Benjamin Walker joins X-Men First Class?

Seems there was some speculation about Benjamin Walker joining Vaughn and Singer’s X-Men First Class, while other sites then report potentially to play Beast or Banshee.

Since then the source articles referencing his role have been pulled from the net, which raises other suspicions as well.

Filmonic shares:

An article on ArtBeat states that actor Benjamin Walker “has been offered an enviable movie role in a coming “X-Men” project” and he may have to leave stage play Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson as a result.

Comic Book Movie also noticed an article on The Independant (which has since been removed) which said that Walker would either be playing a young Henry McCoy/Beast or Sean Cassidy/Banshee.

Now I don’t have a lot of exposure to this actor, but visually I think he could play the part of Beast. But more important for Hank McCoy would be personality. They will have to CG his agility anyways, and if the explore him turning blue and furry during or as a leadup to the film, he will basically be mo-capped for those scenes anyways.

I do find it interesting that they speculate he could possibly play Sean Cassidy - Banshee, who hasn’t officially appeared in the films yet. I speculated Banshee might be a First Class member as a ginger mutant was among those youngsters who fled the Weapon X facility with the help of an able bodied Professor X.

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7 Responses to “Benjamin Walker joins X-Men First Class?”
  1. 420BAND

    he looks like the Banshee action figure in this photo.

    still not feelin’ this at all.

    “Origins” left me bamboozled

  2. darren j seeley

    I don’t know why it was zapped down- unless he either turned it down or the offer was bogus to begin with.

    • darren j seeley

      A third possible is that he was offered another role- a big one at that and such role isn’t ready for announcement.

  3. Roman

    Not a fan of these X-Men films I think they were over rated to begin with. Origins sucked all kinds of hard. Listen do an Age of Apocalypse movie and we will be square all this other crap is tomfoolery.

    • Matt Keith

      I enjoyed X1 and X2 alot, but XO:W was the worst comic book film I’ve seen since Batman and Robin. In fact, that film made me appreciate X3 more.

  4. Matt Keith

    I has been confirmed from what I’ve read.

    @”and if the explore him turning blue and furry during or as a leadup to the film”

    I doubt it because in his cameo in X2, McCoy is still human (well, human looking). To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if the studio did write his character that way.

  5. Pman-67

    I’d prefer Banshee. I never liked the fact that they made the Beast so old. He should be close to the age of the rest of the Xmen, not Prof X and Magneto.

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