The Last Exorcism Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 05. 2010in Headlines, News Chat

In the same vein as Paranormal Activity, the next low budget horror film to tap into that “this really happened” feel is The Last Exorcism.

The story follows the “true” story of a man who has performed 47 Excorcisms and why or how this unfolds, it would be his last.

Retirement? He dies? Who knows.

And it does look pretty creepy.

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Rodney who has written 8314 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “The Last Exorcism Trailer Online”

  1. Flyer71 says:

    not bad

    • may says:

      this movie looks cool. but it based on a true story thats the scary part. this could happen to anybody. they just pick the most helpless person they could find. then the take over the body. they kill or really badly hurt a person. so be carefull of where you are. make shore you pick the right place and say lots of prays and bless your house once a month or week or they could get you.

      • Sandra says:

        this movie is by no means “based on a true story”. It could possibly be in reference to The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which is really based on an actual story, that happened to a girl in Germany. But this movie was originally a book, and I believe there is another movie coming out slightly related to this with Anthony Hopkins called, The Rite.

      • Jackie ! says:

        my mom deals with ‘Demons’ alot with her God duaghter. wich is on a normal basist almost EVERDAY and its not too diffrent then this.

  2. cloud7_20 says:

    If they are using a home camera I am just glad they decided to get an HD one.

    • unquietriot says:

      lmao. that made my day, I’m not sure if that was meant to be funny, but it was;D “glad they bought an hd camera” :)

  3. Slushie Man says:

    I love pretty much any movie that has to do with exorcisms, and a Found Footage style one is just what I’ve been waiting for.

  4. Steven says:

    Haha, that girl looks exactly like Michael Cera!

  5. jaffahut says:

    Woah - got to see this!

  6. aishwarya gulati says:

    highly anticipated..hope it does’nt dissapoint like some of its predessesors..

  7. 420BAND says:

    2 WORDS(name): Linda Blair

  8. Chestertonsmith says:

    I just pooped myself. Twice.

  9. Robbied says:

    I really hope this one is better than Paranormal Activity.. That movie sucked so bad it wasn’t even funny.. This one seems more intense though so I’m expecting over extraordinary details and events in the movie. I hope I’m not disappointed in this like I was Paranormal Activity. Looks pretty good though props on the trailer.

  10. Anthony rake says:

    is this based on a true story?

    • brat says:

      Supposed to b based on true events just like the original Exorcist. I been researching cuz interests me, hope that helps.

      • Rodney says:

        Sorry, but there are no “real” demon posessions. This is an act of fiction. The first Exorcist films were not based on true stories either.

  11. yatin adfadkar says:

    well hope this movie will be the thrilling movie of 2010 and will scare the viewers

  12. the truth says:

    I see that a lot of people write that this could happen to anybody and that you have to do a lot of prayers and bless your house so that this wont happen to you. Well let me tell you something this could happen to anybody but only if you allow it. Demons cannot enter your body and control if they have no right. First of all you give a demon a right to enter your body when you sin or do other bad things for example i once met a person who started reading books with some malicious contents and a week or so after at my church the demon showed itsself while the pastors were praying. Another misconception is that you get a demon out of a person by doing rituals and placing a cross on the person or on your house. Well this is wrong because in the bible when this guy took his son to Jesus Jesus didnt place a cross on him or make him do any rituals all Jesus did was rebuke him in the name f God. In my church this person was possesed by a demon and the pastors prayed for the person and rebuked the demon in the name of God and the demon left. Remember praying is talking with God its not what catholic people do when they repeat the same thing over and over.

  13. You say I say says:

    What do you mean by this, I am catholic and I pray to talk to god just like you. Were are you from? (praying is talking with God its not what catholic people do when they repeat the same thing over and over)

  14. Derek says:

    This movie SUCKS!!! I think it is 20 times worse than paranormal activity. No need to waste 8 bucks on theaters. Wait until it comes to redbox and spend a dollar. In my opinion, its a dumb storyline and REALLY dumb ending. Go see the expendibles, I loved it!!

  15. ames says:

    Yah, I didn’t care for the comment about Catholics, either. How you pray is your business. Don’t put down other people’s practices just because it’s different from yours.
    I don’t know if I believe in possession, but I do know that these types of movies are very difficult to sit through for me. I always want to see them for a thrill, but I always regret my choice once it stars getting intense. That’s why I don’t know if I want to spend 10 bucks to watch this when most likely I will have my hands over my ears and my eyes squeezed shut through most of it. We’ll see.

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