Guillermo del Toro Discusses Leaving The Hobbit

Yes, the news is true Guillermo del Toro is in fact leaving the making of The Hobbit film. I suggest you read the rest of this article with The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle playing in the background.

ScreenRant quotes Del Toro

“So, here I am again. As promised, I am posting a longer message before the week’s end.
I have to thank those of you that have supported me from the start as well as those that converted along the way. And even say farewell to those that never did convert or believed.

I will miss Mr. Crere, the faith of Compa and Sir DennisC, the wisdom of Voronwe, the joy of Grammaboodawg, the support of Kangi Ska and so many, many others

Now, Pasi, et al- that is what is quite uncommon even on big films. Pete and co stuck to LOTR for years, I’ve developed films for years and I have shot many a movie on location… but rarely do you relocate for such massive amount of time specially when you have to do major ironclad agreements to put in deep freeze other contractual obligations with multiple studios.

My commitment to the project demanded enormous sacrifices both in personal and professional terms. The consequences of which will ripple for years. I relocated my entire life and family to New Zealand and first came on board in 2008.

So- while the cited delays, contractual complexities or obstacles, cannot be attributed to a single event or entity – you will simply have to believe that they were of sufficient complexity and severity to lead to the current situation. Trust me on this, Pasi- leaving NZ and the Hobbit crew is extremely painful.

As stated before- a wealth of designs, animatics, boards and sculptures is left behind representing accurately my ideas for Mirkwood, Spiders, Wargs, Stone Trolls, etc, etc and everyone (PJ, FW, PB and myself) has the same goal in mind: to try and ensure the best possible transition of the movie to a new director.

I believe these films will happen. Preproduction continues as we speak. The writing team of PJ,FW,PB and myself will keep moving the screenplays forward.

Perhaps even sooner than we may anticipate we will all look at the finished film and then- I will tear up whenever I recognize a set or a creature or a quirk created under my supervision. Everyone on these boards will get two movies. Me? I will be watching filmic family albums. Photos of my children from far away.

I hope you will understand how delicate the subject is for me.
I will drop by now and then, I will read the boards with interest and do hope to see some of you around at SDCC and many other places.

I am not here, however, to provide a blow-by-blow of what happened, but to assure you, as I have, that it has been the toughest situation of my life.

Beyond that- I am simply no longer an official voice for these projects. Be good, be well- and I invite you all to follow me into the next phase of my filmmaking journey.


It seems as if this news is as hard for del Toro to accept as it is to his fans. And as a fan of his I have accepted that there will be a new director for The Hobbit and am rather excited to find out who gets the torch passed to them. Also I look forward to del Toro’s next film, which incase you were wondering under his development section on IMDB he has films like Pinocchio, Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde, and Frankenstein. So as Jack learned on Lost we must “Let Go” and look forward with a smile.

This post was written by
Dan Silveira - Writer and Video Editor

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3 Responses to “Guillermo del Toro Discusses Leaving The Hobbit”
  1. Josh

    Love the Lost reference, but man this is tough to swallow. Any thoughts on who might be in the running?

  2. Josh

    he really loves initials doesn’t he

  3. Travesimo

    It sounds like they have a lot of the track in place on this one. It would be nice to see a newer director get chance to show what they can do.

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