Forgotten Friday: The Empire Strikes Back

Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

Today on its 30th Anniversary, we review Empire Strikes Back

Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi
Directed by: Irvin Kershner
Staring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Frank Oz, Alec Guinness, Jeremy Bulloch
Released: May 21, 1980


The Rebellion has struck a critical blow against the Empire, but the war is not over with the destruction of the Death Star. The secret Rebel Base on Hoth is discovered and the Empire intends to squash this resistance. On the run the Rebellion tries to gather its forces while Luke Skywalker retreats to the swamp planet of Dagobah to begin his Jedi training, a group of Bounty Hunters are sent to capture Princess Leia and the crew of the Millenium Falcon.


This really added the meat to the original adventure that could have just ended with a big bang in space, and a happily ever after. But it continued the story with an edge of realism. The good guys don’t always win.

The acting is solid, proving this cast to be effective. And the storyline was just as ground breaking as the first film was in its time. I remember being the ripe age of 8 when this came out and still recall the debates over whether Vader was Luke’s father. Most people at the time I think figured it was a lie perpetuated by the Dark Lord.

And just to give even more depth to the characters, we see Han’s toughguy facade breaking, Chewbacca’s loyalty and Leia really falling for Han. This is the most important chapter for the franchise. Everything that came after (even the prequels) owes this film’s depth for its existence.


Nothing. Shut up. I even thought the Special Editions made this even better. Take that.


The best film of the entire franchise that has become a part of pop culture as well as my own inspiration for fantasy, science fiction and film itself.

This IS Star Wars. Everything else is measured against it.

Since all of these Forgotten Friday reviews are going to be what I would already give a high rating to, I had a Tv, Rent or Buy scale going on, but it would seem that an overwhelming majority of my picks get a BUY rating.
So with every Forgotten Friday you see from now on, you get to rate your anticipation for yourself!

TV – If you are at least a little curious, catch it if it comes on TV.
Rent – If it is something you have heard of and forgotten, or just remember enjoying this as much as I did once upon a time, go rent it.
Buy – But if you are like me, and you agree with my review you should go buy it. If its featured here, I already have.

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18 Responses to “Forgotten Friday: The Empire Strikes Back”
  1. 420BAND says:

    Own all formats (trilogy) and still my favorite of the bunch

  2. Bob says:

    I actually agree with you on the special editions, seemed to have the least negative effect of all three, and I think some of the touches around Cloud City were very well done.

    • thematticus says:

      “Nothing. Shut up. I even thought the Special Editions made this even better. Take that. ”


      • party marty says:

        This film had the one continuity alteration that I liked out of all three of the 2004 versions, the updated Emperor. That, and the cloud city effects, show just how the updates should have been done for all the films.

      • Anti-Septic says:

        I had to lol when I read that “shut up” line also. This is a fine review for sure!

  3. Roman says:

    I applaud you sir well stated

  4. Roman says:

    It is so funny that this is your forgotten friday, just yesterday i had the greatest moment as a father. My 5 yr old son broke out two light sabres and asked me to have a light sabre fight with him and watch this. The power of these films will live on through another generation

    • Jon says:

      That’s awesome! Although Im not a father I can vividly recall my childhood when my father and I used to into the woods and reenact the lightsaber fights between Luke and Vadar. I can only hope to do the same with my son one day. Star Wars is the greatest!

    • Rodney says:

      My children are well indoctrinated with the Star Wars Saga and all its various mediums. We even have the Ewok movies and the Holiday Special.

      My boy makes lightsaber sounds when he pees. I am such a proud daddy.

  5. Danny says:

    Hell yeah!!

  6. Chris Unthank says:

    In what world is this a forgotten film?

    • Tobes says:

      Theres always one!

    • cloud720 says:

      Perhaps one in A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    • Rodney says:

      Please read the description of what a Forgotten Friday is.

      Its in the first paragraph of EVERY Forgotten Friday I have published.

      This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

      So yes, in THAT world, this qualifies for a Forgotten Friday film. Aside from Star Wars fanboys, most people have not seen this film in a long time. Being the 30th Anniversary, it was appropriate to bring it up.

  7. Michael says:

    Is that Harrison Ford doing the voiceover on the trailer? It sounds an awful lot like him!

  8. Jon says:

    Personally, I was alway partial to the Return of Jedi but I have the utmost respect and love for the Empire Strikes Back. This film has sooo many excellent features. I’ve always like the fact that this movie depicted a much darker and heavier tone than A New Hope. Great pick!

  9. Jeremy says:

    I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my two boys like the originals better than the prequels, I guess they are just learning to appreciate the classics! The Empire Strikes Back Hoth scenes dominate LEGO playtime.

  10. Matt Keith says:

    You want to know why the love story between Han and Leia worked, but the Anakin and Padme didn’t? Han and Leia actually make you believe they’re in love. Anyway, this is definitely my favorite of the franchise. The Battle of Hoth still remains my favorite battle in film.

    Although, there was one scene that was changed in the “Special edition” that didn’t work for me. The scene in which Vader (after failing to acquire Luke) says “Bring my shuttle”, but he sounds as if he’s pissed. In the “special edition” it was changed to act as if he’s calm. I know it’s just nitpicking, but it just didn’t work for me.

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