Transformers 3 - Plot/Villain

Posted by on 11. 06. 2010in News Chat

We all know Michael Bay is in the midst of shooting Transformers 3; which comes out July 1, 2011. We also know that Megan Fox won’t be coming back as Shia’s love interest; Victoria’s Secret model, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has taken her place. We also have learned that the robot twins won’t be back for another round. So what don’t we know? How about some plot details, and who’s the villain? SPOILERS AHEAD.

IGN says:

“This one really builds to a final crescendo,” Bay told USA Today. “It’s not three multiple endings… As a trilogy, it really ends. [The franchise] could be rebooted again, but I think it has a really killer ending.”

The director also revealed who the villain is. Ready? It’s Shockwave, the one-eyed overseer of Cybertron whose toy turned into a wicked purple laser canon thing.

As for the plot? “The new film features Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) taking his first tenuous steps into adulthood while remaining a reluctant human ally of Optimus Prime.”

Through this story, a mystery of sorts emerges, as TF3 centers around the “space race between Russia and the U.S.”, while implying that the Transformers played a hidden role in mankind’s first exploration of the galaxy.

And fanboys, try not to faint - but yes, despite initial reluctance on Bay’s part, Transformers 3D is happening.

Ok, so we get some minor teases here. But remember, Bay has always been keen of saying something, and then doing something else. I have no problem with Bay using Shockwave as the main bad guy. I hope for once, that the final battle (I'm guessing) Optimus Prime and Shockwave, for example, is long and epic. The battle between The Fallen/Megatron and Prime was all hype and was too damn short!

As for the plot, I have no idea what to think. This makes me a little worried. "Space race between the US and Russia", really? Shia still reluctant on helping the good guys and protect the world, seriously? Hasn't he learned by now that he's the most important person in the world, because of his connection and importance to the Autobots? Mmmm weird.

Anyways, hopefully Bay delivers a thrilling awesome third chapter and closes the trilogy on a high note. Here's hoping!

What do you guys think?

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67 Responses to “Transformers 3 - Plot/Villain”

  1. cloud720 says:

    He said he wasn’t going to shoot it in 3d not too long ago. I imagine that’s something that you would have to plan for. It seems a little late to change that now. I hope they don’t convert it afterwards.

    Then again. I wonder if being all CGI makes a difference. Maybe the scenes with transformers will be full 3d. And the humans could be converted in post.

    • MBaySUCKS says:

      I really hated the transformer films so far. There was a great opurtunity to create some awesome movies but instead it is all special effects and some retarded monkey writing the plots. I mean come on the 2nd film sucked so bad and there version of the Matrix of leadership WTF not to mention Megatron was completely ruin in as the Main Villian. I liked Shockwave but he was a follower. I will watch the movie on dvd and enjoy the million dollar effects but who cares about plot at this point. Obviously the writters those far don’t care about fans or the original material that spawned such fan fare.

      • turtlespeed says:

        dude the 3rd one will be what we all grew up with as kids. I’ve read the script and the ending really is a very cool ending. bay is right it does leave a window open for more movies but doesn’t leave any crappy cliff hangers that make the movie feel all undone and ish. I’m not a fan of 3D so thats kind of the let down but aside from that this movie is what the trilogy should have started off with.

    • optimus prime says:

      transformers is my favourite movie

  2. BooBooTheKlown says:

    Shockware? really, come on now, it’s Megatron, it was Megatron and it always will be Megatron. Having another character as the main villian is like, Luke Skywalker taking on the Fett at the end of Star Wars:Return of the Jedi, it’ just not gonna happen.

    Anyone think that this Victoria secret model will have a smaller role then everyone thinks? It doesnt make sense for a newbie to just jump in and be a lead actress,(you just dont jump in the ring with ALI cuz you think you can box) doesnt make sense to me really.

    You probably get asked this a lot……did Ceasar really live here?

    I’m out

    • Matt Keith says:

      I agree. I love Shockwave and glad he’s being brought in, but I don’t can’t picture him taking on Megatron or Optimus.

      • Renato Luengo says:

        Dude, in the original transformer’s history, Shockwave did kicked Megatron’s ass several times! (comics and TV)

      • teenage goddess says:

        i would think carefully, im sure if not might kick prime’s ass again.

