Joseph Gordon-Levitt Denies Riddler Shortlist

When I heard Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Riddler, that news just clicked with me like Patrick Stewart for Professor X. It just felt right. But it would seem that Levitt’s rep has issued a statement saying its not true, and Joseph is not on the shortlist for Riddler.

Obsessed with Film

a rep for Joseph Gordon-Levitt has denied the shortlisting of the Inception actor for The Riddler role in Christopher Nolan’s Batman 3

And there it is, a rumour and hope squashed with so few words of pain and dispairity. My hopes of seeing Gordon-Levitt as Riddler is washed away.

And with it perhaps my hopes of seeing Nolan give his touch to The Riddler. After all it is not confirmed who the badguy will be in Batman 3.

And I am being too melodramatic over the whole thing as it is still within the realm of possibility that Gordon-Levitt’s whispering might be planting a seed not yet in fruition.

And with the movie not filming until March next year, there is a lot of time for Nolan to make up his mind on such things.

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18 Responses to “Joseph Gordon-Levitt Denies Riddler Shortlist”
  1. Zach

    good news! I’d rather have Daniel Day Lewis or Crispin Glover for the Riddler

  2. Lawrence

    Too bad. Levitt would’ve been awesome.

  3. Jamms

    I read it on every site on the web and knew straight away it was a lot of shit. No chance.

    I’d bet my salary on no riddler, penguin or catwoman. They just have no real need to be in Nolans world.

    Too many people call those three names because its the only ones they know from the last set of films.

    • Rodney

      And every website reporting it said it was just a rumour. Not hard to call bullshit on something everyone is already saying potentially wont happen.

      I guarantee EVERY classic Batman villain doesn’t deserve a place according to that narrow view of yours. People call out those names because they know the comics as well. These are CLASSIC Batman Villains.

      You think they can’t make a Catwoman who is a real life catburglar with a graceful presence? Or that Penguin cant just be an awkward but intimidating crime boss? Or some anarchist with a penchant for riddles couldn’t fit in Nolan’s world? You sell the man short. I could revise these characters for Nolan’s setting off my cuff in a heartbeat, but you cant see it happening?

      I have no doubt that no matter what villain Nolan chooses for Batman3 it will most certainly fit his version.

      • Pman-67

        The Riddler actually makes more sence then most of Batman’s rouges gallery. To add to what Rodney said. An anarchist with a penchant for riddles is no less believable than a insane clown or doctor wearing a burlap bag over his head inducing people with fear toxins.

      • Jamms

        Don’t tell me i have a narrow view. You have no idea what my views are and can’t call someone narrow minded due to three sentences.

        Christopher Nolan took the comic book Batman and translated it into a world still imbued with Batman Mythology in Begins. In TDK he stripped it all away in one masterstroke to give us what Batman and his enemies would most likely be like in a real world. Catwoman has no place, neither does penguin. What serious challenge could penguin offer Batman? How would those flamboyant characters be installed into the very real Nolans Gotham> With distilation of suspension of disbelief, and i doubt he would ruin his previous set up.

        As for narrow views. The catwoman, penguin, riddler names keep coming up because of this, danny devito, michelle pfieffer and jim carrey. No other reason.

      • Rodney

        No other reason? Thats a pretty narrow view. Pick up a comic book sometime. These characters are the most repeated villains in Batmans rogues gallery and thats why they were in those films. You have it completely backwards.

        These are the most notable badguys in Batman’s comics - the source material - and therefore they appear in the movie adaptations.

        You are the very definition of a narrow view.

  4. Matt Keith

    I hope they give the job to David Tennant, if he wants to include The Riddler, of course.

  5. Kevin C

    Again I dont see Nolan going with the popular vote for casting…in fact I can see him being the type that would avoid it out of spite. He’s going to cast the right guy/girl for the role. Hes not Shumacher, flipping through a tabloid to cast a villain.

