Warner Bros/DC Comic Book Movies Update

Heat Vision reports that Barry Meyer (Warner Bros. Entertainment Chairmand and CEO) recently talked about the upcoming slate of movies for Warner Bros. Pictures.

SuperHeroHype reports:

After announcing a mid-December 2011 release for Sherlock Holmes 2 and mentioning the previously-announced July 20, 2012 release date for Christopher Nolan’s next Batman movie, Meyer said that the studio is eyeing a 2012 holiday season release for the next Superman movie. The exec also revealed that they are getting close to giving the go-ahead for a movie about DC Comics’ The Flash! Meyer mentioned that films about Aquaman, Wonder Woman and MAD magazine characters are in development as well.

I’ll take it as it is: Just a simple quick overview of what might come in the near future. Meyer doesn’t confirm anything here, just Sherlock Holmes 2 and Batman 3. From the rest of the news, I’m excited that the wheels are turning for a new Superman on 2012. I enjoyed Superman Returns, and I would’ve wanted to see what Bryan Singer would’ve done with the next one (add a big baddie, more action and Brandon Routh). But as we all know, that won’t happen. So I’m curious as to what this new Superman will bring about.

As for Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman, once again nothing new or huge is stated here. I’m a bit surprised about the MAD magazine info - that’s interesting?

And as we always do in the internet world, because it’s fun! - What actors would you like to be cast for this superhero roles? Directors?

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24 Responses to “Warner Bros/DC Comic Book Movies Update”
  1. Lawrence

    So in 2012, we all get to see Batman and Superman in the same year? Isn’t that too much to ask from Chris Nolan, who’s overseeing/godfathering the next Supes film and finishing his Bat trilogy at the same time?

  2. Lawrence

    My Casting Suggestions for the “Nolanized”-Superman film :
    Henry Cavill - Clark Kent / Superman
    Emily Blunt - Lois Lane
    Hugo Weaving or Robert Patrick - a T-1000-oriented “Brainiac”
    Metallo - CG effects
    with hints of Doomsday and Darkseid in the movie.

  3. Mykrantz

    Just get Tom Welling to be Superman after this Season of Smallville, as the upcoming season is the last, you could even spin the series into the movie.

    Keep all the main people currently playing the major roles, as the series has handled many DC heroes pretty well. Bring back Michael Rosenblum as Lex Luthor, and add a Super powered villain for him to be manipulating.

    It would be better than the poorly conceived Superman Returns…

    • Francisco

      First off, I liked Brandon Routh’s Superman. So if they can keep him…I’ll be glad.
      Now, if they are going to use someone else…I totally agree with the whole idea of promoting Tom Welling
      For WB that would be great - simply promote the guy (and Michael Rosenblum) and do a new trilogy with him.
      Welling isn’t that bad of an actor and he looks 100% the part - I mean, yes, he will need to polish his stuff out for the big leagues…but
      everybody will have a smooth transition seeing him move from Smallville to a Superman movie - since next year (10th season) the show will end.

      Regardless of what WB does, I want the next Superman movie already.
      My only “red-flag” is that I don’t think its a good move to change from one superman actor to another so fast.
      I mean, Reeves was our Superman for almost 30 years until Superman Returns (2006), where Routh came and did a decent job.
      Now less than 5 yrs later we are going to have another one?
      That just only hurts the franchise.

      We’ll see…

      • cloud720

        I disagree with you on Brandon Routh. But I can’t really argue with you about that one.

        Continuing that story would hurt more than it would help. You can be the first person to say you like the super-baby(I know he was a kid I just like saying super-baby), cause I haven’t heard any one else say they liked him.

        Brandon Routh is associated with this story already, to use him again would be too confusing if they are going to change the story. So it doesn’t even matter if he did a good job, he is still part of the bad story.

        Now you got me started. It isn’t even just the super-baby. Please tell me the point of Clark Kent? I thought it was so he could live a normal life and do normal human things. I would think that would consist of things like having a girlfriend. But no, Lois doesn’t know he is Superman, so its Superman that was dating Lois and Superman doing the normal activities.

        Plus this just makes Lois look like a groupie. I can imagine every woman wants to bang Superman, so I much prefer the story where Superman bangs the girl that doesn’t know he is Superman.

        But wait this is suppose to take place after Superman 2.So maybe Lois did at one point know Clark was Superman, but Superman gave her the super amnesia kiss. The stupidity of that would just speak for itself. You would be better off not trying to make that argument.

        Plus Superman uses his powers to spy on Lois. What a scumbag thing to do. Maybe that is the reason he keeps the Clark Kent identity, so he can spy on Lois in plain sight. At least on Smallville Clark makes a point to never use his super powers to spy on Lois, no matter how bad he wants to know something. Because that Clark is not a scumbag.

        Kyptonite ain’t what it use to be. Lex would cary around a ring of kyptonite to bring Superman to his knees, yet this Superman is able to function with a shard still in his body. And not only does he function, he lifts up an entire island of kyptonite.

