International Sex and the City 2 Poster Takes on Fifa

Without being at all interested in Sex and the City 2, I have to say I find this new international poster to be very well done.

With Sex and the City 2 cropping up on the big screen right in the middle of the 2010 Fifa World Cup, this poster is clearly illustrating how the glittery over priced footwear is likely to stomp a brief interuption out your Soccer viewing marathon.

And that taking your girl to see Sex and the City 2 might just get you laid if you live through the experience.

Very clever, very well put together and extremely effective use of the world outside of the film to promote it.

I tip my hat to the people behind this promo.


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8 Responses to “International Sex and the City 2 Poster Takes on Fifa”
  1. Devan Price says:

    amazingly well made poster. At first I thought they were taking sex and the city to the football fields, but then I read on >.>

  2. Emily says:

    Am I the only person who realized they spelled June wrong? I mean, unless this poster is in some language that I’m not familiar with that spells it “Jun”. That month is NEVER abbreviated.

    Are you sure this is a real poster?

    • Rodney says:

      It is an International Poster, just as the article describes.

      Not every country follows the same “rules” as you suggest they have to here.

  3. oz says:

    clever, very clever.. but not even the chance of getting laid is gonna take me away from the TV screen.. go England!

  4. Jason Stanley says:

    Very clever marketing but I’m afraid this is one time where guys won’t be dragged into cinemas to watch this film with their partners. World Cup will take precedence here!

    • Jon says:

      There’s no doubt about that! Even the lesser known teams who will play each other will be more interesting to watch than this movie.

  5. Karma says:

    putting football aside, i feel sorry for the dude that has to watch this film, even if that means that he will certainly get laid

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