Archive for June, 2010

Magnolia Pictures Looks To Pick Up Rap Documentary With Joaquin Pheonix

Most of you probably remember the random and interesting news that Joaquin Pheonix was not only leaving acting but had decided to become a serious rapper instead. The news not only confused people but his appearance on the David Letterman show made people wonder if it was all a joke or did he actually take himself seriously. Shortly after, people started noticing Casey Affleck following Joaquin Pheonix around with a camera telling people he was filming a documentary of Joaquin’s transition from Film to Music.

Well, according to that documentary may get picked up from Magnolia Pictures after certain representatives of the company sat down and watched the documentary on their lunch break. Reports

The film apparently had a massive effect on those from the studio who saw it during a lunchtime screening at WME Entertainment last month. Apparently the crazy shit that went on during the documentary won them over. Scenes like Phoenix snorting what looked like coke off the boob of a prostitute. Amongst other things like lots of full frontal male nudity, an oral sex scene, ordering call girls, being abusive to assistants, and someone pooping on Phoenix while passed out. Yikes.

I must say that description of the documentary seems like something I would not be interested in seeing, but It’s Joaquin Pheonix and Casey Affleck. They’re both extremely talented and I feel that this “Mocumentary” is going to have a deeper meaning to it then just sex/drugs. I just hope after all this time, we can finally watch a trailer soon to get a grasp of what this film is all about. For those of you unaware of Joaquin’s transition to rap I have posted two interviews below where he discusses it.

First Photos from The Green Hornet

Quick update guys. It seems Columbia Pictures has released the first two photos from The Green Hornet. And it appears that the trailer will debut tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and then later online.

The Green Hornet is scheduled for release on January 14, 2011. Michael Gondry directs Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz, Jay Chou, Tom Wilkinson and Christoph Waltz.

Enjoy the photos thanks to Yahoo! Movies…

I like Seth Rogen, but I’m not sure about seeing him on a Green Hornet movie. I like that Diaz, Wilkinson and Waltz are on the cast. This will help the movie out hopefully. I wasn’t a hardcore fan of past editions, but I do remember enjoying some parts of the 1960’s one that included Bruce Lee as Kato. For now, I’m on the fence…and probably watch.

What do you guys think?

Marvel Mini-Movies?

We all know about Marvel’s big schedule plans for their main A-List superheroes. But what about the B-List ones?

A while back, there was a rumor that Marvel was toying with the idea of producing movies for this “not as popular” heroes with a budget around the $20-$40 million range. After that, silence ruled until now. Apparently, Marvel is now toying with the idea of producing 10-minute short films to maybe play in front of other tent pole movies, or even before any A-List superhero movie.

JoBlo reports:

Latino Review is reporting that Marvel Studios is in talks to introduce some of their second-tier characters through a series of 10-minute short films that would run before some of their upcoming features (like THOR and CAPTAIN AMERICA). Exactly which characters will be highlighted remains unclear but Latino mentions Black Panther, Luke Cage and Dr. Strange. Not surprisingly, these are some of the same characters mentioned along with the rumors that Marvel is producing some lower-budgeted movies around secondary characters.

I like this idea. Financially it makes sense. Artistically, maybe hardcore fans of these superheroes won’t be that thrilled. That’s understandable. But hey, if I were them, I’d prefer to have a great 10-minute short than to have nothing at all.

I can see this working…What about you guys? If done, what B-List Marvel hero would you want to get a 10-minute short?

Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides Story Details

Disney has just posted some interesting details on Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides via a press release. has posted the details. Beware, there may be spoilers below

According to the house of mouse via

In this action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise, Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), and he’s not sure if it’s love-or if she’s a ruthless con artist who’s using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn’t know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

The full press release is quite long and full of less story-driven details following the leak. It’s recommended reading for Pirates fans.

This sounds, to me, like a better sequel to the original than Dead Man’s Chest was. I like that they’re truly refocusing the series around Sparrow, and keeping the drama first and the magic/fantasy secondary.

Still, my hopes for this are pretty low. The first Pirates is one of my favorite adventure films of all time, but the sequels to me were just prolonged torture with one amazing sequence per film (the paddle-wheel swordfight and Jack Sparrow’s personal hell, of course). Here’s hoping 4 is a worthy successor to 1.

Weekend Boxoffice Report - June 18th-20th

It was no surprise that Toy Story 3 just owned the boxoffice this weekend, delievering a film for children of all ages.

Boxoffice Mojo reports the estimates:

Toy Story 3 - $109,000,000 - Opening
The Karate Kid - $29,000,000 - 2wks
The A-Team - $13,775,000 - 2wks
Get Him to the Greek - $6,117,000 - 3wks
Shrek Forever After - $5,520,000 - 5wks

In recent weeks there wasn’t such a gap in the boxoffice draw of these films, with with a Pixar release I figured they would bend that curve a little. Then having it be a sequel to their most successful franchise? No brainer.

Seeing last weeks nostalgia-fest hit the second and third spot was also unexpected, and get him to the Greek seemed to be the only “adult” alternative to the kiddie fest this end of June season typically brings. Summer holidays are here, and the family friendly films are stacked knee high at the theaters.

Pixar’s previous record for an opening weekend was The Incredibles with an impressive $70m which Toy Story 3 clearly crushed. I wonder if an Incredibles sequel would raise that bar? Or could Cars 2 take that title first?

Amanda Bynes Retires from Acting at 24

24 is a very young age to hit retirement, but I wish I had the means to do so when I was that age. And that is exactly what Amanda Bynes is doing.

Losing her love for the work she has spent all of her growing years doing, Amanda Bynes has announced her retirement from acting.

Worst Previews delivers:

Bynes stated that she has lost the passion for movies. “I don’t love acting anymore so I’ve stopped doing it,” she said. “Being an actress isn’t as fun as it may seem. I’ve never written the movies and tv shows I’ve been apart of, I’ve only acted like the characters the producers or directors wanted me to play.”

She added: “If I don’t love something anymore I stop doing it. I know 24 is a young age to retire but you heard it here first: I’ve retired.”

While I can respect that the young actress has every right to step away from a job that she hates, and she has the financial resources to live modestly without working for a long time.

Bynes will next be seen in Easy A, where at least in the trailer she looks very overly made up and plastic. It is her only film in development which has finished filming already. So it seems she wont be taking on new jobs.

Her comment about not writing her roles, which might hint to what she might try next. Or she might just enjoy life for a while.

I have always enjoyed Bynes on screen, and I wonder how this will impact the long proposed Hairspray sequel? I thought her character in that film was the most fun I have ever seen her.

