New Last Airbender TV Spot Online

A new TV Spot is online for The Last Airbender that has been circulating Glee and American Idol timeslots, and it looks pretty cool.

Its a fast rapidfire spilling of some great visuals and shows off how good this looks.

I am actually excited about this!

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7 Responses to “New Last Airbender TV Spot Online”
  1. MadClawMann says:

    The trailer look great, I just hope the movie is also great. Hey, a M. Knight Shyamalan movie that I’m looking forward to.

  2. JM says:

    Nice! We get to hear some of the baddies.

  3. Darek-T says:

    This just gets me even more excited!
    This movie is pretty much the even of the century for me because the show was my favorite show on TV and the movie’s just looking more and more badass with each trailer.
    Though I can’t tell if that guy in the trailer who says “Our victory is at hand” is Zhao or Ozai. I really am hoping for Zhao because if that’s the firelord I’m gunna be pissed because we’re not supposed to see his face at all. And his throne room isn’t full of fire like it should be.

  4. Ryan says:

    I really, really want to believe this can be good, but I just can’t get past the fact that it’s an M. Night movie. This was certainly one of the best cartoons of the decade, if not ever, which says a lot in this day and age when cartoons don’t seem to mean anything and have absolutely no story or redeeming qualities (ie Spungebob Squarepants).

    If this movie just focuses on the first season of the cartoon — and doesn’t try to do the entire story, or turn it into a pared-down entire-story-in-one-go movie — I’ll have a lot of faith going into seeing the production. Otherwise, it will fail to live up to the epic-ness of the brilliant cartoons, and this story should be epic.

    • Rodney says:

      Its not an M. Night movie.

      He didnt write it, he is just directing. And the Shamhammer has more hits than misses. His only fault was “the twist” that everyone expected in every movie he did, and now that he gets away from it, everyone is bagging on him for it?

      How about we wait to see the movie before cursing it for being “an M Night movie” when we have never seen him do something he didnt write.

      • Ryan says:

        IMDB says he wrote it; I don’t worry about that much, though. I just don’t really like many of his movies…Sixth Sense is the only decent one IMO. I’m still hopeful, though, just not entirely convinced.

      • Rodney says:

        He wrote the screenplay, but based entirely on something that already existed.

        Completely different from writing something original where you can do anything you want.

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