Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Officially Two Films

Last time we checked, the power players were planning on making the last chapter in the Twilight Saga into two films. The only thing impeding this was that actors Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene wanted to renegotiate salaries. Now that this is set, the announcement has been made…

CinemaBlend reports:

Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starringKristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.

The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start production in the Fall.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.

The third film in the franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is due in theaters on June 30, 2010.

Twilight fans rejoice! I enjoyed the first entry; the sequel not much. I thought the plot was weak, and dragged on for eternity. Plus in the second one, I couldn't stand the Bella character. Don't get me started. Lol. But that aside, I'm looking forward to this summer's Eclipse. Hopefully it has a better storyline, and more vampire/werewolves action.

I have not read any of the books; so I wouldn't be the perfect choice to pass judgement on wether the decision of slicing Breaking Dawn into two films is good or not. What do you guys think? Is this good for the story? Because I do know it's good for = $$$$$$ Lol.

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6 Responses to “Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Officially Two Films”
  1. Rodney

    The fourth book is the longest epilogue in literary history.

    They could easily sum up the events of that novel in a montage in the closing credits of the third film.

    That they are breaking that snooze fest into two films is just leaching the fanbase. There isnt enough there to make two movies out of.

  2. Bumbledoor

    They must be planning on taking a lot of liberties with the story, because there really wasn’t much there to make a full movie out of it, let alone two full movies.

  3. JM

    Rodney’s got the right of it. There’s barely enough for *one* movie. Both of these movies are going to be pretty boring, if you ask me. There’s no real action to speak of, and by that point Bella’s made her decision and the romantic tension is long over. There are just a couple horrible plot devices.

  4. KAYJO

    I am a huge Twilight fan and read all the books twice. But I do have to admit the Breaking Dawn movies are going to blow.

  5. Bill Kiddo

    This will be so bad, it needs to be made into two films.
    Literally NOTHING exciting happens in that book just a sh!tload of happy endings for all the characters. There’s minimal conflict, and a lot of easily made resolutions. I have no idea where they will make the cut in the first film since there’s no sign of climax anywhere in the book.
    I will probably end up watching them just to see how bad it translates into film.

  6. Ty

    I’m just surprised that you thought the first film was actually good and the SEQUEL sucked. All the little fan girls that I’ve talked to, albeit few, thought the first was a horrid piece of work while the sequel was a vast improvement. Le sigh.

    That being said, still kind of confused how they’re going to do the fourth film - it wasn’t exactly the most tween-friendly and it doesn’t have much of a story to go off in what might be considered the “second part”.

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