  6. Mr. James

    Would someone else please back me up in saying that they’ve never been big fans of The Riddler? I’ve always seen him as just another variation on The Joker. Crazy guy that puts things or people in harm’s way for his own amusement and uses overly elaborate puzzles and games to try and baffle Batman from saving the day. Seems very Jokeresque doesn’t it?

    I was kind of hoping they would go a different route and pick another villian from the baddie roster. The Penguin? Too unrealistic for Nolan’s Batman universe. Killer Croc? Perhaps a mutated skin disorder or a 2nd tier villian that helps the main villain in the film. Clay Face? I would LOVE to see ClayFace in this film as the main badguy. However, I think it would have to be downplayed quite a bit from the comic book or animated version. More of a master of disguise sort of thing.

    That’s just my two cents. Any other opinions?

    • Rodney

      That you need to make a public outcry looking for your fellow Riddler haters, might just be your answer there James.

      There is a reason that Batman has such a wide variety of villains. Each of them plays to a different aspect of what makes Batman awesome. And just like anything else, you are going to have your favourites and less favourites.

      Its not absolute, and no one is saying you have to like the Riddler. But if your entire basis for not liking him is that he is a variation on the Joker, then you might want to pick up a comic book. They are nothing alike.

      Penguin is completely realistic for Nolans world. Just like it was realistic to have the Scarecrow and Joker. No, the versions in other mediums might not fly, but even Joker was adapted to be something different for the film.

  7. darren j seeley

    Ah, but he still could be in Batman 3 as another character…

    I could kind of see The Riddler in a Nolan verse, suit and bowler hat maybe but not the tights. I personally would rather see a character we have not seen yet in live action. But if Riddler were involved, the character would be used to challenge Batman/Bruce Wayne with Detective skills. Riddler might even solve a puzzle of his own- the identity of Batman. These reasons are why he is a huge fan wish at this time.

    But if we were to follow the previous films, there were more than one Bat villain in the mix. Begins had the cameo of Zszaz, Ras Al Ghul,Scarecrow and mob boss Falcone; Knight had Scarecrow cameo, Sal Maroni, Joker and Two-Face.

    I expect another mob boss to take over - I’m hoping Rupert Thorne - but it could also be someone like Oswald “Penguin” Cobblepot, who could be a “mob boss with the taste for the theatrical” (same goes for Black Mask). Catwoman could be pulled off with ease in Nolan’s Batfilms.

    There’s a lot of possibilities.

  8. Random opinion

    I’d like to see any of the following:
    Zsasz (well, more of him)
    Black Mask
    Killer Moth
    Tally Man

    • Audioout

      Zsasz was already in Begins. Am I the only person that remembers this? He was played by Tim Booth. And yes, Victor Zsasz was his name in the movie. Go watch it again.

      • Audioout

        Oops. Sorry, I see you seem to be the only other person who remembers. I jumped the gun because I’ve found it slightly irritating to hear Zsasz’s name brought up like he hasn’t already been done.

  9. Grumblebum

    The whole idea of bringing the riddler in as a villan plays to the whole worlds greatest detective thing and would bring back that whole aspect of batman to the flick it’s an inspired choice if done as a serial killer/mad bomber leaving clues to the next victim/site or location of the body or even as anyother criminal its a compulsion of the character to leave riddles and bringing in hugo strange or hell even harley quinzel would add layers to that too.

  10. Soggie G.

    It seems like everyone has their own opinion on who should play the riddler if he is going to be the next villain…

    I Choose Neil Patrick Harris, specifically for the picture they have of the Riddler in the Arkham Asylum Video Game.

  11. Kevin C

    The thing I find interesting is where the story has to pick up in part 3. Batman is being hunted by the authorities…where do you go with that? Does Batman make this right early in the first act, or does this take an entire arc to resolve? Could the Riddler (if he is the villain) try to set himself up as Gothams hero by leaving clues for the police as to Batmans whereabouts or identity?

    Its going to be interesting because Nolan has a chance to put a whole new spin on the hero/villain dynamic in this story. I hope he runs with it. Will Batman continue to protect Gotham despite its efforts to capture him or will he lay low until forced back into crimefighting?

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