Martin Scorcese Endorses Rupert Grint

Posted by Rodneyon 07. 07. 2010in News Chat

In a surprising endorsement, Martin Scorsese has set his eye on a young actor already well known to the world of big films.

Rupert Grint. The actor who will have eight film credits with one character needs to carefully think his future after the Potter films end. Scorcese thinks he wont have any problems at all.

Cinematical says

I thought he (Grint) was a great actor in the Harry Potter movies. In a lot of scenes, the boy stole the show. He will always have respect for the movies that gave him such a huge break, but at his age it’s important he doesn’t become typecast. He has to do something really out of his comfort zone in the next few years — play a gangster, play a dirty cop, play a kid with learning difficulties. I would be interested in working with him. I would have no issues in casting him as a gangster, he is a very talented young man.

Now when someone like Martin Scorsese sees talent in you, you just might want to listen. Hell, sell your soul to this guy and tell him to lead your career.

I didn’t think his career would end after Potter, but with this letter of reference I suspect paying might be paying very close mind to his future.

UPDATE: Martin Scorcese did not make this statement, and this is a complete internet fabrication

UK Guardian reports:

“With respect to the Harry Potter films,” said the director, “regrettably I’ve never seen them and therefore I’m not able to discuss them or the performances in them in any way.”

So while this might have made some people think about Grint in a different light, it wasn’t Scorcese who said it.

That being said… I hope Grint outlives his Potter role.

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Rodney who has written 8833 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Martin Scorcese Endorses Rupert Grint”

  1. Danny says:

    I’ve only seen him in one other movie outside the HP universe and while I admittedly can’t remember the name of the movie (it had something to do with him caring for an elderly neighboor, who I think was a retired writer, during his summer vacation. coming of age themes ensue) I think he really could have a real career after the HP movies.

    But if he, or anyone from that cast, is going to have a post HP career they really need to start working on it now since the final movies are nearly upon us. For Grint the key is going to be to get away from being type cast as the silly and comical supporting character. He needs serious roles, leading roles, something that tells the world that he is not Ron Weasely but a guy who played Ron Weasely on tv.

  2. Claire says:

    Sounds lIke good news for Rupert. Being in a Scorcese movie would do so much for him. Regardless of what kind of actor he is Scorcese is one of the best American Directors ever and playing a role for him would be nothing but serious. I could see him become much more well-known and respected if this happens.

  3. Jessica Ness says:

    Martin, I haven’t seen most of your movies, but honestly…I believe you would take Rupert’s career in a more interesting direction. If he ever worked with you,

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