Sex and the City 2 Spent $10M on Wardrobe

Part of the appeal of Sex and the City is the outrageously unachievable fantasy lifestyle that these four women wallow in. And part of that lifestyle is possession.

When one of them wears a kitschy pair of printed pajamas in one episode, the website that creates these unique sleepytime clothes is an instant success.

That being said, its being reported that $10million was spent on the wardrobe for these 4 girls for Sex and the City 2! Get the big Picture offers:

New York Magazine (via Cinema Blend) reports that the sequel spent - get this - $10 million on wardrobe. I know it takes a lot to make Sarah Jessica Parker look less troglodytic these days, but $10 million? For four characters?

That is insane.

Worse, is that they know they CAN do that because this movie will make a metric pantload of money and wont have one exploding transforming car or superhero in it.

Consider that if you include the special effects, Green Lantern’s costume is going to likely cost $10million too. And that’s just one outfit. Granted Kristin Davis’ sequined catsuit cant make her fly.

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9 Responses to “Sex and the City 2 Spent $10M on Wardrobe”
  1. Jon says:

    Such a waste of money!

  2. thematticus says:

    Money well spent*. Look at these hags. I would hate to see the make-up budget.

    * This part is, of course, sarcasm. Try to think about that wardrobe budget next time you see one of those feed the children ads.

  3. sj says:

    Rodney hit the nail on the head, sex and the city is about the lifestyle. To repeat Rodney’s comparison to Green Lantern, having a Sex and the City film or even singular episode not feature high end clothes that only 2% of the worlds population can afford would be like having Green Lantern movie without any green. No body watches Sex and the City to see SJP sitting around in track pants she got from target. They watch to see them running around New York (or whereever else they may be) in the elite clothing brands.

    So yes, the money is well spent as it is part of the core structure for this film.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Thats alot of dildo’s!

  5. 420BAND says:

    That was a little crude…I think I left off the “E”

  6. matty says:

    It pales compared to the 20 million they spent trying to find a male actor willing to bone Sarah Jessica Parker

  7. 790 says:

    How fucked up is our culture that this film exists.

    Women that enjoy this form of escapism are truly damaged goods.

  8. sj says:

    And how is it any different for someone to enjoy this as a form of escapism to a guy drowning himself in video games or comics? The whole brutal tough guy act that so many put on display is really eye roll inducing.

  9. vargas says:

    Films like this are nothing but pure rot, but then so are the many stupid horror films that come out each year. I guess people pick their poison.

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