First Official Look at The Smurfs

The first official image of the Smurfs and how they will look as they abandon their medieval roots and take Manhattan is online.

They look incredible and even in the 30 or so years since I watched this as a child, they never looked so real. But I am still hung up on why they had to transplant this to modern day New York City.

However, given this picture it looks like they might have taken the same manhole passage that Giselle did in Enchanted transporting her to the real world from her Disney animated magical princess kingdom of Andaleisa.

Just sayin’

Maybe we will get to see the Smurfs in their native grounds and like Enchanted, they - with Gargamel pursuing - will end up in NY.

Would explain why Azaria looks so downright medieval despite the setting.


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7 Responses to “First Official Look at The Smurfs”
  1. Roderick

    this looks so bad…

  2. robertwolf

    I do like the design of The Smurfs for the up and coming CGI film, but what I don’t like is the plot. Gargamel transports The Smurfs to New York City, which is pretty lame because we can expect a few things. 1. The Smurfs will make human friends, one will properly be to an annoying kid. 2. There will be human villains who will work for an evil corporation of sorts. 3. There will be a dancing scene with a popular pop song. 4. Expect it to be in 3D.

    • Flyer71

      You are pretty much stating the obvious. It is public knowledge that the human they befriend will be the Neil Patrick Harris’ character. The human villain will be Gargamel play by Azaria. Sony already stated that this will in 3D. As far a s a dance number, lets hope not.

  3. Lily

    Maybe that manhole is a portal for several parallel universes! That could explain it.

    • Jake

      Now if only Fringe would adopt this theory.

  4. Toveykins

    Its funny to me that out of all the thousands of locations they could have been transported to it had to be New York City. Why is it always New York City?

    • Rodney

      Because if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!

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