First Look at Puss in Boots and Kitty

While Shrek Forever After was slated to be the last and final Shrek film, the land of Far Far Away is not lost to the silver screen entirely.

A planned spinoff film featuring Antonio Banderas’ suave swashbuckling cat Puss in Boots is in the works, and the studio has issued our first look at his emotional rival - Kitty.

The love story between anthropomorphic cats will launch Dreamworks effort to keep the world of Shrek alive without the awkward ogre, and Puss is as good of a character as any to pass the torch to. I felt the fat Puss in Forever After was wasted, so this gives us another taste.

I agree that Shrek’s story had more than run its course and to make more would be less and less inviting. A spinoff would be the only way of making this work.


Anderson and Jaffe join Scream 4

It seems that two more names are added to the Scream 4 roster, and these two I am guessing will be added to the victims list.

First up is Marielle Jaffe, who’s previous film credits include such notable role as Aphrodite girl #6 in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif. But she is plenty hot, so hopefully she will be in lingerie when she meets her untimely demise.

Second is a more recognizable face of Anthony Anderson. He might not seem that big of a name, but aside from role’s in Transformers and some Barkowiak’s action flicks (Romeo Must Die, Exit Wounds, Cradle 2 the Grave) But more interestingly, is that he had roles in the third and fourth film of the Scary Movie franchise which owes its spoof material mostly in part to the Scream films.

Odd that he would first be seen spoofing Scream, then later star in its fourth chapter.


WB Acquires Screen Rights to Ready Player One

Ernie Cline wrote one of the most amusing and heartfelt geek tributes I have seen with Fanboys, and now his book Ready Player One has been picked up to be made into a film.

RamaScreen gives us the plot:

In the near future, outcast teenager Wade Watts escapes from his bleak surroundings by logging in to the OASIS, a globally networked virtual utopia where users can lead idyllic alternate lives. When the eccentric billionaire who created the OASIS dies, he offers up his vast fortune as the prize in an elaborate treasure hunt. Along with gamers from around the world, Wade joins the adventure, and quickly finds himself pitted against powerful corporate foes and other ruthless competitors who will do anything, in the oasis or the real world, to reach the treasure first.

Sounds a lot like the escapism of Second Life, and crossing it over with a real life adventure to secure the rights to the empire in Willy Wonka type inheritance sounds like it could be a blast.

I really enjoyed Fanboys and I really felt that Ernie Cline didn’t just understand fandom, but that he exists deep in its heart. I think if anyone was to handle this, he could offer some insight into the dark recesses of video game escapism.

Now they have just bought the rights to it. We will have to wait and see if they greenlight a film based on it. At very least, I will be sure to pick up the book.

Cat Shit One Apocalypse Meow Trailer Online

Violence against animals is bad. Unless its other animals, other animals with semi-automatic weapons, sniper rifles and machine guns. Oh, and bazookas.

A while back we offered a teaser for a new Japanese animated series with the appropriately children friendly name of Cat Shit One: Apocalypse Meow. And now in all its language barrier glory, another trailer is online.

No, its not for a movie. But I don’t really care. Did you see that? Its awesome. If I had a clue what they were saying I am sure it would be awesome too. That and I am utterly certain when they make a video game Adaptation of this called “Call of Doodie: Cat Shit One” I will be first in line to buy it.


Blomkamp to Direct The Hobbit?

Oh the rumour wheel left a black streak of burnt rubber on my internet this morning as the world proclaims that Neill Blomkamp is secretly signed on to direct The Hobbit.

Cinemablend offers:

The One Ring has picked up something from a spy who tells them that Neill Blomkamp is on board to direct The Hobbit. They haven’t been able to verify the rumor yet, but they seem pretty confident, and when it comes to Middle Earth, there’s no one better about getting this stuff right than them. They speculate that if he’s hired, the studio may simply be keeping it under wraps in order to announce his hiring at the fast approaching San Diego Comic Con in July.

While I tend to agree that One Ring is not the kind of site to fling rumours so casually, but I don’t want to jump to the conclusion that Blomkamp might direct The Hobbit.

Not saying that he won’t do it, but its not the type of thing he has said he wants to do. Blomkamp has already attested that he doesn’t want to do big Hollywood films where the studio would interfere with his creativity. But money changes things like artistic integrity.

But it might all be for nothing as the fate of The Hobbit is still hinging on MGM getting their shrimp together.

Elvira Mistress of the Dark Returns to Movie Macabre

Fewer personalities in horror have the presence of Shlock Horror Queen Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, known for her Vampira ripoff act and massive mammories.

And now 17 years after her show Movie Macabre was canceled (which featured B Horror films hosted and interupted by commentary by Elvira) a new version will hit the small screen this fall.

DreadCentral shares:

According to Elvira’s B-Log “Elvira’s Movie Macabre” will be officially making its return to television this fall with all NEW episodes! All dates, times, and channels are TBA later this summer. The show is syndicated (national) so times and channels will depend on your area/market.

Well some things never age and artificial breasts are one of them. Given the wonder of modern makeup, the now aging Cassandra Peterson will be gothing it up again in an updated version of her show.

The best part about the show was the not so subtle inuendo and puns that were actually clever. It wasn’t just a busty goth vampiress introducing the shows, her dialogue was seductively smart, which added to her appeal.

I look forward to seeing what they do with her show for this entirely new generation. Maybe Peterson should pass the torch to Marina Orlova who seems to be mixing the same personality and brains with less than subtle sexuality.

The American - Trailer #2

I love assassin movies. I even remember liking the 1995 Stallone/Banderas, Assassins flick. (Actually, some nifty sequences for that movie were filmed down here in Puerto Rico). But moving along. There’s this little indie film that I’ve been following along on the internet called The American. George Clooney stars as an aging assassin hiding in Italy, preparing for he’s last mission ever. I’m really excited about it. I love movies like this.

Enjoy the new 2nd trailer thanks to CinemaBlend.

What do you guys think? Diggin’ Clooney in this role? I am.

Trailer for Conviction

Sam Rockwell and Hillary Swank star in the upcoming drama “Conviction.”

IMDB reports

A working mother puts herself through law school in an effort to represent her brother, who has been wrongfully convicted of murder and has exhausted his chances to appeal his conviction through public defenders

This film looks oscar worthy, and very compelling. Sam Rockwell is a gold-mine of talent and when combined with Hillary Swank I believe this film will be nothing but spectacular. Of course, this is just a trailer but it just looks to be quite promising. Thoughts?

Forgotten Friday Roundup!!

Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

Of course every week I get someone who reminds me how the film I am talking about isn’t really “forgotten” despite the description. but here are all the ones I could find in the archive.

Take a look at what we have featured in the past!

Former lawman Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and friend Doc Holliday settle in the town of Tombstone in order to lead a profitable and peaceful life but soon come into conflict with the Cowboys, a band of outlaws led by the Clanton brothers. This retelling of the Earp/Clanton feud also follows up the gunfight at the O.K. Corral with a look at the bloody consequences of the showdown

Highlight: Val Kilmer

On the Right Track
Lester is a homeless shoeshine boy living in a railway station. He’s got this funny knack for picking the winning horses’ names out of the paper while shining shoes. When word gets around, though, everyone wants a piece of the action.

Highlight: Gary Coleman

The Empire Strikes Back
The Rebellion has struck a critical blow against the Empire, but the war is not over with the destruction of the Death Star. The secret Rebel Base on Hoth is discovered and the Empire intends to squash this resistance. On the run the Rebellion tries to gather its forces while Luke Skywalker retreats to the swamp planet of Dagobah to begin his Jedi training, a group of Bounty Hunters are sent to capture Princess Leia and the crew of the Millenium Falcon.

Highlight: Star Wars!

Gangs of New York
Having seen his father killed in a major gang fight in New York, young Amsterdam Vallon is spirited away for his own safety. Some years later, he returns to the scene of his father’s death, the notorious Five Points district in New York. It’s 1863 and lower Manhattan is run by gangs, the most powerful of which is the Natives, headed by Bill “The Butcher” Cutting. He believes that America should belong to native-born Americans and opposes the waves of immigrants, mostly Irish, entering the city. It’s also the time of the Civil War and forced conscription leads to the worst riots in US history. Amid the violence and corruption, young Vallon tries to establish himself in the area and also seek revenge over his father’s death

Highlight: DiCaprio as always!

The Basketball Diaries
Film adaptation of street tough Jim Carroll’s epistle about his kaleidoscopic free fall into the harrowing world of drug addiction. As a member of a seemingly unbeatable high school basketball squad, Jim’s life centers around the basketball court and the court becomes a metaphor for the world in his mind. A best friend who is dying of leukemia, a coach (“Swifty”) who takes unacceptable liberties with the boys on his team, teenage sexual angst, and an unhealthy appetite for heroin — all of these begin to encroach on young Jim’s dream of becoming a basketball star.

Highlight: DiCaprio as always!

No Retreat No Surrender
Jason Stillwell, a Bruce Lee fan, is beaten numerous times and trains from the ghost of Lee. Jason then must use his newly acquired skills to save Seattle from a crime syndicate, whose top martial artist is the deadly Ivan.

Highlight: Ghost Bruce Lee

Adam and Barbara are a normal couple, who happen to be dead. They have given their precious time to decorate the house and make it their own, but unfortunately a family are moving in, and not quietly. Adam and Barbara try to scare them out, but ends up becoming the main attraction to the money making family. They call upon Beetlejuice to help, but Beetlejuice has more in more in mind than the just helping.

Highlight: Day-Oh!

War Games
A young computer whiz kid accidentally connects into a top secret super-computer which has complete control over the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It challenges him to a game between America and Russia, and he innocently starts the countdown to World War 3. Can he convince the computer he wanted to play a game and not the real thing ?

Highlight: Broderick as always!

In the far future, man has destroyed the Earth in the “Seven Days of Fire”. Now, there are small pockets of humanity that survive. One pocket is the Valley of Wind where a princess named Nausicaä tries to understand, rather than destroy the Toxic Jungle.
Originally released as Warriors of the Wind in the US, this film is a lighter version of the grander story told in Hayao Miyazaki’s Manga, but still the uncut original release dubbed in English.

Highlight: Studio Ghibli’s best (my opinion)

A socially inept fourteen year old experiences heartbreak for the first time when his two best friends–one an older-brother figure, the other a girl with whom he is in love– fall for each other

Highlight: Corey Haim

A millionaire wants to turn a golf course into a new property development, but the president of the golf club doesn’t like the idea. This is the basic ‘plot’ which hides behind the many antics of the employees and players on the golf course.

Highlight: The Gopher!

Maax is a twisted cult leader out to steal the thrown of King Zed, but when Zed banishes Maax, he sends one of his three witches to steal Zed’s unborn son. Ripping him right out of his mother’s womb with magic and placing it a cow’s womb, she took him to die. But a brave hunter killed the witch and rescued the young boy. Naming him Dar, they find out at a young age that he possess the power to communicate with animals. But Maax sends his thugs called the horde to wipe out his peaceful village, thanks to a brave dog Dar survived again and makes plans on using his powers to kill Maax to avenge his people and his foster Father.

Highlight: The Ferrets!!

Red Sonja
After her family is murdered a young woman named Red Sonja becomes a master of the sword and seeks revenge on the evil queen responsible for the mayhem that has befallen her. Also, it seems the queen has stolen a powerful, carefully guarded, glowing orb right before it was meant to be destroyed, one that has powers of its’ own, allowing for the possessor to control elemental forces and call down storms and earthquakes, if they so wish. Kalidor, one of the individuals in place to oversee the destruction of the orb, joins forces with Red Sonja, as their paths may differ, but they ultimately lead to the same place. An impudent, young prince named Tarn and his guard/manservant Falkon, whose kingdom was unceremoniously wiped out by Gerden as a test for her newfound powers, soon joins them.

Highlight: Bridgette Neilson

Two trains crash somewhere in Russia, one carrying a nuclear payload. A nuclear explosion follows the crash and the world is on alert… However, White House nuclear expert Dr. Julia Kelly doesn’t think it was an accident… Special Forces Intelligence Officer Colonel Thomas Devoe doesn’t think so either… Together they must unravel a conspiracy that goes from Europe to New York, to stop a terrorist who has no demands.

In Mel Brooks grand tradition of genre spoofs, this one takes on the space opera that pokes fun at other films of the genre, but is primarily poking at Star Wars.
When a Druish Princess (from the planet Druidia) is kidnapped and held ransom by the militant Spaceballs, King Roland hires rogue ruffian Lone Starr and his co-pilot Mog Barfolomew to rescue her. Lone Starr has troubles of his own from the infamous Pizza the Hutt, and therefore takes on the task in hopes of paying off his debts.

Highlight: Star Wars spoof without offending Fans!

Barney is a student/science lab nerd who obtains telekinetic powers after a lab accident. Along with his best friend Peyton Nichols (Willie Aames), a wealthy playboy with a dirty mind, Barney uses his new powers for no better reasons than beating up bullies, cheating at sports and stripping girls, particularly co-star Heather Thomas.

