Rubber gets Picked Up by Magnet Releasing

Tired of remakes and adaptations dominating the screen? Tired of the lack of originality in Hollywood? Tired of me saying tired??

And prepare to be Tired … by Robert.

Horror Yearbook says:

Rubber, the story about a tire named Robert who comes to life to murder humans with its telepathic powers! Magnet Releasing acquired the U.S. rights to the film that was a hit at Cannes Critic’s Week. Check out the teaser trailer below!

Now this is something that I have a hard time putting words to.

A tire.

I am still trying to figure out how this makes for a movie, and I don’t know how anyone is supposed to figure out that everyone is dying because …. that tire went Scanners on their heads.

I just have to see this now to find out.

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4 Responses to “Rubber gets Picked Up by Magnet Releasing”
  1. Devan Price says:

    It’s completely odd… I love it!

  2. arihmann says:

    well… it can´t be weirder than “the human centipede” ¿can it?

  3. Justin says:

    Stupidly original!

  4. Doug says:

    I would have loved to hear the pitch for this. And meet the guy who greenlit it.

    Not saying it will be bad or good, but that had to be an interesting conversation.

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