New Legend of the Guardians Trailer Online

A new trailer for the Legend of the Guardians animated feature is online.

I “get” the whole anthropomorphic thing. But there is just something about this that just looks awkward and wrong.

Something in the back of my head tries to figure out how owls craft weapons and armour. I mean, where did they get those??

It just looks …. off.

It creeps me out.

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5 Responses to “New Legend of the Guardians Trailer Online”
  1. kiyo

    I think it looks very aesthetically pleasing but i’m just not really sure about the story. The again, i’m already prejudiced against animal movies (not really my thing) but i’ll see it anyways, if just because i like how it looks.

  2. Jim

    This makes me think of Watership Down …but with Owls.

  3. Ed

    What still boggles me is Zach Snyder directing, I personally find him to make grand scale poetry in his movies. If he can make this a grand movie when most movies like this fail, i’ll be shocked. Does that mean I will see this movie, no.

  4. Ed

    Maybe on TV

  5. Jake

    It’s a piece of children’s literature adapted into a movie. It’s story centered, and the story is fantastic.

    Children’s literature authors continue to produce some of the most creative and unique stories in modern literature, so perhaps you should give it a chance before signing it off? It’s really a great story.

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