Highlight: Scott Baio, boobies.

Roger Cobb is a Vietnam vet. Whose career as a horror novelist has taken a turn for the worse when his son Jimmy mysteriously disappears while visiting his aunt’s house. Roger’s search for Jimmy destroys his marriage and his writing career. The sudden death of his aunt brings Roger back to the house where his nightmares began. The evil zombies in the house force Roger to endure a harrowing journey into his past.

Highlight: A comedy horror that was silly and creepy.

Friday the 13th
A classic horror film that features a group of camp counsellors preparing for the season, and partying it up until mysteriously one at a time they are disappearing. A masked killer is hunting and killing these rebellious young boys and girls for their indiscretions.

Highlight: Back when Slasher films were scary.

Pet Semetary
When the Creeds’ cat dies and they bury it in the Pet Semetary found near their new home, their cat comes back to life with a mean streak. Later when their boy Gage is run over by a transport, out of desperation they bury him in the Pet Semetary hoping to bring him back. He is brought back to life, but its not their son who comes back.

Highlight: Scariest kid EVER.

Johnny Dangerously
Johnny Dangerously is a New York City gangster who plays by a cleaner set of rules. Johnny hiding his true criminal occupation from his mother and brother until his little brother finally becomes the district attourney and announces his cruade against organized crime.

Highlight: Fraggin Bastidges and Iceholes!

Adventures in Babysitting
When Chris Parker is stood up on her date, she accepts the offer to babysit. What should be a routine night of babysitting turns into chaos as Chris’ friend attempts to “run away” and finds herself in the city at a bus station. Chris agrees to go get her but nothing is as easy as it sounds.

Highlight: Elizabeth Shue, Thor.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Janey loves to dance, and moves to Chicago where her favourite Dance TV show is recorded. She finds out that there are auditions to become cast members, and makes the final rounds. She has to hide her dance practices from her parents who do not approve.

Highlight: Very young Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt

Cool as Ice
In the category of “So bad its good” this involuntary comedy was supposed to be a teen romance flick featuring white rapper Vanilla Ice. Everytime they try to be cool, it ends up even more and more amusing. There might even be a story about a girl who’s family is under witness protection who gets discovered by the people they are hiding from.

Highlight: Drop the Zero and get with the Hero

The first truly comedic role for Sylvester Stallone that should have earned him an Oscar. Angelo “Snaps” Provalone is a gangster in the height of prohibition. On his father’s deathbed, Snaps promises to go straight. The chaos that ensues in the day of his legitimacy as a banker is hard to miss.

Highlight: Stallone is very funny. Everything in this movie is a highlight.

A Scottish man in 1518 discovers that he is immortal and belongs to a secret group of immortals who throughout history have been hunting and killing each other (only way is to cut off the immortal’s head) Finally in modern day the number of immortals is down to few, and there can only be one.

Highlight: Queen Soundtrack - There should only be one.

My Cousin Vinnie
When two young college kids take a road trip to head to school they are mistaken for someone who commited a murder in a similar vehicle. During a misunderstanding over a confession over stealing a can of tuna, they find themselves facing trial for murder. Without legal council, one of the boys calls on his unorthodox Brooklyn ruffian cousin who recently passed the bar.

Highlight: Everything Joe Pesci says.

John Hughes
This week I decided to feature a number of John Hughes films as he died days before. We feature Uncle Buck, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, Pretty in Pink, Some Kind of Wonderful, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Vacation, Mr. Mom,

Highlight: John Hughes

St Trinian’s
A school for girls continues to represent to unacceptable face of education as chaos rules the school. While the education minister decides to clean up their act, it is discovered that the school owes a great deal of money and its owner wants to sell. The girls mount an adventure to steal a priceless painting to save the school.

Highlight: Gemma Arterton’s first feature film.

A medieval tale of magic and honour. A young theif finds himself in the employ of a former Knight who is out for revenge against the evil Bishop who has cursed him to transform into a wolf at night while his lover transforms into a Hawk during the day.

Highlight: Matthew Broderick’s chats with God.

First Knight
The story of the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot as they meet Lancelot for the first time. Lancelot catches the eye of King Arthur as a bold and brave fighter but also tempts Lady Guinevere who is engaged to become Queen.

Highlight: Sean Connery is King.

American Flyers
An emotional story of two brothers who decide to bond while competing in a gruelling cycling race, only to find that one of them has a life threatening disease.

Highlight: Sports and an emotional story

Noises Off!
A hillarious behind the scenes look at the chaos and conflict that ensues while a rag tag bunch of flawed personalities attempt to put on a stage production.

Highlight: Ensemble Cast - Carol Burnett: I can’t see that far with this leg!

Back when rollerskating was at its height of popularity, this post apocalyptic adventure has a group of skateball players escaping a militaristic orphanage to follow the mysterious orb.

Highlight: A very young Adrian Pasadar and Jami Gertz

The Fifth Element
Every five thousand years, the ultimate evil returns to devour all life on earth, but the ancients have the ultimate weapon against evil. The Fifth Element. But can they assemble the weapon before the ultimate evil arrives?

Highlight: Enjoying Chris Tucker

The Power of One
The story follows the life of PK, a young english boy raised in South Africa during aparthied. His strong moral upbringing makes him an involuntary symbol of hope against racism.

Highlight: The Setting, Morgan Freeman - great story.

Galaxy Quest
Tim Allen stars in this light spoof of Star Trek fandom, and the cast of a fan favourite scifi show are recruited by aliens who mistake their program for real events, and enlist them to save their race from a merciless warrior dictator.

Highlight: Spoofing Star Trek

The Santa Clause Trilogy
A divorcee startles Santa Claus and inadvertantly triggers his demise. When he puts on the hat and coat he discovers he has qualified the clause and becomes Santa himself!

Highlight: I love Tim Allen family films and Elizabeth Mitchell

Clash of the Titans
An adaptation of the Greek myths set against the cutting edge technology of claymation. Follow Perseus as he sets out on a quest to save Andromeda from the Kracken!

Highlight: Stop motion animation integrated with Live Action

Dream a Little Dream
A teenager and old man switch bodies when the rebellious youth interupts a new age mediation ritual, trapping the old man in the highschooler’s body, and the teen in the old man’s dream world.

Highlight: Two Coreys, Hot girl, Dance number!

Ronald Neame Passes Away at 99

Ronald Neame passed away this wednesday due to complications from a fall. Ronald Neame directed the original “The Poseidon Adventure” and “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.”

