The Movie Blog UnCut Podcast XMen First Class

We are returning to a more regular schedule for the UnCut Video and Audio podcasts in a more frequent and somewhat shorter format.

Today we are going to tackle the ever speculative cast of Matthew Vaughn’s First Class!

And if you prefer to download the AudioEdition of this podcast, you can Click Here and stream it, or right click that link and “Save target/link as…”

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7 Responses to “The Movie Blog UnCut Podcast XMen First Class”
  1. Travisimo

    I would not be surprised if you were very close. You did not mention Storm. Just wondering where she would fit in. Great podcast!

  2. Yamo

    Great podcast Rodney good poicks but i thought one of the mutant in the cage in X-Men Origins: Wolverine was Quicksilver.

  3. Matt Keith

    Great podcast. Do you think Sabertooth will show up, maybe towards the end and join Magneto?

  4. No Khan

    First CLASS needs to ignore the other movies.

    • Rodney

      And yet for every reason it won’t.

      There is NO reason to make a non-canon First Class film. It would confuse the casual viewers who’s only exposure to the X-Men might be the films.

      Sorry, you just are not right. At all. Fox will make this in line with its existing franchise.

  5. joe

    the one mutan that was shaking in the cage i acuall read about somewhere and they said who he was i unfortuanlly cant rememebr who they said it was but i know that it wasnt avalanch i beileve it was one that could run really fast i dont now if it was quicksilver but that is the only one that is coming to my mind right now

  6. Jeff

    X-men 1 and 2 were actually pretty good despite most of the irrelelvant changes they made from the comics. But the Last Stand and Wolverine were just terrible movies and indroduced way too many plot holes. Also they kill off Cyclops and Xavier… Seriously? They killed off Cyclops because James Marsden wanted to have that tiny role in Superman? Ridiculous! And I dont care that Xavier was still alive in a comatose body after the credits. They need to just redo the series and it should be done by Marvel Studios not idiotic Fox who just wants to sell tickets instead of making a quality movie with a good story that us 20/30 something year old nerds can appreciate.

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