3 New Prince of Persia Clips Online

With Prince of Persia: Sands of Time right around the corner, we get three more clips to take a peek at just to tide us over for the release.

The clips look pretty good, and this could file itself under the few Video Game movies that don’t suck. And if it does, I hope it starts a trend of taking that resource seriously.

They made people take note of Superhero films by taking them seriously, so why not Video Game adaptations?

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3 Responses to “3 New Prince of Persia Clips Online”
  1. Garrett says:

    Woah, spoiler on the last clip sort of.

  2. Soggie G. says:

    Thank You!! I’ve been saying that foe the longest time hoping that they would take video game adaptions seriously, if your not trying to make it good. then why even bother trying.

  3. Danny says:

    Oh hell yeah!!! I am so ready for this movie!

    1. I hope this does break the trend, no tradition, of bad game to movie adaptations.

    2. I really hope this is not just a single film but the start of a franchise (why trilogy since 3 seems to be the magic number for movie franchises).

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