Ronald was not just known as a Director but as a Jack Of All Trades for the movie industry, which included writing and visual effects.

Nominated for three Oscars in 1947 and 1948 for screenwriting and special effects for sound. Ronald was a hard working and passionate film maker and he will be missed. In honor of the late Ronald Neame take a minute and enjoy the trailer for “The Poseidon Adventure,” and feel free to pay your respects in the comments below.

Review: Toy Story 3

Thanks for checking out our Toy Story 3 review

Genre: Animated Comedy
Directed by: Lee Unkrich
Staring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Ned Beatty, Don Rickles, Michael Keaton, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Estelle Harris
Released: June 18th, 2010


Andy is now 17 and ready to head off to college, leaving Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the toy-box gang to ponder their uncertain futures. When the toys are accidentally donated to the Sunnyside Daycare center they’re initially overjoyed to once again be played with, but their enthusiasm quickly gives way to horror as they discover the true nature of the establishment under the rule of the deceptively welcoming “Lotso” Bear. Now, all of the toys must band together in one final, crazy scheme to escape their confines and return home to Andy.


As light as a concept of Toys coming to life when you are not looking, this franchise has so much heart. The films all deal with some pretty emotional subject matter that affect kids as they grow. The first film hit the emotional attachment to the toys which we feel as we see their real personalities - but Andy creates his own attachement to toys that are not talking and interacting with him, but is not less real. This remains a theme throughout all three movies and I am happy to say explores just as deep, if not MORE emotionally connecting this time out.

The first half of the movie is good, and I was starting to worry that it would just be more of the same. And Toy Story 1&2 are not bad things to be the same as, but when hoping for more same is almost bad. But in the second half. Holy poop does it deliver.

The characters are all wonderful and the core gang of playthings all return. They are as good as they are supposed to be, which is great. But the new characters work awesome too. Ken really steals the show as the new fun character to love to see. Lotsa Huggin is as contradictorially evil but his motivations are noble if a little skewed. You are sympathetic to his cause even though it works against what our Toy heroes want.

One scene I was worried about was if they were going to beat the “Buzz thinks he is real” angle to death. It was revisited in the sequel, and hinted at when he is reset into Spanish. But that turned out to be the funniest part of the movie for me. When he gets his voice back, I was not the only one in the theater laughing out loud.

The animation style was great as expected. And this time instead of opening the film with Andy playing with the toys, jostling them around in his own imaginary play, we see a “real” interaction of the toys in a real setting, which reveals itself to be in imagination. The quality of course has improved over the last two, but if it didn’t I would have called that a fault!


I would have a hard time trying to find fault in this movie. The only things I would say are even a surface concern is that there are some very impacting scenes that deal with the mortality of toys that might be upsetting for younger audiences, but work to build depth for older children (like me). Also that it took almost half the movie before it really knocked my socks off (which made up for the high standard held in the first half) it was good before it was great, and I would have liked great the whole way through.


Honestly I went into this with VERY high standards, and quite expected it not to live up. Thankfully for me it did. Everything about this movie works for the franchise, for the adventure for the overall story being told. The movie does end “open” for more, but if they never made another film this closes it out nicely with a finality I can rest easy with.

This is added to my “Movies that made me cry” list, and snuggles up almost inappropriately behind my favourite movie of the year thus far (How to Train your Dragon)

I give Toy Story 3 a 9 out of 10

Review: Jonah Hex

Thanks for checking out our Jonah Hex review

Genre: Action Comic Book
Directed by: Jimmy Hayward
Staring: Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Michael Fassbender, Will Arnett
Released: June 18th, 2010


Jonah Hex is a scarred drifter and bounty hunter of last resort, a tough and stoic gunslinger who can track down anyone… and anything. Having survived death, Jonah’s violent history is steeped in myth and legend, and has left him with one foot in the natural world and one on the “other side.” His only human connection is with Lila, whose life in a brothel has left her with scars of her own. Jonah’s past is about to catch up with him when the U.S. military makes him an offer he can’t refuse: in exchange for his freedom from the warrants on his head, he must track down and stop the dangerous terrorist Quentin Turnbull. But Turnbull, who is gathering an army and preparing to unleash Hell, is also Jonah’s oldest enemy and will stop at nothing until Jonah is dead.


Josh Brolin NAILS Jonah Hex so well. His presence, personality, kickassery. All of it. He plays off the stoic and grouchy man on a mission perfectly. They couldn’t have asked for a better man to play this part. But one man won’t win the whole game for you. Its a team effort. This team should have been traded.

There is a lot of fluffy action and some one liners that make this movie fun at least in that aspect. For the popcorn quality of it, there are enough fisticuffs, gunfights and explosions to make you pay attention. But that’s all it has going for it aside from the perfect performance of Josh Brolin.

Oh, and the opening credits are actually pretty well done.


Ok… are you comfortable?

First off, every good adventure movie needs a good villain, and while the motives and actions of the villain are well thought out, John Malkovich is misserably terrible at portraying him. Yes, I get the reasons why he does what he does, and he honestly thinks he is doing the “right” thing in the processs, but never once is he an appealing personality or presence. In the end he is just the badguy and inconsequential. He is there because we need a badguy. Completely missed out opportunity with an actor who does know better.

Megan Fox was certainly eyecandy, but they could edit the movie without her in it and it would be no better or worse. She just didn’t matter. Her acting is about what we expect, and she does look like a whore. I just wish they didn’t involve her as the sidekick. Unneccessary.

And now I know that this is supposed to be an alternative western based on a comic book, so its not going to be traditional. But the comic played the supernatural IN the Wild West and didn’t screw around with the setting. They took the other stuff and brought it along with a traditional world and it worked. Having the high tech weaponry that simply did not exist back then (dynamite crossbow might as well have been a grenade launcher) distracted me, and the rock music was the steel toed boot that fully kicked me straight out of the setting. Dammit that made me think that it was pretty much a modern era movie that took place in a Civil War re-enactment fantasy camp (many of the extras were in fact re-enactment enthusiasts)

And the pacing of the movie is erratic. When its up, it bangs right through. But the buildups are just not there, and most of the impacting plot points just have no impact. Some things are left vague for later explaination - which if used should be used to some effect or big relveal but instead we just get a “oh, thats what that was” uneventful reveal.

Oh, and I might be wrong, but not once does anyone call him Jonah… its Jonah Hex. Every time.

The supernatural element was also unimportant. They could have ignored the whole “talk to dead people” thing completely and replace it with a living snitch and the plot is the same.