    • turtlespeed says:

      only hang up I see is how this new chic is gonna get written into the movie. from what I’ve read Sam was supposed to propose to Mckala on a space ship.

    • Victor says:

      Really?…..a fast and the furious quote. Nice taste in movies dude.

  3. MEDavidson says:

    Fool me once…
    Fool me twice…
    Fool me three times?

  4. Lawrence says:

    This franchise is going down. Mainstream moviegoers would rather see The Dinobots than Shockwave. Shockwave is boring in the G1 series. Although he transforms into a canon like Megatron,he serves like a gopher to the Decepticon leader.

    • Rodney says:

      Lawrence, you keep saying that without knowing anything at all about what they are doing.

      What if they show a picture of Shockwave and he kicks ass? You don’t know.

      Your sheep bashing mentality is tiring.

      • Lynn says:

        Shockwave. Not a bad idea. To bring him in as the protector of Cybertron brings the battle to Cybertron - not a bad idea either.
        He should be a tough dude to fight. They steal need to other looping plots (concerning Sam and time travel) I hope they can develop this time.

        I also heard this movie has something to do with time travel - is this true?

        I guess we will see.


    • Soggie G. says:

      WHAT!?!? Are you insane Lawrence!?

      Shockwave is the coolest character in the whole series!!!!!! Just the fact that he’s completely emotionless makes him even cooler than not having a face!!!

      Come on dude! Rodney’s right! Stop talking out of your ass!

      • teenage goddess says:

        not likely, some teens here hemel, st albans, harpenden most like the fallen’s action even his charater. But most all prime is awsome fighter, well thats wt the public in london say.

    • Lynn says:

      The reply for Rodney was really ment for you Lawrence, sorry Rodney.


  5. Jeff says:

    The plot spoiler about the “space race” makes me think that we could see a cameo of Astro-Train - the space shuttle, train, robot Decepticon triple changer. Bay seems to like throwing little things like that into his TF flicks.

  6. Bill says:

    Sounds like the writers read some of the older Dreamwave comics from a few years ago. After the first mini-series, they had a second one that showed Shockwave unified Cybertron, and a group of Autobots/Decepticons, like Ultra Magnus and Astrotrain, came to Earth to arrest all Transformers still fighting the Civil War, i.e. Prime’s Autobots and Megatron’s Decepticons

    What it boiled down to was Shockwave was misleading everyone, including those he “unified”, he sold Megatron under the river and tried to destroy and dispose of him, and the Civil War restarts when the Cybertronian Autobots realize Prime was right, and Prime, Magnus, and Grimlock have to taken down Shockwave who has gotten the Matrix and control of Vector Sigma.

    That could be a doable story

  7. P says:

    they need to stop with the 3d!! Its almost impossible to watch whats happening on screen with how fast the robots change and fight, its going to be ridiculous now. Im sure ill see it in 2D

    • Matt Keith says:

      I wish they would stop with 3-D as well, but at least the film will be released in 2-D too. Too bad that won’t last too long. At the end of this decade we will be forced to see it in 3-D.

      • Drewmanhouston says:

        Depends on the type of 3D though. Like as in 3D that throws stuff at you or 3D that gives the movie depth. If you ask me I think the depth would be cool ESPECIALLY when the transform.

      • teenage goddess says:

        3D movies re getting abit cheesy, first harry potter DH part 1 wasn’t in 3d cus the ppl who makes 3d says: “its too much, even the movie is long”

  8. smack says:

    shockwave was always megatrons number 2 guy he took care of cybertron when megatron came to earth in the original cartoon.

    he was a cook badguy but I hope he stays megatrons number 2 and megatron is still the badguy or maybe megatron could turn into galvatron that would be cool

    • Art says:

      I agree with everything you said BUT the Galvitron part. I would rather see just Megatron, Galvitron was pretty lame in the G1 series and, really just seem like a weak villian.

  9. jacob jackson says:

    i can’t wait untill this movie comes out not so sure about megan fox leaving that blows hard. shia is a great actor though he will have most of the screen time now ms fox is gone. how is the role going to go with megatron and starscream now that thier introducing shockwave? is shockwave going to be this kick ass robot that takes on only the autobots or be an independent so i hear

  10. Robert says:

    I thinks its awesome that Bay decided to use shockwave as the almost every transformers series, megatron and prime work together for some reason.I’m thinking shockwave is gonna do something that upsets both autobots and decepticons which will cause them to worl together to take him down.but you never know.Bay always suprises me with these movies

  11. Calmin1986 says:

    What about Unicron.…! The planet sized transformer this would be much better than shockeave!

