Extended Thor Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 07. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

ComicCon gave its attendees a look at the extended Thor Trailer, but it took until now for those greedy bastards to put it online for the rest of us peons to see. But thank Odin it is done.

Update! The link seems to have been taken down, again. I am sure it will resurface somewhere.

Love Colson interogating him at the beginning. Where did you receive this training?

I was waiting for him to say “Asgard!”

Looks pretty cool. I am pretty psyched to see this!

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Rodney who has written 7893 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “Extended Thor Trailer Online”

  1. cloud720 says:

    What a slap in the face. I saw the post on my phone, I was so excited to get to work and watch this. But they removed the trailer before i got to a computer

  2. riggs says:

    it says it cannot be found :( by odins beard i am saddened!

  3. ramsey says:

    rene russo is in the movie too. cool. i cant wait for this movie, i got chills watching it. up next, trailer for capt. america. hope it hits before superbowl.

    • Ryan says:

      Seriously? I *LOVE* Rene Russo! I had thought she retired or something… she hasn’t been in a movie forever.

  4. RonSalon says:

    Ah man, it’s gone. Crap!

  5. Kaneda979 says:

    Love it, looks awesome. Wish they’d show more of Thor’s powers but I guess they don’t wanna give away too much too eary. But even still, as a fist trailer, this is pretty damn sweet. Also, does anyone else notice how Chris Hemsworth sounds allot like Heath Ledger and even looks like maybe an older version of him, with the blonde hair and all? It’s kind of wild.

    Really enjoyed the funny nod to Stark by Colson as well, nice touch for that whole continuity thing and Colson being in this one too period just feels so good and is great to see that they are really bring this all together finally.

    But I was thinking the other day, how in Iron Man 2 Stark still was reluctant about joining the Advengers, but looking back at the last scene of the last Hulk movie, Stark seemed like he was all about it, at least enough to try and get others to join. Kind of bothers me, I like both angles, but yet it feels weird to have them both there at the same time. Am I missing something, not thinking the right way about it, or is it just a little miss up of some bad writing?

    • Rodney says:

      At the end or Iron Man2 the Avengers Initiative offers to bring Stark on in an advisory capacity and not a field agent (likely because they want access to his tech and advice)

      It was made clear that the stinger at the end of Hulk with Stark and Fury was to take place after this movie. And Stark may still be working in an advisory capacity at that point.

      I am assuming by the beginning of The Avengers Stark will be a full field member.

      • Kaneda979 says:

        LOL! Oh ya, duh. I forgot that that part in Hulk takes place after Iron Man 2. Thanks Rodney. ;)

  6. vargas says:

    You know I wasn’t sure how this was going to turn out when I frist heard about it but after seeing the trailer, this looks good!

  7. Geno says:

    I was so happy when I saw him sporting the helmet. The Destroyer looks so awesome! And Agent Coulson is great. This just got me so pumped May can’t get any sooner, curse you time! I love how Loki looks as well with those big ol Horns. So wicked man.

  8. bigsampson says:

    Wow! This is looking super Epic!

  9. smack says:

    cant wait for this

  10. Jon says:

    Looks great. Such a shame we have to wait a year.

  11. Art says:

    that… was… AWESOME!!!!!! I wasn’t too jazzed about this before but now I can’t wait!!!!!!

  12. Jon says:

    Ray Stevenson should have played Loki he’s taller and represents a “smaller giant” since Loki was born from two giants.

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