The light plot, wasted villain, The Fox Standard, disfunctional era setting, bad soundtrack, and one perfectly played hero.

If you turn your brain off for this, its still not that much fun. Not completely terrible, but for me it wasn’t worth the drive to the theater.

I give Jonah Hex a 4 out of 10 for brain-off popcorn stuff, Fox’s corset and mostly Brolin’s presence

International Knight and Day Poster Sucks

Someone please tell me this is a fan made poster for Knight and Day.

A 12 year old fan with Gimp installed on his computer.

What suit took a look at this poster and said “Lets run that!” Seriously!?!

This is just terrible. I want someone to show proof that this is not a real poster because I got an email from the STUDIO media assets with the official poster a while back that resembles but is not quite like this one.

And while this new quick cut and paste job has a lot of the same elements, its just a cheap mess. The original artsy silhouette against the watercolour splatters works, and I really like the look of it. But perhaps for the international market they really wanted Cruise and Diaz’s faces on the poster. But then go with something else. Don’t try to stay artsy cool with the paint splatters and just scotch tape a still from the movie to the front of it.



Tron Evolution Game Trailer Online

It seems the general rule of thumb that all movies based on video games are bad. And there are some rare and modest exceptions to that rule. But its also said that video games based on movies also suck.

Lets hope this is one of those exceptions.

Now the cinematics for this are clearly easy enough for them to pull off as they already have the 3d models from the production of the film, but this is not specifically gameplay - but it could be.

Lets hope it is. Because that game looks sweet!

Alexander Skarsgard joins Battleship

The seductive hearthrob of True Blood, Alexander Skarsgard will be joining the cast of Battleship as a naval officer set to throw his co-ordinates in on the Aliens vs Navy adaptation of the classic board game.

Skarsgard is taking to the high seas for the board game adaptation.

Skarsgård will be playing Kitsch’s brother, a “a straight and narrow naval officer whom Kitsch, a wildly spirited naval officer, idolizes.”

I am still a little puzzled by the inclusion of aliens. It reminds me of that scene in Bolt when the birds are pitching the idea to step up Bolt’s show a notch. Wait for it… Aliens!

But considering there is no plot to speak of in the board game, they could go in any direction they wanted and this is as good as any. And it will result in a new version of the game to sell in stores that will have one side of the board with traditional naval vessels, and the other side with an equally pegged out armada of alien watercraft as well.

Skarsgard should do well in the role. As if women needed to see him in uniform to get more aroused by his presence.

Toy Story Short added to Cars 2

With no plans in the works for another Toy Story movie after this third chapter, people were wondering if this is the end of the Toy Story films. Well I think they will make another eventually, but our next taste will be coming very soon in the form of a short that will preceed the theatrical release of Cars 2.

Collider shares:

Although he insists that there are no current plans for another feature length Toy Story, Unkrich stated that Pixar is “going to keep [the characters] alive; they’re not going away forever.”

And where will they show up next? They’re going to star in the short film attached to Cars 2, which hits theaters June 24, 2011.

I love the Pixar shorts, but mostly because they are separate from the feature films. As much as I would love to see more Toy Story (you know they are not going to just leave them) I would rather they wait a few years and make Toy Story 4 than waste the opportunity at an original short to preface a feature film (and accompany the Bluray)

I am seeing Toy Story 3 this afternoon and I couldnt be more excited.

Leonardo DiCaprio joins J Edgar Hoover Biopic

Leonardo DiCaprio has already made it clear that despite his long term love affair with Scorsese he isn’t exclusive. But word says he is seeing someone new, and that might be another old leathery man. Leo will be staring in a biopic of J Edgar Hoover for Clint Eastwood.

Empire news says:

Deadline this morning have confirmation that Leonardo DiCaprio will be playing J Edgar Hoover in Clint Eastwood’s upcoming biopic.

Hoover was a founder of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and its director from 1935 until his death in 1972. He’s usually credited with making the FBI the juggernaut law-enforcement agency it is today, and with instituting key developments like central fingerprinting and forensic laboratories.

DiCaprio can do no wrong by me and anything he is in, I have complete faith will rock.

A biopic about J Edgar Hoover sounds like a snooze fest. The guy was as exciting as watching roofers on their lunch break. But for some reason, Eastwood at the helm and DiCap in the lead, and I am all interested.

Bradley Cooper To Star In Disney Baseball Film

The only baseball film we’ve been hearing about in the last couple of months has been Brad Pitt’s Moneyball. That one has had a bumpy ride so far. We still don’t even know if it will come to fruition. In the meantime, out of left field, comes this news. Hey, at least somebody has the a guts to make baseball movie now days. How I miss the Major League movie days…

JoBlo reports:

Described as SCENT OF A WOMAN meets baseball, the film would star Cooper as a player who gets injured and is sent to the minors while he’s recovering. Near his new farm team, there’s a senior citizen’s home and he meets an old major leaguer who helps him get his groove back.

The film is based on a pitch by Allan Loeb (WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS), who will also work on the script.

I’m not so sure about the plot. I have no doubt that Cooper will nail it; yes he’s that good. But I’m on the fence about the story. I would definitely watch this one regardless, because I love baseball.

What do you guys think? Disney + Baseball + Cooper? You like that formula?

Michael Fassbender is Magneto

Quick news here. Remember when it was rumored that actor Michael Fassbender was being courted to become Magneto (X-Men) or Lizard (Spider-Man)? Well, apparently it has been decided…

JoBlo reports:

As was previously reported, actor Michael Fassbender (300, INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS) was being pursued for both the role of Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto in the mutant spinoff, and the main villain part in Sony’s SPIDER-MAN reboot. Now Deadline says that Fassbender just got an official offer for Magneto and “Fox is confident they will make a deal and have him join James McAvoy, who was recently set to play [Charles] Xavier.”

I’m pretty comfortable with this decision. I prefer seeing Fassbender as Magneto playing against/alongside McAvoy’s Charles Xavier. I like both as actors; so I’m pretty excited about this setup.

What do you guys think? You ok with him playing young Magneto? Or did you want him as Lizard?

New Knight & Day Clip - Diaz in Bikini

Remember when Cameron Diaz was hot? Personally, I’m talking about the good old days of The Mask; where she was smoking hot, dancing The Cuban Pete with Jim Carrey. After that, for me, it’s all been downhill. She even creeped me after her weird turn in The Box. That said, after watching this new Knight & Day clip, I gotta say she’s still got it. For her age, Diaz looks amazing in a bikini. Decide for yourself, Enjoy…

Thanks to for the clip.

