FHM’s Top 100 Sexiest Women in the World List Online

Posted by Rodneyon 31. 05. 2010in News Chat

FHM has released their list of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2010 and while I dont agree with many of the choices (popularity outranks sexy apparently) the list is online for you to check out.
We gathered the Top 10 for you to debate over intellectually here:

#10 - Leighton Meester - No Contest
#9 Taylor Swift - Very pretty girl next door
#8 Lady Gaga - Popular and Talented yes Hot? No.
#7 Lea Michele - Can be, and she can sing. But hot. Not really.
#6 Jessica Alba - Fun to look at, but on screen it got old fast.
#5 Blake Lively - Yes, yes, and yes.
#4 Britney Spears - Baby drama and 3 doses of crazy, she still rocks the stage
#3 Kristen Stewart - With all this success you would think she would smile. Popular, but not hot.
#2 Megan Fox - Dumb as a bag of hammers, but still hot. Even with those thumbs.
#1 Marisa Miller - Uh. who? Victoria Secret Model. Not that impressed really.

So you can check out the whole 100 at FHM Online which does include a fair number of film and TV actors as well.

The list is based entirely on online voting, so its just as much a popularity contest as it is about looks. This skews the results greatly leaving Amanda Seyfried at #58 and Kristen Bell at #84.

There is no justice!

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Rodney who has written 7894 posts on The Movie Blog

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28 Responses to “FHM’s Top 100 Sexiest Women in the World List Online”

  1. Roderick says:

    yea… no idea who number 1 is…

    • Francisco says:

      My two cents…

      #10 – Leighton Meester – #10 really? this is a joke. There is hotter and sexier women in the business…lots
      #9 Taylor Swift – Sexy? She’s cute. but Sexy? c’mon
      #8 Lady Gaga – Again…sexy? Where’s Beyonce? Shakira? they are sexier than Gaga!
      #7 Lea Michele – One year of Glee and she’s #7? lol she’s cute and sexy…but not top 10 material
      #6 Jessica Alba – she’s one of the most hot and sexy…but she needs to go way far from top 10
      #5 Blake Lively – You start to see why the whole list is horrible - 2 Gossip Girls in top 10? naaa
      #4 Britney Spears – no comment.
      #3 Kristen Stewart – wow. #3?. no comment
      #2 Megan Fox – This is what I’m talking about. Women that regardless of singing, acting etc…are SEXY…
      #1 Marisa Miller – This woman is insanely hot and sexy. Even my wife has the hots for this one, and Fox too lol…

  2. bernardg says:

    also no Katty Perry? but they hv Britney Spears & Kristen Stewart on top 10? blasphemous!! sacrilegous!! off with their head!

    just kidding

  3. Matt Keith says:

    Lady Gaga should be number 1. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world.

    Question: Why the hell is that no talent, sexist Megan Fox on the list?

    • Rodney says:

      Gaga has talent musically, and a wild bold fashion sense, but the only way is she sexy is if you find musical talent and fashion sense to be sexy.

      Physically she’s not all that pretty and without all that makeup and flamboyant outfits she is completely forgettable. Many of the other sexy stars on this list still look hot without the garish outfits and heavy makeup too.

      And why is Fox up there? Well considering its the Sexy list, I’d wager those voting found her sexy. While others are there because of popularity (Jessica Simpson dropped 41 spots since last year’s poll - and gained as many pounds) I would think that Fox is there because of her looks.

      Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and Gaga might have your eye, but this was a poll, voted by visitors to their site. So many factors will play into the ranking here despite the list being about Sexy Women.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”Physically she’s not all that pretty and without all that makeup and flamboyant outfits she is completely forgettable.”

        Well that’s your opinion, but there’s more to women than looks. A woman can be physically unattractive, but have a wonderful personality. On the other hand a woman can be “hot”, but can have a lousy personality. Of course they’re are the rare women, Lady Gaga(IMO), that have both beauty and personality.

        However, concerning Fox….she’s a disgrace among women. She has no talent, she’s a sexist, and uses her body to get ahead in life. I really don’t see how any guy can find her attractive when she’ makes comments such as “I find men to be dirty” or “I feel safer when I kiss girls”.

      • Matt Keith says:

        Looks don’t last, personality does.

      • Rodney says:

        I do find deep irony that you are willing to see a bigger picture with Gaga’s inner beauty affecting your judgement of her outer beauty, but when it comes to Fox, there is no way to see any redeeming qualities.

        You said it yourself. Its often said that beauty is more than appearances but another old adage says that “Beauty is only skin deep”… Is Fox sexy? I would say yes. Just look at her. Is she intelligent and a gifted actress who answers questions with tact and poise?? No, but that wasn’t the question.

        The same way you apply your set of rules on what is sexy you have to recognize that everyone has their own rules. I think Gaga is talented, and I love her music. But will I oogle pictures of her. Nope.

        You like Gaga for your own reasons… why is it so hard to believe that someone might like someone else for their own reasons?

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”I do find deep irony that you are willing to see a bigger picture with Gaga’s inner beauty affecting your judgement of her outer beauty, but when it comes to Fox, there is no way to see any redeeming qualities.”

        Because Gaga has shown in her interviews that there is more to her than looks and talent (something Fox shown she doesn’t have). Fox has shown in her commnets that she’s nothing, but a sexist bitch. BTW, I never said that Gaga was beautiful for her looks. To me she is hot, but that’s not even close as to why I think she’s beautiful.

      • Matt Keith says:

        Ps: Sorry if I’m coming off as an ass-hole, but I’m still a bit hungover from last night.