    • turtlespeed says:

      I thought I read somewhere atht bay said they talked about Unicron but he is too massive a character. besides, if there is a TF4…which I’m sure someone in 10 years will make, then Unicron could be an awesome charactor.

  12. Azurial says:

    okay… first bay says in Tf:ROTF Soundwave was the main villain. then switched it around so he had a very minimal role… now the mention of shockwave is probably just a spoiler lettin ppl know hes going to make an apperance. secondly, wasnt Cosmos a russian satalite? so prahaps we might get to see a G1-esque cosmos. third, dino bots would be nice but fans screamed for them for the last two movies and bay ignored them…

    my last rant - it seems that the first one was crap. the second one, slightly better than crap (my jaw fell to the floor when Jetfire and prime linked and i damn near drooled all over myself). so maybe this one will be pretty good?

    the lack of the twins is probably a good move… a couple of ghetto bots was a big mistake, and the were REALLY ugly…

    What about the Arcee tirnity? are we going to see them back?

  13. WonkoTheSane says:

    So freaking lame. Also I can’t believe he still left the flames on Prime. NO-ONE EVER LIKED THEM.

    • Rodney says:

      I didn’t care about the flames on Optimus. He still has the spirit and personality of the cartoons, so who cares if he has flames on his paintjob.

      You are dwelling on a non-issue. Bumblebee wasnt a VW bug either. There are a lot of things that were not exact. Who cares about some details on a paintjob that you barely notice when he is in bot form anyways?

      You also noticed that he wasn’t a cab-over Peterbuilt right?

      • realprime says:

        the flames do suck! hows he supose to hide in disquise when hes a tricked out truck duhhhh! G1 ALL THE WAY!

    • boozymark says:

      ok freak where do you come from ????? everyone i know likes the flames on prime and thats alot of people !!!!!

  14. Amerias says:

    Ok, i have read what everyone is saying, and i do agree and disagree on a lot of it. But i feel that Micheal Bay has done a wonderful job on the movies. Shockwave will be a interesting lead bad guy. Sad to hear Foxy Megan Fox wont be back, which is sad. She had a great role.But i am putting my trust into Mr Bay. He hasnt disappointed me yet. i am not sorry to see the twin cars go, they were a little too “annoying”.
    I hope to see the Sector 7 guy again, he is hilarious. i hope it all turns out good.

  15. C to the J says:

    Well one thing’s for sure, Shockwave was definitely one of the top 3 Transformer toys to own, ever.

  16. slowderman says:

    I see my dreams of Unicron being the main villain slipping away.

  17. kyle says:

    it will be shot in 3d, shockwave is the bad guy, and shia say’s “it’ll be deeper and bloody”. interesting.

  18. mimis says:

    In my opinion,an interesting idea: a cooperation between shockwave and unicron, and then autobots and decepticons would unite their own forces in order to stop them…it would be a great end!!

  19. SEAN says:

    I totally agree with the end fight must be longer i was very impressed with how long avatars ending was and i was hoping the 3rd installment would be a bit better again but i hope optimus is in the film more this time as after all he is the main guy

  20. mattyb says:

    bring on unicron i say… and get soundwave a bigger role. Soundwave is the workhorse. He is where its at. death from above.. and the dudes in his chest. killer. best supporting actor/robot nomination from me.

    • realprime says:

      they couldnt pull unicron off and make it believeable thats why theres no dino bots where would they hide like the rest of autobots/decepticons duhh! unicron would end up a gold cloud or something like galactus in rise of the silver surfer on F4…..

      • Matt Keith says:

        There’s no reason for the Autobots or Decepticons to hide anymore now that The Fallen revealed their presence. The reason we won’t get Dinobots is because Bay has stated that he hates them, also because they aren’t cars. If he were forced to put them in, Bay would just give them a third mode as car, thus eliminating any point in calling them Dinobots.

        As for Unicron, yeah it would be sweet to see that, but it’ll never happen.

