50 Cent Goes Machinist

Posted by on 28. 05. 2010in News Chat

Two shocking photos of the popular rapper “50 Cent” have surfaced from the role he is playing in Mario Van Peebles’ “Things Fall Apart.” The movie is a drama that centre’s around a football player named Deon (50 cent). When Deon is struck with cancer the game he loves changes dramatically.
Thisis50.com says

50 Cent dropped from 214lbs to an astonishing 160lb with an all-liquid diet and three-hour-a-day treadmill walks for nine weeks.
“I’m starving.” Now he’s back on tour and says, “I’ve been eating. I’ll be back in shape in no time!”

I’m always a little hesitant when seeing photos like these of actors. I mean don’t get me wrong I respect actors that take their jobs so seriously that they’d altar their image significantly to play a role. I’m just not sure how necessary it is.
On that note, the guy has taken 9 bullets to the chest I’m sure shedding 54lbs isn’t going to effect him. Needless to say the photos are creepy.
Does this make any of you respect 50 Cent more as an actor? Or make you want to watch the film once finished?

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8 Responses to “50 Cent Goes Machinist”

  1. Ken says:

    I respect the drastic measure of change 50 cent underwent to suit the look of the role he’s trying to play, But having the look for a role comes easy, that’s what make-up is for. It’s the individual part which an actor himself can only bring which is the pure art of acting itself that defines careers, and i think 50 will still just be himself in the role.

    But i still have no desire to see the film even though I’m a fan of Liotta.

    And may i say 50 looks like he’s ready to be in I am Legend with that look ~ very eerie.

  2. cloud720 says:

    I want to see the movie just so I can rightfully say “50 cents lost all that weight and still can’t act.”

  3. Altitude85 says:

    Does this movie have anything to do with Chinua Achebe’s novel by the same name?

  4. tony m says:

    when u do stuff like this , u show deaction to ur craft and i respect that . i may have to see it for this fact , i was allready thinking about seeing it because the story sounds interesting

  5. J says:

    i too respect an actor with that much dedication but i would like some out to tell what actor we are talking about here i for one dont see one at all

  6. Derek 8-Track says:

    Epic. much respect.

  7. Roderick says:

    i respect 50 for doing this. it shows that he’s really making an effort to take acting seriously. and i hope that the actual acting part, comes out great too. only time will tell.

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