Voyage of the Dawn Treader Teaser Poster Online

A new poster for the Chronicles of Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader is online, and I really like it.

The image of the Dawn Treader is an important one to keep as part of the poster, and its still there, but Aslan dominates the image.

Parents can hang this up in their kids rooms and Aslan can watch over them with a looming ever seeing eye.


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5 Responses to “Voyage of the Dawn Treader Teaser Poster Online”
  1. funk1020 says:

    wow, I can’t wait although I might want to watch the second one first.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    Love it. I enjoyed both of the previous movies and this one is looking great as well from everything I have seen. Although I do wish they’d release an Extended Edition of the second movie like they did with the first.

  3. Soggie G. says:

    Ah religious undertones are always fun to throw at people lol

  4. bill kiddo says:

    I wonder if it will be successful, I don’t think they’ve developed a strong enough brand to carry a third film. I think it was a case of people loving a book (lion, witch and wardrobe) and not a series (chronicles of narnia).

  5. Gormand says:

    So are they going to take this series to its conclusion: The Last Battle, because that’s some bleak miserable shit.

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