I’m defintely watching this when it comes out. It looks like a Mission Impossible crossed with a Rom-Com. Cruise and Diaz have good chemistry. Looking forward to this one; looks fun. I like how Cruise explains to Diaz how she got into a bikini.

What do you guys think? Diaz looks good? Are you gonna watch the film?

Fraggle Rock Script is Not Edgy Enough

Cory Edwards wrote a script for the forthcoming Fraggle Rock film adaptation that he himself is directing, and it has been rejected by The Weinstein Company for not being ‘edgy enough.’

In his frustration over the situation he is being left out of the loop while they explore a new writer. He blog/vented the following statement which we get viaObsessed with Film

Not to be too alarmist, but I am struggling to stay in control of my own movie at this point. The Weinstein Company gives me no confidence these days. Why? For starters, they have begun the search for a new writer, presumably to rewrite my entire script from scratch. Now I’m a big boy — I can take the blow if my skills are not up to the high, high standards of the Weinstein Company (he said with too much sarcasm in his voice). But this is happening behind my back, without consulting me or even asking my opinion. I enjoy working with other writers and have no doubt that the RIGHT person could help make any script better. But to not even ask me? Adding insult to injury, the search is basically an open assignment. This means the net has been cast wide, virtually posting in the “classifieds” of the movie business. The Fraggles do not deserve such treatment.
I still have a deal to direct. Which means my hands WILL be on this script. That makes this move by the studio all the more baffling. Hey guys, you know what would be easier? Asking the director to help you get the script in shape, instead of running in your own circles and then showing me something later that I’ll probably hate.

Now I would be curious as to why they would leave their writer/director out of potential re-write consideration for many of the same reasons that Edwards states above. However, his assertation that he still has a deal to direct so he will still be involved in the long run might be a bit presumptuous.

Is it possible that this is one step to re-write and replacing their director too?

He might have a deal in place to direct, but deals get broken all the time. Sure, they might have to pay him out something but there is no guarantee he is going to keep that job.

We will have to see just how “edgy” the cute cuddly Fraggles get in the end of all this.

Iron Man 2 Reaches $300 Million

Hey guys, quick news here. One of the best movies of the year so far, has just crossed a pretty nice checkpoint. Iron Man 2 has hit $300 million in the U.S. Box Office. It still needs a little push to surpass the first one domestically. Ironically, it has already passed the first one worldwide. Go figure…

SuperHeroHype reports:

With Tuesday’s box office take of $511 thousand, Jon Favreau’s Iron Man 2 has achieved the benchmark of having crossed the $300 million mark domestically, joining the fairly exclusive ranks of only 34 movies that have grossed that amount (not accounting for inflation). It still has some work cut out for it to achieve the $318 million amassed by its predecessor in 2008, as well as the $33 million it would need if it wants to surpass Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland as the top grossing movie of the year in North America.

Internationally, Iron Man 2 has reach $295 million for a worldwide total of $595.3 million, which tops the first film’s $585.2 million.

Iron Man 2 was awesome. I actually enjoyed it more than the first one. Yes, it wasn’t perfect; but it was fun and much better than most of the films this year. I’m betting that it will surpass the original one in the long run. What shocks me are the numbers for Alice in Wonderland…wow.

What do you think? Will it surpass it? Which one was better Alice in Wonderland or Iron Man 2?

Benjamin Walker joins X-Men First Class?

Seems there was some speculation about Benjamin Walker joining Vaughn and Singer’s X-Men First Class, while other sites then report potentially to play Beast or Banshee.

Since then the source articles referencing his role have been pulled from the net, which raises other suspicions as well.

Filmonic shares:

An article on ArtBeat states that actor Benjamin Walker “has been offered an enviable movie role in a coming “X-Men” project” and he may have to leave stage play Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson as a result.

Comic Book Movie also noticed an article on The Independant (which has since been removed) which said that Walker would either be playing a young Henry McCoy/Beast or Sean Cassidy/Banshee.

Now I don’t have a lot of exposure to this actor, but visually I think he could play the part of Beast. But more important for Hank McCoy would be personality. They will have to CG his agility anyways, and if the explore him turning blue and furry during or as a leadup to the film, he will basically be mo-capped for those scenes anyways.

I do find it interesting that they speculate he could possibly play Sean Cassidy - Banshee, who hasn’t officially appeared in the films yet. I speculated Banshee might be a First Class member as a ginger mutant was among those youngsters who fled the Weapon X facility with the help of an able bodied Professor X.

Action Heavy Twilight Eclipse TV Spot Online

Check out the new action packed and vamp wolf heavy Twilight Eclipse TV Spot online right now:

Now if you knew nothing else about Twilight, this would have your attention. I am sure there are some dissenters out there still insisting that nothing can make them watch Twilight, but this might have some people on the fence changing their tune and some closet Twilighters coming out.

I don’t suspect the whole movie to be all wolf fur and sparkly vampire fighting, but there is a LOT of action in this last chapter (both movies of the fourth book don’t count to me - longest epilogue/afterthought in literary history)

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Fantasia Tribute Featurette

When I heard they were adapting Mickey’s mischief mishap adventure segment of Fantasia - The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - to a feature film, I just didn’t see there being enough story there. Then when I saw that the adaptation had pretty much the title alone in common with the musical montage, I was encouraged.

But it seems the iconic scene in which Mickey bites off more than he can chew and loses control of his magically motivated cleaning hardware will be featured in the movie. We saw a hint of it in the trailer and it appears there is a much more involved scene in the movie. Check out this minifeaturette on the subject:

I am still waiting for the purists to start bitching that this doesn’t respect the source material, and why isn’t Jay Baruchel a mouse??

New Scott Pilgrim VS. The World Intl. Trailer

Hey guys! Today we get a new International trailer for a movie that’s garnering lots of buzz: Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. I’ve never read any of the books, and in all honesty, I had never heard of Scott Pilgrim before the first trailer came out. That being said, I find myself pretty pumped to check this out. I like the whole video game concept, plus I’m a big fan of this kind of comedy. Here’s the newest trailer, plus a new poster. Enjoy…

This is the first time we get a taste of Brandon Routh as Evil Ex #3. Im glad to see this guy getting some roles. I really liked him as Superman. Loved his dialog towards the trailer’s end. Definitely watching this movie! What do you guys think?

The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer Online

A new full trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader is online

I love how despite the lack of Disney involvement, this is going to fit nicely with the first two. A little part of me hopes that this does really well at the Boxoffice after the House of Mouse decided it wasn’t worth taking the risk on.

It does look good.

