Update: Fox Quit Transformers 3

The updated news is that Fox quit Transformers 3, and she didn’t get fired. And in other news, I too passed on that role in Transformers 3. Its so beneath me.

Megan Fox’s handlers - I use that term loosely for its innuendo and their inability to keep her out of the negative publicity - have done their basic duty to put forth a statement about Fox being canned on Transformers 3.

Wait, isn’t that what most people who get fired shout back at their employer when they are canned? Or what a jaded girlfriend says when she gets dumped? Hmmm?

Cinemablend gives us the update:

Fox’s handlers tell People Magazine that the 24-year-old actress walked away from the film of her own accord and wishes the franchise the best. While this could be an effort to save face and put out the fires of headlines that read “Megan Fox Kicked Off Movie”, it’s easy to believe that with the animosity between them, she would save herself the trouble of working with Michael Bay again.

Now why would an actress who has already overstayed her 15 minutes of fame give up on the biggest franchise she was ever involved with?

Was it her blooming career outside of Transformers? She has that one coming up where she plays an Angel that is the object of Mickey Rourke’s affections, and I really don’t anticipate a sequel to Jennifer’s Body. Its not like she’s taking off here.

But she could modestly slink away from the limelight with her existing money bags in tow and live a modest and very comfortable life from this point out with little to no effort.

She already said she didn’t enjoy working with Bay (in harsher terms) so perhaps she just didn’t want to bother again.

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14 Responses to “Update: Fox Quit Transformers 3”
  1. thematticus says:

    Nope. I think you hit te nail on the head, she was fired and is trying to save face. Of course, I have no way of knowing if this is true but unless there is more to this story it seems pretty clear.

  2. Rod says:

    I don’t think so…as nice as her ass is, it got FIRED. Definitely one of the hottest women out there today, but with an rapidly inflating ego (if you want to be with her you have to have her face tatooed on you?), she’s not confident, she’s ridiculously arrogant. And the ironic part is she’s a really lousy actress to boot.

  3. Jack Rhien says:

    It doesn’t really matter. As you said, if Gemma Arterton is coming on to replace her, than I have NO complaints.

  4. Jon says:

    Whether she was fired or quit, I believe she was fired, she should have sucked it up and put on a happy face. Letting her ego get in the way was a huge mistake. Whether she likes Michael Bay or not he is the director and she is new actress who given a break because of her looks. I can’t see many directors or writers clawing their way to get a piece of her for a movie…maybe a piece of her ass, yes. Without a doubt she is drop dead hot but she should have played her cards right. It would have been another solid pay day for her, but she screwed up.

  5. Federico says:

    She’s avoiding typecast (?).

  6. Cinema Phreak says:

    She was fired and she’s not a good enough actress to make us believe otherwise……. She hasn’t been in enough good movies to prove she has the gumption to leave the likes of TF3. She is trying to save face and it’s not working…. maybe 20 years ago movie watchers were dumb enough to believe she decided to leave but we aren’t our Gullible parents generation any more…. Meghan fox should be forced into obscurity or porn which ever comes first….

  7. cloud720 says:

    i still think this might all be false hype. if it is real then i am sure the studio had somewhere in a contract that she would be sued if she tried to walk away. so yea i believe that it is more likly that she would have been fired.

  8. 420BAND says:

    Bit the hand that fed her

  9. matty says:

    Will be doing porn within 6 months (Transporners? Jonah Sex? Jennifer’s Bodily Functions?)

    All in all; a win for everyone, really.

  10. darren j seeley says:

    If I were her publicist, I would leave it at *she’s fired* even if she did “quit”. If she did “quit” then the statement of ‘I wish the Transformers series all the best’ is crock. “They” have to stop production and re-write the script to throw in a new character for a new actress. If they go for Camilla Belle, they could get away with RECASTING only.

    Fox quitting makes her look worse. Far, far worse.

    Fired stuff? Yeah. That I buy. In fact, I’ll bet that she thought she was going to be part of Transformers 3, showed up, and Bay spotted her, and said ‘we’ll do a cameo, but you/your character is out of the film. We can’t get along, and the story we came up with…makes you not that important”

    “What? I’m fired???”

    “You are written out of the script more or less. Being replaced. So yeah, you can call it fired.”


    (kicks Bumblebee’s tires)

  11. James says:

    The only talent Megan Fox has resides in her upper chest region. Having said that, I’m still glad she had the guts to talk trash about Michael Bay publicly. This is most likely the real reason she “quit.” No one in Hollywood deserves to be bashed for making crap films more than Bay so I say bravo to her.

  12. Domoneezy says:

    Darren J you crack me up! Even if she did quit or get fired and even though she’s not amazing at acting it’s going to feel different without her. Hopefully whatever they do with her in the film they do it with a slick movement and make it so her not being in the film isn’t that big of a deal…even though it shouldn’t be, it is to me for some reason. I kind of feel like she was a part of the Transformers equation but i guess we will have to see.

  13. Mykrantz says:

    Transformers is hardly a character driven movie, and Mikela barely qualifies as a character, so I say find another hot actress, and call it a day.

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