Lionsgate Release Alpha and Omega Trailer

Lionsgate are dipping their toes into the Pixar-dominated animated children’s film market. Today they released the trailer for their first animated film starring Hayden Panetierre and Justin Long; Alpha and Omega, a story about two wolves migrating to Canada.

Empire Online Reports

Just to prove that Pixar, Disney, DreamWorks and Blue Sky aren’t the only people making animated films these days, here’s Lionsgate’s Alpha and Omega, a wolfie odd couple story starring the voice talent of Hayden Panetierre and Justin Long as the alpha female and omega male of their pack.

Everything about this trailer seems wrong to me. Maybe it’s the Steppenwolf and Duran Duran on the soundtrack, or the fact that every bit of animation looks completely stolen from the Ice Age flicks, but the trailer made me want to turn my computer off and walk away. It doesn’t help that I don’t think Panetierre or Long are lead role material, even in voice only. I wish this trailer were endangered.

What do you guys think?

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7 Responses to “Lionsgate Release Alpha and Omega Trailer”
  1. Ash

    I thought you were being too negative about it before watching the trailer, but yeah, that doesn’t look at all promising.

    The wolves’ hair is the worst part. AND IT’S THERE ALL THE TIME.

  2. Mykrantz

    Wow, talk about a bad trailer. At the start it seemed to be trying to get in on the Twilight wolf thing, and then just proceeds to get worse. The Animation looks bad, the story looks bad, and the jokes weren’t funny. That looks like a rough first outing for an animation department. Maybe they should have tried to be a little bit original, as the whole trailer looked derivative of other movies.

  3. Ken

    Aw c,mon give it a chance, it looks pretty cool to me. The lines aren’t all that great for as in the jokes department, but i thought the “we can eat together but we can’t you know howl together” line deserved a chuckle. The animation is clearly not of the style of the leading animators like Pixar,Disney or Dreamworks but at least the idea seems better than Snyder’s legend of the guardians.

  4. Jason Stanley

    I just watched the whole film in this trailer… just saved me £10.

  5. jod

    C’mon guys, it ain’t so bad, quality is ok but story looks old, but even then it should be interesting, atleast better than Dreamworks.

  6. jod

    Lets make one thing clear; Its a very big effort by an Indian Animation company to make a full length animated 3D movie and breaking into a cartel full of Hollywood studios.This company will def break the glass ceiling made by the hollywood biggies. Its a big achievement by an INDIAN COMPANY or for that matter any company outside US and I AM PROUD OF IT. Its easy to criticize and run down the underdog but i will bet on it. The world likes to bet on the champions and beat the underdogs, but this company is here to stay and one day will beat the champion. A company 1% the size of Dreamworks and making a comparable, if not better ( saw Madagascar I & II oops so bland and the characters lacking life)3D animated stereoscophic movie is not a mean achievement. Let us all be proud and encourage the company in its march forward.

    • Joseph

      I wasn’t aware this was being made by an Indian company-that is pretty cool. That said, all I really care about is the quality of the film at the end of the day, not who made it.

      If somehow Alpha and Omega is as touching as Wall-E then great!

      But I don’t see that happening judging from this.

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