Fox 75th Anniversary Poster Series

20th Century Fox is celebrating 75 years of film. To support this celebration they’ve come out with a pretty cool series of posters. On them they combine some of their most classic and important titles with their traditional logo. Enjoy some of them…

How/Where can you get these posters? Here Fox75th

I personally like the Alien, Independence Day, Star Wars and The Last Of The Mohicans ones…What about you guys?

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12 Responses to “Fox 75th Anniversary Poster Series”
  1. cloud720

    Star Wars takes the cake

  2. Joshua

    Walk the Line is incredible. I want.

  3. MovieBuffInTheBuff

    Butch Cassidy is pretty sick… I’d buy the crap outta that.

  4. Dan

    They all look pretty beautiful but I gotta say Darth Vader looks pretty good in that almost Sepia tone look.

  5. Mattman

    The Day the Earth Stood Still is pretty damn cool if you ask me

  6. HDpunk

    why is did ice age get one?

    • Pedro

      Because it was a good film, and it was made in the 75 year period, and did I mention IT WAS A GOOD FILM!


  7. Danny

    I’ve never seen “All About Eve” but that poster makes me want to look it up.

    And I kinda wish they had made a coloring exception for the Vader one and made his lightsaber red. Why? Becaue he is Darth Fucking Vader.

    And the Walk the Line and Independence Day one are badass.

  8. Eddie

    this posters make my eyes wattery. i love all this movies, and to think that they are so old its weird lol

  9. Bart

    I pretty much like all of them excpet the last one. I might have to all most of those posters.

  10. Lee

    what about ‘Planet of the Apes’ ?

  11. Pedro

    Marilyn Monroe looks pretty good.
    George C. Scott looks very impressive as Patton too.

    But they’re all good, except perhaps the Zorba the Greek one, doesn’t excite me at all.

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