French Artist Creates REAL Back to the Future Hoverboard

Very few gadgets have captured the imagination and want than the Back to the Future 2 Hoverboard.

Of course everything in the future while hover. Where they are going they won’t need any roads!

Ramascreen says:

the movie god pointed the direction to the vibrant video below of a young French artist named Nils Guadagnin who created a perfect replica of a hoverboard. It doesn’t do all the high speed fancy schmancy maneuvering that Marty McFly got to enjoy but it can hover a few inches off the platform it rests on. Doc Brown would be proud..Sweet stuff huh?!

Integrated into the board and the plinth is an electromagnetic system which levitates the board. A laser system stabilises the object in the air. This is some REAL technology here, not just a nifty recreation of the hoverboard prop. Personally I would have preferred Biff’s Pitbull board…

While I am sure that stepping on this wonderment would easily pin it to the floor, it is a step in the right direction. If they could master the technology, there is no reason we wont see one of these in our lifetimes.

As well as increased skateboard related injuries I am sure.

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5 Responses to “French Artist Creates REAL Back to the Future Hoverboard”
  1. cloud720 says:

    Am i missing something here? Isnt this more science than art?

  2. Dan says:

    That is down right AWESOME! I’ve been wanting one of those since I was a kid. Can’t wait until someone makes one that carries a persons weight. Hopefully by then I’m not an old man with weak legs, but then again maybe by then i’ll have robot legs.

    • cloud720 says:

      If they don’t have robot legs, a professor x chair should have similar technology to the board, if that’s any consolation.

    • bernardg says:

      you can rest easy man, we already have robot leg technology. More like exosuit…

  3. jkeith0207 says:

    I think I just wet myself a little.

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