Jason Richman to write MacGyver Feature Film

This whole MacGruber thing is just an insult to all that it intends to spoof. Spoof can be funny, but I am just not seeing a lot of humour in the MacGruber trailers. I didn’t care for it when the skit was on SNL, and I honestly don’t have much desire to see it as a film.

How this gets made while the REAL MacGyver lives in classic TV obscurity and Simpsons references is beyond me. But ‘lo there is hope.

MacGyver IS coming to the big screen and has signed on Jason Richman to write.

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“MacGyver,” is being planned by New Line to be turned into a feature film. Jason Richman (Bad Company, Black Hawn Down) has been hired to pen the script.

The more and more I see of this MacGruber thing, the more I just want to see a real MacGyver film. Hell, I would love to see MacGyver: 20 Years Later and have Richard Dean Anderson play him again.

And while I am on the fence about how I feel about the writer, knowing there IS a writer means that the REAL MacGyver can hit the big screen and sweep aside this MacGruber thing.

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5 Responses to “Jason Richman to write MacGyver Feature Film”
  1. James says:

    If this is true I’m hoping it isn’t going to be a completely serious film. They need to find a way to balance the whole comedy and serious parts of the film to make it fun to watch. Now that’s what I love about the TV show, it is filled with plenty of comedic moments but is also serious when it needs to be.

    Now I’m with you on this whole MacGruber thing, I have absolutely ZERO interest in seeing it cause it doesn’t look funny at all. My biggest complaint is why they had to make the movie rated R??? For a true comedy, like what this is “suppose” to be, it should have been rated PG/PG-13.

    • Rodney says:

      I am pretty sure the writers and director and editor all knew what qualifies a movie for an R. You can’t get an R by accident.

      What MacGruber was “supposed to be” is an R rated comedy.

  2. Bob says:

    As long as RDA is the star, I am looking forward to this.

  3. Ryan says:

    MacGyver was an awful, awful TV show. How can you not laugh at it? The best thing to ever happen to the franchise is “MacGruber,” which is getting better ratings than a real MacGyver movie ever would.

    I don’t understand why old MacGyver fans get so uptight about this parody. If you can’t laugh at MacGyver, what can you laugh at?

  4. shadess says:


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