New Sorcerer’s Apprentice Trailer Online

There is a new trailer for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Online, and I actually think it looks better than the first one.

Cage looks like he is in the On position again and I really like how its shaping up. Cage looks like he is the serious mode with a heavy layer of silly sarcasm. I like that eccentric edge it will add to this mysterious Sorcerer.

And there is likely going to be at least one scene with dancing broomsticks and buckets.

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2 Responses to “New Sorcerer’s Apprentice Trailer Online”
  1. Joe says:

    i really hope its a great movie and so great that i want it on dvd

  2. shadess says:

    Cage really is back again. He was great in The Bad Liutenant and Kick-Ass and this is looking solid as well.

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