New Tron Legacy Deadly Disc Player Images Online

Some new images have been revealed showing some faceless and menacing looking “Deadly Discs” players from the new Tron Legacy.

Could these be agents of the big bad guy? Do we know who the big bad is yet? Has Flynn gone crazy with power or is he still fighting the system from inside?(yes, thats a pun)

Anyways, I couldn’t be more pumped about this, and this looks cool as hell.


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6 Responses to “New Tron Legacy Deadly Disc Player Images Online”
  1. Eddie says:

    Cool, Futuristic

  2. 420BAND says:

    I’m feeling Hopeful on this one

  3. james (haz) says:

    where have i seen this before?

  4. codexjay says:

    looks ok but the suits look like the out fit worn by the bike rider in stret hawk and a tv show called dietal man or some thing like that naw i am showing mt age but i do admit the new tron look cool lets hope the new one as good naw as the old one was

  5. Cloud720 says:

    Reminds me of GI Joe.

  6. verbatim says:

    The one in the suite with the white stripes is the good guy; Sam Flynn.
    The two others are called Rinzler (Red) and CLU (Yellow) and of course represent the evil side.
    Looks cool though.

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