  21. morgan 3720 says:

    hey for the past 2 transformers the amazing band linkin park has for the first one used there song what i’ve done for the movie the 2nd one they made the song new divide so the question is will they use one from their new album a thousannd suns or the song the catalyst which is being used to promote medal of honor what do you guys think? i think they may change the band like they did megan fox because it seems that way or has linkin park abandon the transformers franchise ?

  22. transfan says:

    I heard Shockers is a minor villain

  23. kris says:

    nothing is more annoying than fan boys and people on the “i hate Bay band wagon” both Transformers movies have been amazing so far. the third one will be no different. enjoy the ride, and for you whiners.. ” some motherf*ckers are always trying to ice skate up-hill “

  24. Jim says:

    God damn! So many commenters that seriously NEED spellcheck! Is it so hard to make the effort? Don’t bother with the dyslexic excuse either, because i myself am dyslexic. But Jesus! Seem’s as though half of you don’t even read what you’ve typed before you go ahead and whack that submit button.

  25. codyb says:

    unicron would be a good villian but like everyone else says it would be almost impossible 2 pull off due to his massive size,soundwave i agree does need a bigger role but not main villian, one villian that i havent seen mentioned which i personally would like to see is tidal wave. hes almost the perfect decepticon large enough to be a major problem for the autobots but small enough to hide on earth but i know he wont make it into the 3rd movie but it would be nice.

  26. haha says:

    ( . Y . )

  27. Montezooma says:

    Space race = rockets = Omega Supreme? Nobody is even mentioning the possibilities here……
    Bring on Omega!

  28. An80sFan says:

    You know, I love the movies, I’ve been a fan sence I was a kid, I didn’t grow up with the cartoons but my bros did and sence then I’ve seen and read it all. Michael Bay has definitely got some skill with directing. All his movies flow nice, the fight scenes always kick ass and he’s given most of the autobots and decepticons the loyalty they deserve.

    A couple things, I’m so glad “the twins” are gone.. even though any real fan knows that they were not the true twins. I’m glad they’re gone though. Megan Fox? She’s hot but chicks come and go.

    The first movie was perfect, aside from the death of Jazz and Megatrons exagerrated size and strenght.

    The second, the only parts I really liked were were just the fight scenes. The rest of the movie was either garbage or crap. A transforming robot girl? Lame. Devs with balls? Stupid. Mini-bots with firing d!cks? Gay. “The twins”? Worst mistake ever. Hatchlings? No thanks. A stoned mommy? Waste of film.

    These movies could be so much better. I guess my biggest thing is, it’s Transformers. It’s not Humans with love issues and shitty parents AND TRANSFORMERS! (WITH BALLS). Even Shia said he thinks Transformers has lost it’s anchor.

    I like Michael Bay but his Humor sucks. And I’m starting to notice he’s not very Fan focused. No one cars if you want Dino Bots Michael. We do.

    I think the third has some massive potential. Shockwave as the main badguy? I guess.. but I’d be pretty upset if the third movie of the trilogy had an end battle that wasn’t Optimus vs. Megatron. I just hope this movie is more Transformers focused, I realize that the humans have a role but I think Bay is giving them too much. I just want to see Ultra Magnus and Grimlock and an end battle scene of Autobots vs Decpticons, no human. Like when the Dicepticons attack the Autobot base on Earth in the 86 film. But.. one can dream, right?

  29. Anthony says:

    I love all the bashers in here. Your all so caught up in the 80′s Transformers your probably waiting for Stan Bush to break out with the “The Touch” and Hot Rod to transform into gay as all hell Rodimus Prime. It’s Fantasy/Science Fiction, your all so hung up with the old comics you can’t see that the first two were great movies and the story lines were not bad. Sure, all Transformer fans want to see the Dinobots, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Insecticons, but they will be for another series or reboot. I don’t see anyone complaining that Omega Supreme or Trypticon isn’t in it? They awesome! But seriously, nobody knows what T3 will be about. Bay could be saying one this and put something completely the opposite out there. Either way, i’ll be happy regardless!

  30. Joe says:

    Shockwave, really? Fine. As long as GALVATRON makes a shocking appearance and kick Prime’s ass to the curb….lol…the open ended ending can be Rodimus Prime lol…

  31. Matt says:

    having been a fan of and growing up with the original cartoons i was sad to see that bay could not keep to the original story of how they actually came to earth and how Sam aka spike was not an engineer like his father (sparkplug).

