Suicide Girls Must Die Trailer Online

Suicide Girls have set alternative goth and funky style to a pinup artform, and now they have their own movie.

Being hailed as the first reality horror film, we are expected to believe that while the Suicide Girls were on location doing a shoot on a remote island that their own start going missing and the camera crew sent to cover the event are just taking footage of their apparent tragedy.

I don’t know if I buy the “no script” part, as it seems that in any reality (which most horror films ignore) if someone was to go missing on an island like this, they wouldnt be going into “take care of this ourselves” crisis mode.

So while I am always up for a movie where really hot girls prance around in skimpy outfits, I just can’t grasp this as a “reality horror”

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10 Responses to “Suicide Girls Must Die Trailer Online”
  1. JonathanCranescameoreturns

    Well, i dont buy it. It looks more like Sorority Row meets Sorority Row. How dumber it gets, how more braincells the viewer will lose.

    • Rodney

      I find delicious irony in the grammar of your comment and the message you intended to deliver.

      • Dan

        HAHA! It’s Like reading Mad Libs

      • Jon

        I know im late with this but it looks like someone failed their English grammar course.

  2. Danny

    I don’t think its a case of not buying reality horror I think its a case of not buying into the “reality” angle that like every show under the sun is trying to push these days.

    I’m still trying to figure out how “real” it is for 7 people to be chosen at random (well in the early days it at least seemed to be random but now its like the producers specifically try to pick the 7 people who will develop the juciest storylines), given jobs, given a pretty damn nice house that just happens to be in the middle of a major city, and live for appoxiamately 4 months before going back to their real(???) lives.

    Point is there hasn’t been an actual reality show since COPS. The cops and crooks on that show didn’t plot that sh!t out just so it could be recorded. Those crimes, chases, and busts were gonna go down whether or not there were cameras rolling. I wonder what the odds are of the things that happen in a season of The Real World happening if it wasn’t recorded and broadcast to millions of people.

  3. bigsampson

    I cant stand SG for the main fact that its hipster BS. Its just some stupid trend that has been around for years just now they exploit it. So you look like a dirty lesbian tatted freak… still have big titties which is what sells. Why label it suicide to…i mean doesnt it seem a bit rude. I mean lots of people have had family members commit suicide yet these fake women try to play this stereotype to make money etc etc etc

    • Rodney

      They are called Suicide Girls because it appeals to the emo crowd.

      Besides its just a name. Best Buy isn’t always the best buy, Circuit City wasn’t a city, and is 50cent worth a half dollar? (ok maybe to me)

      I think you are going out of your way to find something wrong with them. They are pinup models, and regardless of what style they choose they can choose whatever name they want. Your just making yourself mad at it.

      The point is that this doesn’t seem all that interesting, but it might have had SOME effect if they didnt go out of the way to tell you there is no script. Because it looks like there is.

      Anyone else in that situation would act completely different.


        No script just means they weren’t given lines to “say”. It doesn’t mean they weren’t told not to “act” or not given direction.

  4. jj

    couldnt they get sued for false advertising, and this movie gives me a uncomfortable feeling in my stomach , it so generic

    • Rodney

      While there is a lot of rampant and pointless suing over nothing in the US, this is not something you can just sue for because they said it in a trailer.

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