Iron Baby

I tripped over this gem via Collider and I am so very impressed.

Check out Iron Baby!!

Ok, that was made of awesome.

I would go see that even if it would inevitably star Adam Sandler as the unwitting father.



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11 Responses to “Iron Baby”
  1. Travesimo says:

    That rocked!

  2. KevinTheMP says:

    Holy crap that was amazing

  3. Lucky says:


  4. Steve L. says:

    That was pure awesome!

  5. ramsey says:

    the trailer was better than iron man 2

  6. Azizan says:

    rodney, that was pure awesomeness! thank you for sharing it with us!

    as a dad I just can’t stop imagining my own son in that super cool suit!

  7. 420BAND says:

    That had more daytime action than Pt 2. and kinda looked better!

    Keep em’ coming!

  8. Anti-Septic says:

    loved it, thanks for sharing

  9. ramsey says:

    i just noticed the safety pin in the back of the suit. its funny.

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