    I have kept an open mind so far but bay could make the transformers speak english so we can understand what they are saying rather than hearing noises then having to read the sub titles, i may be being quite harsh here but he could do so much more….

    twins (annoying as they are) gone = good move bay
    shockwave as lead bad guy = not such a good move as everyone keeps saying one shall stand one shall fall (not talking bout the fallen either) its always gonna be prime v megatron anything else just isn’t biscuits

    P.S. is it me or was scorponoc in rotf a little small in the original he was the size of a city in his own right

  32. willie jenkins says:

    Look at you booger eaters. Maybe the silliest thread on the internet.

  33. DanIsOnFire says:

    To be honest, im rather suprised that jet-fighter Autobot Breakaway hasn’t been considered… He featured in the ROTF video game, so im suprised that his character hasn’t been drafted for a part in the new film… It would’ve been awesome to see him in an aerial battle against the likes of Starscream…

    Or perhaps better yet, a Space-Shuttle transformer would be brilliant. This would tie in nicely with the Space-Race theme, plus it would be nice to see something a little different.

  34. Air Raid says:

    Hm… I just hopee Bay gets straight and films more of the autobot action. TF2 was waaaaaaaaaaaay to focused on the humans. I wanta actually get a feel for the bots in this film. also, Why hasn’t there been some treachery from StarScream yet? Slag it all, STICK TO THE STORY!!!

  35. These movies suck says:

    These transformer movies have been one giant let down. They are huge massive, stinking, crap piles, of JUNK. They murdered the whole spirit of the lore. All the robots faces look like insects. The designs are so disgusting and not fun at all to look at. The music is ridiculously stupid. The whole thing has been one giant stain in the underwear. The video game WAR FOR CYBERTON should have been the first movie. Then the second movie should have been on earth in the 80′S!!!!!!!! These movies are putrid RUBBISH!!!!!! If I ever saw Michael Bay i would literally tell him off like a mad man. In my opinion they have not made a Transformers movie yet.. I hate these mucked up films so much.

  36. AllHailMegatron says:

    Okay look I as big a TF fan as you can find right down to my Decepticon tatt but from what I have heard (and this is just rumors from a source that was inside the Detroit leg of production) Bay’s idea of bringing in Shockwave was due to the fact the Ultra Magnus and Sentinel Prime are going to show up at last and in a spin off of the All Hail Megatron storyline there would be some final show down on a massive scale which I have heard involves killing Optimus (for good this time I hope), Megatron (because Starscream betrays him….AGAIN!) & Sam (thank god),all of this due to the fact that Bay wants to go out with a bang so to speak and leave the franchise so if someone wants to make another one they have to start back from Bot 1 so to speak and despite the fact I am a hardcore Decepticon I have to say I am disapointed they haven’t done the Dinobots,Stunticons,Aerialbots, or the Combaticons!

  37. george says:

    all you fools should know is soundwave was always megatrons number two and also nobody wants 3d. I want classic transformers soundwave with his cassettes jumping out of his chest. with flying dino bots and longer fight scenes ccccccccccooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee ooooonnnnnnnnnnn bayyyyyyyyyyyyy grow a set and try to be a fan.

  38. ANUBIZ says:


  39. CezarNZ says:

    Would be really cool if there was a large scale showdown between both sides. An epic battle scene/montage showing off all characters from both and matching up autobot to decepticons maybe including past grudge matches from G1. Omega would be cool and soundwave would be ok as the villan AS im sure he did for a time run the decepticons or maybe just a fill in for megatron?. Any way Bring on a large scale battle without the humans in the way so the transformers can go hard…

  40. teenage demon says:

    3rd transformers should be good, 1st was hell ruin.

    megan fox argued with m.b being a bitch. sam.W will help the autobots accronding to optimus prime.

    some people here wt they know is wrong. ive a fan since i was 6 of the manga version transformers. Also the last movie. Iron man 3 will be annonced next year.

  41. Hulk says:

    Shockwave is going to be a badass villian.

    From what ive read that shockwave is a cold, calculating, savage and emotionless killing machine. Also to have such a love for destroying everything and causing death and pain to everyone….

    Megatron thinks hes badass but hes a school girl compared to shockwave.

    Transformers needs a real villian and shockwave is it. =)

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