50 Cent and Kilmer’s Gun Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 08. 06. 2010in News Chat

A new trailer has dropped for 50Cent’s new film Gun, and since Val Kilmer is running out of people to piss off, and 50′s career is so critically acclaimed, they figured they would do a movie together.

50Cent plays a mid market streetwise gun dealer while Fat Kilmer will play the ex-con sent in by the suits to infiltrate his organization. The trailer is a mess, but here it is:

This also stars the new 90210′s AnnaLynne McCord, and while insanely hot I haven’t been impressed by her acting. But then the movie stars “Fiddy” so I can’t expect much here.

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Rodney who has written 8614 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “50 Cent and Kilmer’s Gun Trailer Online”

  1. riggs says:

    if he ever wants to be taken serious he should do roles that have nothing to do with his rapper image (the movie where he plays a cancer stricken football player is a nice start though)

    • Mandy says:

      Because guns have a lot to do with his rapping career.

      Oh wait, he does pretend he is/was in a street gang.

      • nick says:

        He was a drug dealer and snitched out the competition and then they shot him up. Thats why he had so much credibility when he started rapping.

      • Rodney says:

        And that “story” has never been verified. The Criminal record he claims to have would stop him from getting a passport, but he travels all over the world.

        His past is apparently a fabricated part of his “street” persona.

      • cloud720 says:

        He sold drugs. He was no scarface, but he was a drug dealer. No big deal.

      • igisasigdoes says:

        actually he never snitched out anyone, but unless you are really a part of the hip hop culture you only know what the media or uninformed people say and run with it. If its that important for some to give information on his criminal record..it’s public record and you can go to the police precinct and get it….just FYI

      • Rodney says:

        igisasigdoes? But you know more than the media is telling us right? You run with his crew now? His peeps let you in on the real deal huh?

        Like how no one can find this criminal record he apparently has? Or medical records for the gunshot wounds? Like his whole career this man is a fabrication.

  2. David Lopan says:

    Hi, i’m val kilmer. I used to be a great young talent with a lot of promise in the 1990′s. But, now…

  3. Shinobi says:

    Fat Kilmer, HAHA! Good one!

  4. Geno says:

    You know I tried to give this trailer a shot. But I decided I couldn’t take anymore and paused it halfway thru. This movie doesn’t seem to look promising at all from I got from half of this trailer.

  5. MEDavidson says:

    ZOMG that was bad! Jeez. Val. Buddy. You were the great white hope! C’mon, man!

    I see there’s no distribution yet.

  6. Pman-67 says:

    Wow, that’s looks pretty bad. Looks like nothing more than a Redbox rental, at best. At least that way, you’re only out $1.00.

  7. MOE says:

    Fat Kilmer…
    Rodney, how much do you weigh?

    The figured they would do a second movie together..Streets of Blood being the first.

  8. Jonny Martin says:

    No, Val Kilmer, no! You’re better then this, man!

  9. HDpunk says:

    wtf happened to val kilmer? remember tombstone?…

  10. cloud720 says:

    This looks horrible but I still have respect for 50 9ents. I’m sure most of us here wish we could write movies or Star in them. Well 50 is living the dream. And he is taking a part in the creative process, so with him you can tell that its about more than taking a check from trained actors.

    • igisasigdoes says:

      well, i definetly agree that this will keep going for him. He is looked at so critically because of his fame so far, but we have to remember that he is just getting his feet wet in the acting/ producing arena.

      • Rodney says:

        He is looked at so critically because he has been in movies already and he sucks. The only reason he KEEPS getting movies is because of his fame.

        He should stick to producing and Vitamin Water. He is a terrible actor.

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