They probably wont, at least no more then one or 2 more, but this is still nice to see. Still gives me a little hope that Marvel COULD regain their rights to X-Men, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and Dare Devil.

    Hell, if only they could get the rights back for Ghost Rider and Dare Devil, and since thy now have Punisher, we could finally get a Marvel Knights movie. Oh and Blade, how could I forget him. Although I really enjoyed the first 2 Blade movies, what ever happened with that character, anyone know? Did Marvel ever get the rights back on it or doea some one else still have it?

    But anyhow, I’ll say it again, awesome news. Can’t wait to see how Marvel goes with this.

    • Rodney says:

      They got it back because no one else wants it.

      3 attempts with little to moderate results is not a hot commodity.

      They are not “starting” to get anything back. They are picking up what someone one else abandoned. Fox is not going to let go of the X franchise or Fantastic Four anytime soon, nor is Sony going to give up Spider-Man

      • Kaneda979 says:

        I know, I know, but it’s still kind of nice to see happen.

        Punisher was let go because no one could get it right. But if anyone can, it’s Marvel themselves. Them getting one of there properties that has been done, just “okay”, I think is nice.

        I know Marvel may never get the X-Men, Spider-Man, or FF rights back, but seeing them get one of their properties back, after all this time, is still pretty sweet, I think. Gives me a little hope that more of this COULD happen, but, probably won’t…

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