      • Rodney says:

        But Fox has shown in many pinups and movies that she is physically appealing. Something that contributes to her being sexy.

        You think Gaga is beautiful for something other than her looks. I think Fox is beautiful only for her looks.

        Are either of us wrong… nope.

      • cloud7_20 says:

        Is lady Gaga really that sexy? I don’t think that you could convince anyone that Megan Fox is a man. Lady Gaga on the other hand….

      • Rodney says:

        If you look at Gaga and see a man, I question your sexuality.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”Is lady Gaga really that sexy? I don’t think that you could convince anyone that Megan Fox is a man. Lady Gaga on the other hand….”

        You do realize that she dismissed that rumor herself in an interview right? I find it funny that you bring that up anyway, because Fox was once rumored to be a transexual.

      • cloud720 says:

        A rumor that Fox started that never picked up any steam. She never had to speak on it again. Lady Gaga says she has a penis and she had to come out to clarify things, for the many people that truly believed her.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @” Lady Gaga says she has a penis and she had to come out to clarify things, for the many people that truly believed her.”

        And yet in an interview with Barbara Walter she dismisses that rumor. It’s on youtube, look it up.

      • cloud720 says:

        I believe that she also bent over while performing in the Philippines(which I thought was known for its sex change operations, but hey)

        Anyway its not the point of if she’s a man or not. The point is that she has to go on news talk show and say she’s not a man. People should be able to look at her and see. But many people were not able to do that.

        You can’t be that sexy if there are many people who believe that you can pass for a man.

  4. travis says:

    I don’t think Megan Fox is good looking at all. She looks… stiff. As if she’s unreal. I think she’s ugly. I can understand a girl being pretty almost regardless of what one wants to think, but Megan Fox? Ewww..
    Lady GaGa isn’t pretty either. And I don’t think she has much talent really, except for maybe talent in the mainstream. But this is coming from somebody who owns all of The Pixie’s music so what do I know.

  5. Dirk Anger says:

    That may be one of the worst top 10 lists I’ve ever seen. Kristen Stewart….really??? What the hell about her is hot? She’s plain looking and best with a continual frown. Taylor Swift reminds me of a choir girl, no offense. Very nice but not “I HAVE to do her” hot. Britney Spears is past her hotness prime and Megan Fox is such a primadona bitch nowadays that I just wished she would go away. Terrible list.

  6. Ken says:

    Always an unsatisfactory top 10…

    #10 – Leighton Meester – What Francisco said
    #9 Taylor Swift – More cute than sexy, but if she stayed on this list, # should be 9 x 10.
    #8 Lady Gaga – this # would be accurate if this was hottest topic of discussions (maybe).
    #7 Lea Michele – Unfamiliar with this chick, an to lazy to quickly Google.
    #6 Jessica Alba – easy to see how she made the list, but not top 10.
    #5 Blake Lively – Great personality, Amazingly sexy - deserves #1 spot.
    #4 Britney Spears – I don’t follow spears, maybe she’s sexy now idk.
    #3 Kristen Stewart – What sex appeal? Stewart is a gloomy chick I’m attracted to, but she isn’t sexy.
    #2 Megan Fox – Sexy, sexy, sexy. she exuberates pure sexiness(Move over Marisa).
    #1 Marisa Miller –Lots of Victoria secret models can lay waste to Marisa.

  7. Danny says:

    And this is why I don’t bother with such lists. If I think someone is hot I’ll just find pictures of them myself and not waste time on lists. And speaking of differing opinions (and I think this points towards the popularity contest theory as well) where are the women of color?

    • Rodney says:

      There are plenty of women from all sorts of ethnicities on the list. “Women of Colour” is an offense. These are women. Who cares what colour their skin is.

      Statistically speaking however if you ask a guy what makes a girl sexy, blonde is likely the first qualifier out of his mouth, and there are not a lot of dark ethnicities with blond hair.. not naturally at least.

      • Danny says:

        “There are plenty of women from all sorts of ethnicities on the list. “Women of Colour” is an offense. These are women. Who cares what colour their skin is. ”

        An offense to who? And while skin color may not appear to matter such a list could (at least for me) beg the question, “Does it mean that in order to be beautiful one has to be white?”

      • Rodney says:

        Identifying them as “women of colour” is offensive. Separating anyone for the colour of their skin is enabling the division of qualities.

        There are all sorts of ethnicities on here. There are women on here. Colour has nothing to do with making them sexy or not.

      • cloud7_20 says:

        The women are all being judged by the way they look. Height, weight, skin tone, etc will all come into play. When it comes to judging what you find attractive, saying women of colour is no more offensive than saying tall women.

        There is nothing wrong with taking skin color into consideration. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If darker or lighter skin is not attractive to you then that is entirely your opinion. You are not judging a person charterer, just what you find attractive and what you don’t.

        Depending on who the judge is, skin color can be a major consideration and there is nothing wrong with that.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”The women are all being judged by the way they look.”

        And that’s exactly why a list like this is insulting toward women. If you’re gonna judge how beautiful a women, then it shouldn’t be based on just how they look. Anyway, an online poll like this one has as much credibility as the Mtv Movie Awards.

  8. Danny says:

    “Identifying them as “women of colour” is offensive.”
    By that I take you mean offensive to said women themselves.

    “Separating anyone for the colour of their skin is enabling the division of qualities.”
    The separation in and of itself is not the problem. Someone can point out that Beyonce is a black woman all day long but as soon as they try to use that as justification to treat her differently then yes it is a problem.

    And I will say that my original gripe was specifically with the top 10 listed here.

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