Action Heavy Twilight Eclipse TV Spot Online

Check out the new action packed and vamp wolf heavy Twilight Eclipse TV Spot online right now:

Now if you knew nothing else about Twilight, this would have your attention. I am sure there are some dissenters out there still insisting that nothing can make them watch Twilight, but this might have some people on the fence changing their tune and some closet Twilighters coming out.

I don’t suspect the whole movie to be all wolf fur and sparkly vampire fighting, but there is a LOT of action in this last chapter (both movies of the fourth book don’t count to me - longest epilogue/afterthought in literary history)

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5 Responses to “Action Heavy Twilight Eclipse TV Spot Online”
  1. Bruce


    I actually didn’t think the first one was all that bad… just not all that great either. However, my wife and I just saw the second one, Full Moon, last night and I thought it was absolutely horrible! I haven’t read the books, so I don’t know what to compare it to. I just hope that the third movie turns out better than the last one for the sake of the fans. Then again, the fans would probably enjoy anything with the Twilight stamp on it.

  2. ChrisK

    Ok, not being a Twilight fan in any way, I always TRY to give these *COUGH* movies a chance. The initial trailer I saw before Iron Man 2, actually showed a tiny bit of promise that it would at least be a bit less cheesy than the others.

    But then I had the unfortunate experience of sitting through a clip they showed on the MTV movie awards, and my god it literally almost put me to sleep it was SOOOOOOOO boring. The weird pauses in between the “actors” saying their lines made it seem like the clip was unfinished, almost like a freaking rehearsal. What minuscule hope I had for this movie possibly being tolerable, was utterly wiped out by that extreme boring and poorly acted clip.

    Taylor Lautner is the male version of Megan Fox, strictly eye candy, zero acting ability. But hey, I wont deny the ladies their eye candy, just sayin. I know I am a guy so my view is not that of the ladies, but I think the kid is kinda weird looking, I saw him on the cover of a magazine, and it looked like he had a tiny face on a big head….then again I am sure women don’t see the female celebs we like in the same way we see them, so I digress.

  3. ChrisK

    Oh yea, and that clip? Not much different from what was in the trailer, and like I said, the trailer had me kinda maybe sorta a tiny bit interested, but not if I have to sit through scenes like I saw on the MTV awards….PASS

  4. Hamiwill

    You really think there was “a lot” of action in these books? Did we read the same series? I remember that the novel suggested that there was a fight happening between the Sparkles and the Furries, but that NONE of that action was actually shown because during the most interesting part of the novel Ms. Meyer decided to spend/waste precious pages space focused on Bella hiding in a tent. You never actually get to see any action at all. Honestly these books are one cop-out after the next. Entirely predictable and worthless. The true crime is all the trees that were killed in the making of the series. The EPA should really do something about it! I have seen both movies and because God and my Fiancee wish to torture me I will most likely see this one as well. Nothing this series has produced through film or paper can merit any true recognition.

    • Rodney

      I think you answered your own question there.

      Yes, this book (not the whole series as a whole) had a LOT of action in it. Yes, the author chose to keep us in the tent with the emo struggles of Bella and her suitors while it was going on.

      And what makes you think the book is the screenplay?

      I have faith we will see a lot more of the action that was implied in the novels as opposed to following the novels page for page and dwelling on the sappy parts.

      They can still have their emo romance struggles, but its clear they have drawn more focus on the excitement of the coming conflict.

      This is the climax of the series for me, and I am looking forward to seeing how this adapts the story. The next movie (now two for no apparent reason other than money) are inconsequential to me.

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