Middle Men Trailer

Plot: In 1995, everyone had a VCR, music was sold in record stores, and the world-wide-web was a new found discovery. Businessman Jack Harris (Luke Wilson) had the perfect life a beautiful family and a successful career fixing problem companies. Then he met Wayne Beering (Giovanni Ribisi) and Buck Dolby (Gabriel Macht), two genius but troubled men, who had invented the way adult entertainment is sold over the internet. When Jack agrees to help steer their business, he soon finds himself caught between a 23 year-old porn star and the FBI all the while becoming one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of his time. Witness a story so outrageous, you won’t believe it’s true. A story that proves business is a lot like sex getting in is easy, pulling out is hard.

This film looks very interesting, almost like the film Blow for Porn… no pun intended. Also, with the strong and well put together cast I think this is going to turn into a must see film. What do you think?

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14 Responses to “Middle Men Trailer”
  1. gene

    Luke wilson is awesome, so hell yeah.

  2. Jim

    Given the amount of damage a porn-saturated internet has caused our society - viruses, addiction, divorce, pedophilia - I’m a little disgusted there would be a movie glorifying the instigators. These guys were cultural terrorists, not geniuses.

    Regardless of how much I like Luke Wilson, I will not be seeing this movie.

    • john

      like you’ve never wak it to some internet porno if u say no Ur a liar these guys are god and should be honored for Wat they brought to us all are wildest dreams and fantasies are possible thanks to them u jerk

    • WholeBlack

      Jim, I don’t even know where to begin to comment on what you just said. So rather than respond with a well-thought, articulate paragraph in support of my opinion, I’ll just sum it up in one word- Ridiculous.

    • Jon

      Jim, while you do have a point regarding the viruses and kiddy porn, which is absolutely disgusting,the pros of internet porn completely out way the cons. Internet porn is definitely one of the greatest contributions to society. I mean how awkward did it used to be for people to go to a theater and watch it while the majority of guys jacked off. Internet porn is a private experience for viewers which it should. Plus don’t act like you’ve never looked at it as John said. Your comment sounded like an ultra conservative/puritanical one which is the last thing people want to hear this day in age.

      • Jim

        I don’t think you have to be ultra conservative or puritanical or find objectifying half the human race distasteful.

      • Jon

        The vast majority of people who participate in the porn industry (in first world countries) do out of choice. And yes it is puritanical point of view.

    • thematticus

      Jim, I believe you are a liar and a hypocrite if you say you haven’t watched internet porn. Yes, child porn is bad, as are some other fetishes that harm unwilling people, but to generalize all porn as one single thing is absolutely incorrect. You are obviously trolling for comments (successfully) and I’m sure makers of this film are going to be devastated that you won’t be seeing it. I feel sympathy for you, however, that because of your own assumptions you will not give a piece of art a chance. I am no fan of paralysis, but ‘Million Dollar Baby’ was one of the finest films I’ve ever seen. You should really watch a film for what it is, instead of forming an opinion before ever seeing a frame.

      • Jim

        So, I shouldn’t judge this movie as bad based on its trailer, but you can judge me as a liar and a hypocrite based on a comment I made on a blog?

        I actually wasn’t trolling for comments, just giving my opinion. In fact, I’m amazed how defensive the reactions have been.

        And maybe you’re right - I should see this movie before forming an opinion on it. But I thought this comments section was for giving our responses to the TRAILER - which I did.

        Dudes need to chill.

      • Rodney

        You come here making judgmental statements about the PEOPLE who might find this movie interesting, attacking the culture of the entertainment subset of adult content to deviate the conversation away from the film itself and start soapboxing how you think porn is social terrorism, and then get surprised that someone might have taken offense to your narrow minded puritan absolutism?

        Porn has not damaged the world any more than competitive combat sports. Free will has. The conflict of 5 billion people seeking to do what they want on a sliding scale of social acceptance is what causes strife in the world. Its not so cut and dry as the overly judgmental fundamentalist viewpoint wants to make it.

        Your opening argument was that porn is cultural terrorism, but I dare to ask what movies are acceptable to be passed up to your highness on that horse of yours. I bet I can find elements of distasteful character flaws in those too.

      • Jon

        Told you it was puritanical, Jim. Your comments and point of view are a clear cut definition of the term. I, like everyone else, have no issue that you don’t like porn (even though its slightly weird) but you have the right to your own opinion. However, to say those comments and not expect people to respond in the way they have is ridiculous. For those who participate in porn it has been a great way to make money who didn’t have the luxuries/opportunities as others. I think youre the one who needs to chill.

  3. EZELL

    LOL hahahahahahahahahah the amount of damage it it does cultural terrorist sex and desire is human nature its an emotion so get over it. but then agin you have your own opinion

    It reminds me of The People Vrs Larry Flint or something with Woody Harrelson the man who started Hustler.

    Looks funny.

  4. Danny

    Given the subject matter I can see where they were trying to come from with that cover art there but I think its kinda odd for said women to be pictured that way.

  5. Andy

    From reading the right up the less than memorable “Breast Men” sprung to mind but watching the trailer it looks pretty good and well cast, as long as the trailer isn’t just the best bits.

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