Lindelof to ReWrite Aliens Prequel

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 07. 2010in News Chat

Lost guru Damon Lindelof looks to have closed the deal to re-write the Aliens Prequel.

We Are Movie Geeks says:

I’m been told that he closed a deal to do rewrite work on 20th Century Fox’s ALIEN prequel, which the studio hopes Ridley Scott will direct as his next assignment. In a development as vexing as a Lost plotline, studio insiders said that while Lindelof indeed met with Scott and the studio for that rewrite job, the exchange of ideas between them sparked a take that could well turn out to be a free-standing science fiction film. The studio will decide when Lindelof turns it in. Scott Free is producing and Lindelof’s CAA reps closed his deal last night.

Now originally we were told that the giant spaceman artifact discovered and forgotten in the orignal series would factor into the prequel, but now it seems that Lindelof’s script is a brainstorm of ideas that kick it in a whole new direction.

Prequels are a rough gig as you can’t do anything that will contradict with the history to follow but still have to find a way to be creative with what framework has already been mentioned.

Lindelof is a clever guy, and we will find out more once he finishes writing it and see if they approve.

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Rodney who has written 7941 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Lindelof to ReWrite Aliens Prequel”

  1. Ty says:

    I’m stoked about this because of how there are so many directions you can take a prequel in that lead up to the first film.

    Plus Lindelof is a great writer. I have faith.

  2. AndyS says:


    Alien doesn’t need a prequel. This new movie(s) will only tarnish the mystery of the creature and what made the original such an amazing movie.

    • vargas says:

      Well the Alien/Predator movies have already done that. I think Damon could do a really good job with this. I’m interested in what he will do with it.

      • bigsampson says:

        I don’t agree. I think the Alien/Pred movies where cheesy but they were not Alien movies…more like fodder for the geeks. The story could be awesome. Then again it could be more fodder =(

  3. kingl says:

    I’d would be excited to see them at least make a reference to the space jockey in the next film.

  4. Matt Keith says:

    It doesn’t matter who they get to write the film. I’m not gonna watch them ruin the alien. They could have James Cameron direct, and I still won’t waste my money on this prequel.

    Seriously, there’s a reason prequels suck. The Star Wars prequels ruined Vader by turning him into a whiney B*****, and the weapon X program was done wasn’t as intense in XO:W as it shown in Singer’s films. Hollywood needs to learn that less is more. The less we know about a character, the more impact it has.

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