        I seriously don’t get how anyone can say they enjoyed that movie.

  4. smack

    they should get adrian grenier to play aquaman lol

    and really a MAD magasine movie?? who would play Alfred E Newman?

  5. DAVE

    Perhaps this is off topic, but when did it become okay to use the term “baddie” when referring to a villan in a film? I’m not trying to call the writers of this blog out specifically because this term is ALL over the internet.

    Whatever happened to the classic synonyms? Like, “bad guy,” “villan,” “antagonist,” etc.?

    Say this outloud: “Darth Vader is the main baddie in the Empire Strikes Back.” Isn’t it painful to audibilize that sentence?

    I emplore the readers and writers of movie blogs everywhere to discontinue the use of this term. The fact that we’re obsessed with comic book movies is lame to begin with to most people-let’s not make it worse.

    • Francisco

      LOL Dave, I totally understand your argument haha. It does sound less evil and scary…
      Honestly, I don’t even remember when I started using the word, I probably read it a couple of times online and adapted it…I’ll try to not use it as much ok?

      PS - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baddie

  6. Leif Erikson

    I would like to see Heroes’ Adrian Pasdar get a real comic book role, he would make a good Aquaman

  7. 420BAND

    Brandon was a fine Christopher Reeve clone and even sounded like him.Returns had it’s share of issues but you cant take away the love Singer showed on that film.

    No more Lex Luther as the main “baddie” please!

  8. Lawrence

    No Lex Luthor in this Superman reboot! I think Chris Nolan is smart enough to know that

  9. shane_c

    For Wonder Woman, I would wait till the actress (Chloe Moretz?) that played Hit-Girl got a little older. She’d be perfect for it. I think with her you’d have a female lead superhero franchise, which is a hard thing to pull off.

    • Rodney

      I’d rather not wait another 10-15 years on the off chance that this child actor MIGHT turn out to have the qualities that Wonder Woman illustrates.

      You dont know what she might grow into. She might be super hot, but she might also grow up homely. This might be the best we ever see of her, or ten years from now she might be a superstar.

      You don’t know.

      • Lawrence

        This Moretz kid will probably be an action star when she grows up. But I cannot imagine her being Wonder Woman. No way .

  10. RPM

    I remember a few years ago the rumour was Rosario Dawson for the WW role. I realize in the comics Wonder Woman/Diana Prince was caucasion and I usually am not in favor of changing character just ‘cuz (example - not wild about Samuel L. as Nick Fury) But she IS an Amazon Princess after all. If not Rosario,maybe Tyra? LOL

    • NoLa

      In the Marvel Ultimates universe, Nick Fury was black and actually designed after Samuel L. Jackson. They didn’t change the character “just cuz”, they literally couldn’t have adapted him more perfectly.

  11. integracer2003

    I think that Chris Pine could be an interesting Flash.

    • 420BAND

      Definitley! Now that Cap’s casted he would fit the part perfectly

    • Matt Keith

      NPH for The Flash.

  12. RP3X

    They should just do a full reboot on Superman, take it right from the beginning again.

    While Batman is firmly successfully and will be for the future, the other super heroes are still catching up but Superman needs to get there :)

    While id love too see Tom welling/smallville move on its just never gonna happen and im glad in alot of ways seeing it end, they pretty much covered alot from the superman franchise but yeah there was always more to go on. A spin off Superman series would be pretty good though but clearly for made for tv :)

    • Rodney

      They are rebooting Superman. They have choosen not to try and work themselves out of the corner that Superkid painted them into.

      • cloud720

        As much as I hated Superman Returns, I wouldn’t be mad if there was a sequel and Darkseid or Doomsday ripped that little boy in half. Then it would all be worth it. And it would have to be on camera.

      • Francisco

        Most def, I totally agree with you “cloud720″
        How can you present a villain that would make Superman’s life tremble and everyone too?
        How can you present him as being so powerful and evil?

        Make him come and in the first 20 minutes - arrive on Earth and ask for Superman ( a la Zod)…
        Then make them fight it out…but he’s so powerful that Superman can’t get around on him…(give him almost same powers as Superman, and some new ones)

        Then the villain kills Superman’s kid and Marsden’s character too…in his face!
        The audience would be in shock and Supes too!

        Superman would go berserk and the line between being a good boy-scout and being mad, and wanting revenge will make up for the film’s various struggles…

        This would set-up various themes and for sure, and ASS KICKIN’ ACTION NON-STOP sequel…
        Make them crumble buildings, fight as many times possible…in air, on Earth and in Space, etc…
        Make Superman struggle….emotionally and physically…

        and drop hints (as Marvel has being doing) about other superheroes in other cities, and in the end…after credits, make a scene where you hint at somebody like DOOMSDAY (newsflash clip) arriving and making he’s way through the U.S towards Metropolis….for the sequel

        something like that…lol

  13. Jon

    Vinnie Chase and James Cameron for Aquaman!

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