The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer Online

A new full trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader is online

I love how despite the lack of Disney involvement, this is going to fit nicely with the first two. A little part of me hopes that this does really well at the Boxoffice after the House of Mouse decided it wasn’t worth taking the risk on.

It does look good.

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13 Responses to “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer Online”
  1. Slushie Man

    Loving what I’m seeing. I also love how well the look of it fits in perfectly with the first two movies.

  2. kal07

    who is that white fairy at 1:30?

    • Jim

      Probably Ramandu’s daughter from the chapter “The Three Sleepers.”

  3. lil

    Best Narnia book in my opinion, but I`m not sure about the trailer.
    It just seems like they lost the story in all the “great fate” stuff.

  4. Chris

    The trailer looks awesome. Can’t wait

  5. Ed

    Im surprised Susan and Peter are there, didn’t Aslan say they wouldn’t be able to come back because they’ve learned all they can from Narnia?

    • Scott

      Until I saw them at the end of the trailer, I was going to ask what happened to the two older siblings (I have seen Prince Caspian, and loved it, but it’s been a while). Now that you mention that they aren’t supposed to come back, it may be a case of they are only allowed back to help fight the big battle at the end? Personally, Peter was always my favorite so it’s going to be hard to enjoy the movie if I am not seeing him the whole time.

      Also, I know actors get older, but each time I see a Narnia film, I can’t help but to be shocked at how much older each character gets. The littlest one was so little in the first. The second she got older but other than being the “I told you so” character she didn’t do much. Unless she steps up and is more responsible now, then I don’t know if I can look forward to two something hours of Edmund/Prince Caspian doing all the fighting and the youngest sitting in the background.

  6. JM

    Disney can suck it. This looks wonderful. Better than Prince Caspian ever did, anyway.
    I should re-read the book now…

  7. Matt

    I think it looks really good, but why the Disney hate? I can’t wait for Toy Story 3!

    I never saw Prince Caspian…but I should. Reepicheep is awesome.

    • Jake

      There is a HUGE difference between Disney and Pixar. Pixar puts out incredible films. Disney puts out questionable films.

    • Rodney

      Its not Disney hate, but when someone walks away from an established series mid way through the run because they dont think its worth the risk, just rooting for the underdog you kind of hope whoever picks it up proves them wrong.

  8. 420BAND

    This does look really good.

  9. matt

    having seen the ‘dawn treader’ on set and on location during various filming stages down under I must say I love seeing how it has been transformed from a static object on a gimble to a sea faring vessel of narnia.

    The trailer looks good, from all I’ve heard the rest of the bits in between should be equally as good ;)

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