First Teaser Trailer for the Smurfs Online

Neil Patrick Harris introduces this teaser trailer for the Smurfs giving us our first look at the three apples high heroes.

I have to say the Smurfs themselves just look Smurfy! Seeing them imported into reality this way is a long coming dream come true after some 30 years of seeing the blue critters on TV. I just still wish they didn’t yank them into present day. I wouldn’t have minded something like that in a sequel, but I want to see the Smurfs having an adventure in their magical forest. At least they are naming NPH “Johan”, which was the Smurfs human friend in the original cartoon.

I am however still surprised that as big an impact as Smurfs are, my word processor will correct the spelling of an iPod, but still doesn’t know what Smurfs are?

Wachowski Bros. Want A-List Cast for Cloud Atlas

It was announced in 2009, that the Wachowski Brothers had bought the rights to the novel, Cloud Atlas. It was also said that writer/director Tom Tykwer would be working on a screenplay. After that we haven’t heard much. Now after quite some time, we finally have an update on this adaptation…

CinemaBlend reports:

Tom Hanks tops the A-list of actors approached by the sibling producers to star in the film, followed closely by hot commodity James McAvoy, Gandalf himself Ian McKellen, Natalie Portman, and Halle Berry. According to The Playlist, who caught the news on Production Weekly, fans of Mitchell’s work should be able to easily place the actors with their respective roles. Cloud Atlas sounds daunting, as it spans six story lines over a millenia, but the unfilmable nature of the story is probably what drew the risk taking Wachowskis to the project.

I have not read the book. After reading the synopsis, I found myself interested in witnessing how they'll manage to pull a big screen adaptation out of this. How the story is told is really interesting; it reminded me of the storytelling in one of my favorite TV shows ever, Lost.
If the Wachowski brothers manage to get all these great actors to be in it, I'll be really interested and hyped to watch this.

Just in case, here's the plot summary of the book, thanks to Wikipedia:

The book consists of six nested stories that take us from the remote South Pacific in the nineteenth century to a distant, post-apocalyptic future. Each tale is revealed to be a story that is read (or watched) by the main character in the next. All stories but the last one get interrupted at some moment, and after "Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After" concludes at the center of the book, the novel "goes back" in time, "closing" each story as the book progresses in terms of pages but regresses in terms of the historical period in which the action takes place. Eventually, readers end where they started, with Adam Ewing in the Pacific Ocean, circa 1850.

Have you read this? Would you want to see this made into a film? What do you think of the cast wanted?

Crank Duo To Direct Ghost Rider Sequel?

The first Ghost Rider movie (2007) grossed a decent $155 million domestically (almost $230 million worldwide). This was surprisingly great. Talk of a sequel has been hunting us since then. Now, it appears that the moves are being made to get us a sequel ASAP. Why? Well, apparently Sony will lose the rights back to Marvel very soon; so they need to be in production before November. News is out on who the director/directors for the sequel may be…

JoBlo says:

Now CRANK filmmakers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are in talks to twist the throttle on GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE. The sequel story came from producer David Goyer with a screenplay by “FlashForward” writers Scott Gimple and Seth Hoffman, although it’s assumed that Neveldine/Taylor would crank (ahem) out a rewrite.

Originally there was a question as to whether Nicolas Cage would return as stuntman-turned-fireskulled-vigilante-cyclist Johnny Blaze, because a third NATIONAL TREASURE has also been inching toward the starting line. But Cage is now in negotiations to come back for more penance staring and chain swirling.

I enjoyed the first one; just because I love comic books and Ghost Rider is pretty cool. The movie wasn't horrible (like many others are) but it was far (very far) from being a good film. Now we are getting a sequel? Besides the GR hardcore fans, anyone else want one? Don't give us a sequel just because you are losing rights to the property soon. I don't know, this just feels wrong. Don't rush it.

What do you guys think? Do you want GR2? Do you want Cage back as the lead? Do the Crank guys directing it make you excited or worried?

Middle Men Trailer

Plot: In 1995, everyone had a VCR, music was sold in record stores, and the world-wide-web was a new found discovery. Businessman Jack Harris (Luke Wilson) had the perfect life a beautiful family and a successful career fixing problem companies. Then he met Wayne Beering (Giovanni Ribisi) and Buck Dolby (Gabriel Macht), two genius but troubled men, who had invented the way adult entertainment is sold over the internet. When Jack agrees to help steer their business, he soon finds himself caught between a 23 year-old porn star and the FBI all the while becoming one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of his time. Witness a story so outrageous, you won’t believe it’s true. A story that proves business is a lot like sex getting in is easy, pulling out is hard.

This film looks very interesting, almost like the film Blow for Porn… no pun intended. Also, with the strong and well put together cast I think this is going to turn into a must see film. What do you think?

Robot Fighting Championship

Some said it wasn’t possible, some said Mike Tyson couldn’t even build a robot. Well, now based on the comments from yesterday’s “Real Steel First Glimpse” The Movie Blog brings to you a fight to remember! The Worlds RFC Lightweight Championship, starring the robots you want to see fight to the death. So tune into a Mainframe near you and watch history in the breaking.

Created from a comment by TheMatticus

Created from comments by Audioout & Rodney

Created from a comment by Spence

Created from a comment by Lawrence

Fox 75th Anniversary Poster Series

20th Century Fox is celebrating 75 years of film. To support this celebration they’ve come out with a pretty cool series of posters. On them they combine some of their most classic and important titles with their traditional logo. Enjoy some of them…

How/Where can you get these posters? Here Fox75th

I personally like the Alien, Independence Day, Star Wars and The Last Of The Mohicans ones…What about you guys?

First Trailer for Romanek’s Never Let Me Go

Apple has released the trailer for Mark Romanek’s second feature film, and adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go.

Jo Blo gives us some background:

While Romanek has had a number of projects in the works over the years (including his notable but failed stint on THE WOLFMAN) it was an adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s NEVER LET ME GO that got Romanek filming again. The movie stars Keira Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield as…well, maybe it’s best you don’t know anymore and you just watch the trailer.

Romanek has only directed one feature film before this: One Hour Photo starring Robin Williams, which was released a whole eight years ago. I thought that movie was fantastic, but Never Let Me Go could be the sci fi drama of the decade.

I absolutely loved the trailer, and the way the film is playing with reality. There’s something almost Gattaca about the scanners and bracelets that makes it all the more unnerving, despite the beautiful pastel minimalism of the design.

I’ve read Ishiguro’s novel, and it is one of the best modern pieces of speculative fiction i could name. This adaptation will be one to watch out for. Trust me.

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