Columbus Will Not Direct Superman

Posted by Franciscoon 09. 07. 2010in News Chat

Here’s an update on the rumor that had Chris Columbus directing the next Superman film. Thank God!

CinemaBlend states:

Collider has received word on good authority that Warner Bros. is not pursuing Columbus for the gig. The story did hold some weight, as the filmmaker has both a history with the studio and is known for helming franchises, but, as the article says, “the rumor was just one of those cases of a titillating story catching fire and igniting intense speculation.

Let the Nolan brothers take care of this. I have faith they will deliver the best Superman movie ever. I’m so glad that Columbus isn’t involved. Nothing personal against the guy. I do enjoy some of his pictures, but he’s style is not appropriate for the next Superman.

What do you guys think?

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Francisco who has written 258 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Columbus Will Not Direct Superman”

  1. Kevin C says:

    I am eager to hear more news about a plot synopsis and what this new angle on the story Goyer has come up with. I am nervous/excited in that while I have the utmost confidence in Nolan, Goyer is hit and miss for me.

    I am still bummed that Brandon Routh wont get to reprise the role because I think he owned it in Returns, alas maybe they will go the James Bond “M” route and reboot while keeping Routh in the lead role, but that has a snowballs chance in hell, Im sure.

    Anyway, as for who directs…not sure. I could see Nolan giving brother Jonah a crack at it. It was rumored a while back and shot down, but if he got a shot at a smaller film and did well between now and then, why not? Otherwise it could really be anybody.

  2. Lowell says:

    How about this Superman set in the 40′s just like the comics? Just an idea what do you think?

  3. darren j seeley says:

    “(Chris Columbus) His style is not appropriate for the next Superman”

    I disagree, Francisco. Columbus would have been just fine if the rumor had merit. Don’t get me wrong: I still want to see - and glad to know- that Nolan and co. are not being replaced. But to suggest Columbus is “wrong”?
    If you don’t like some of his pictures, that’s fine. But if it were the other way around and Nolan stepped down and Columbus walked in? I wouldn’t be concerned all that much.

    And before folks bring up Fantastic Four, remember he only co-produced the film, he did not direct it.

    • ReyningDevil says:

      Columbus does direct some really good movies…. for kids. unless we want a Superman movie with a preference for an audience under 14, i don’t see why Columbus should direct it. but i think that would piss a lot of fans. (i’m saying this based solely on the movies of his i have seen so far.)

  4. Lawrence says:

    I want Chris Nolan to direct this gig himself. Even though he is “godfathering” this Superman project, like the reports say, I’m all for petitioning him to do this .

  5. Kevin C says:

    What about Kathryn Bigelow? She is pretty accomplished director and has some great action films to her credit. Coming off of something like The Hurt Locker and having films like Point Break under her belt, I’d be interested to see her take on a comic book film. Especially one like Superman.

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