First Look at the new Godzilla?

Some concept art in the form of a sculpted model have been circulating the net this morning that could be our first look at the newest attempt to re-adapt Godzilla to the big screen.

Looks pretty impressive to me, but I liked the look of the last Hollywood Godzilla underbite and all.

I didn’t mind the last Hollywood Godzilla movie,(didn’t love it) but I thought it was a little too “light” despite the horrors they were trying to portray. The raptor-zillas seemed a bit excessive as well. I want this to be about a pissed off giant lizard that comes out of the depths for no reason but to stop on fleeing pedestrians.


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21 Responses to “First Look at the new Godzilla?”
  1. 420BAND says:

    At least it doesn’t look like my nephews pet iguana

  2. Roman says:

    I loved the model of the Mathew Broderick Godzilla, this one is ok but you are spot on with the underbite and strong jaw this one while cool looking looks like some D&D monster/ World of Warcraft versus Godzilla, the only Godzilla i see is the trademark pronged spikes.

    I hope they don’t try to over think it and just make a rampaging beast with explosions, someone call Michael Bay he should be doing this.

  3. Matt Keith says:

    It looks cool, I’m indifferent if I want Godzilla to look like this in the reboot. At least it actually resembels Godzilla, unlike Emmerich’s design.

  4. walker says:

    I also didnt mind the design of Emmerich’s Godzilla, and this one looks ok too. It kind of reminds me of those spiked “dogs” in The Chronicles of Riddick…you know, when they are in that prison in Crematoria…

  5. Schulzy says:

    I really liked the Broderik Godzilla and was always disappointed that it didn’t get a sequel.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Godzilla the animated series was the sequel to the film. It didn’t get a film sequel because the fans were already pissed, and the film itself tanked. The cartoon had more in common with Godzilla than the film anyway, but not much.

      • Schulzy says:

        I remember the cartoon, come to think of it. People were pissed at that movie? It tanked? I guess it was 10 years ago, when I didn’t pay attention to such things.

        I still like it to this day, so my opinion stands. Kinda surprised to discover that I’m in the minority, though. If this is the beginnings of a new Godzilla, I hope it’s up to par.

  6. 420BAND says:

    dont want to see him walkin’ on 4 legs, want to see the rest of his body to know its up to par. startin’ out nice though

  7. Mike Mai says:

    the japanese godzilla already annihilated the hollywood one in final wars, that should be the end of it. no more, please

    • Alan says:

      While i STRONGLY agree with you here that the REAL godzilla kicked the crap out of that monkey ass USA godzilla. I am still on board for another Godzilla movie on the big screen, HOWEVER saying that i would like 2 things that im sure you would prob agree would make the movie good. 1) U.S.A. Money and 2) Japanise writers! Simple. lol. get the money to have the big effects and shit but keep the japan makers to make it a true Zilla movie.


  8. MovieBuffintheBuff says:

    I enjoyed the US Godzilla quite a bit… As much as I love the shambling Japanese classic, the US version brought a level of realism to the creature exactly BY modeling it after iguanas, and explaining that its sort of a mutated iguana. But I agree that, looking back, it was a bit to light considering what was happeneing in the city, though no one really had an idea of what would actually happen if buildings were being torn down all over in that pre 9-11 world. Now, IF the new one takes place in New York, they would most likely darken it quite a bit. I like the new design though… could be tweaked to make a little more realistic (I see too much Japanese Godzilla), but I like it. Would like to see the body as well though…

  9. matty says:

    that’s gonna be one hell of a rubber suit

    • MBanno says:

      They’re probably gonna make it a anamatronic/cg hybrid. That’s the only way I see a true US godzilla working these days, if done right.

  10. adam says:

    Please keep the man in the suit !

  11. J Cribbs says:

    Not another monster movie…

    • Rodney says:

      That’s like saying “not another comedy” or “not another action film” or “not another scifi” or “not another fantasy” or “not another horror” …

      Why not?

      Not interested, then don’t go.

  12. Matt Keith says:

    Bloody disgusting shot this down already.

  13. codexjay says:

    do we realy want anouther godz film but i do agre with the fact that suits almost always loot better just look at underwould the first one loked realy cool and then they started useing more cg and it just didnt look as good but may be its just me i dont no

  14. Ryan Brammeld says:

    When this movie coming out it looks good better not be a fail like the first movie>

  15. adam says:

    Toho rules …Tri star sucks !!!!
    He was Godzilla in name only !

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