Meet the New Writers in the TMB Bullpen!

Recently we put a call out to expand The Movie Blog’s writing bullpen to bring in some new voices, and I got such an overwhelming number of responses, but I narrowed it down to three. Thank you, to all who applied!

Adding these new voices will free me up to do other features like the podcasts, video rants, reviews and editorials as well as a new website to come soon.

Over the last couple days, you might have noticed a name other than mine in the author’s line for posts, so here they are. Meet the newest contributors for The Movie Blog:

Francisco J. Cangiano
Francisco graduated from the University of Dayton,Ohio with a major in Journalism and minors in Marketing and Film. Since childhood, he has been a fan of the all-around movie experience. Throughout his life, he has embraced all genres. Integrating his passion for music, technology and marketing, has always helped him bring a well-shaped opinion about movies to the table.
Francisco owns a outdoor advertising company and is also a singer/songwriter who currently blog/writes/posts from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Joseph Schafer
Joseph Schafer is a graduate of Kalamazoo College - majoring in Journalism with a Minor in Playdoh. Joseph is a published freelance journalist, poet, and author.

Joseph admits an extreme obsession with cinema, and I am currently enabling his addiction and derailing any mental help he may or may not be receiving.
(We are also waiting on a photo of Joseph. He is shy. And also not the stepfather of the Messiah)

Dan Silveira
Dan was once a leading researcher devining the mating habits of the North American Squirrel before a traumatic emotional response to a seduction dance caused him to have inappropriate relations with his subjects. After aquiring his amateur taxidermist degree from an online uncredited College, Dan amassed an army of Squirrel friends to back him on his crusade for Amourous Woodland Creature Supremacy.

And in his spare time he writes for The Movie Blog. (Dan didn’t write this bio)

Say hello, and offer your support to these new writers who have placed themselves under my well meaning yet poorly manicured thumb of tyranny!

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14 Responses to “Meet the New Writers in the TMB Bullpen!”
  1. Francisco says:

    Thanks for the intro Rod, appreciate it. And yes, what you see behind me are not TOYS!!! They are movies/comics figures/memorabilia…lol

  2. Ed says:

    Haha, yes Francisco that’s exactly what they are ;)

    Well congrats to the new writers of The Movie Blog, I offered to write too but you guys definitely have more of the vein in writing than I do.

    I noticed posts before this one from the new guys, and I gotta say I was wondering if the site would make a note of the new writers. Not that I didn’t notice some of ya haha.

    Well congrats to you guys, I will be reading 8-D

  3. cloud720 says:

    Congratulations. I hope the three of you will enjoy your time writing for the movieblog. I look forward to reading your future posts.

    I want to ask, what are some of your favorite movies?, movies you hated the most?(Not necessarily worst movies, but ones you hated: like I hate Superman Returns more than Catwoman because I think Superman deserves better), and what movies do you look forward to the most?

  4. Craig says:

    So does this more news content is coming with the addition of the new writers?

  5. Craig says:

    Rodney is the new web site TheTVShowBlog?

  6. RonSalon says:

    Welcome aboard, guys! This is the best site for movie news. I’ve been reading this site daily for several years. New blood, new ideas, I like ‘em all!

  7. bernardg says:

    welcome aboard guys!
    Been the avid reader of this blog for couple of years now. Keep this site alive and well :D

  8. Craig says:

    So does this mean the new site will be about TV Show news and ratings
    and will it be called TheTVShowBlog? Or since like you said that you
    have learned from the mistakes of that site that it will have a new

    • Rodney says:

      It means that it wont be

      We are doing something different with it, and it should be live in about a month. You will have to wait and see.

  9. Dan says:

    Hey Guys!
    Thanks for the kind welcome. I have been coming to this site for years as part of my morning coffee routine, and now I get to write on it! It’s a great feeling to be part of The Movie Blog team and I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer. As to answer the question about the movie I hated well I would have to say… Visioneers with Zach Galifianakis. It was a random movie purchase I made only because I think Zach is hilarious. I’d explain the plot a bit if I actually understood it haha. but yeah that was pretty bad.

  10. Ken says:

    Well here my late welcome, haha.
    I await your future post, as Rodneys post were becoming lame anyway (^_^)(joking). I love TMB.

    May the future be full of fun movie discussions.

  11. 420BAND says:

    I wanna hear more about the “Squirrel guy”

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