Wes Craven talks Scream 4

Along with a new uninspiring teaser poster, Wes Craven has an interview with Entertainment Weekly where he dishes about the new Scream 4.

Check out some of the questions:

Speaking of openings, are you at least going to continue with having a couple killed at the beginning of the film?
That’s a strong possibility. [Laughs] Certainly, you will recognize what Bob calls the DNA of the film: a very complex murder mystery, a shocking action picture, wonderful humor based on character, and lots of surprises, as well as a movie that kind of copies itself. It’s a pretty amazing script.

As for the poster’s tagline, “New decade, new rules,” are the new rules going to specifically comment on what’s happened these last 10 years with horror movies?
It’s very much about the last 10 years, and where we are right now. “New decade, new rules” is very much the keynote of the film, that is, trying to figure out what sort of rules (the new Ghostface) is following. How do we fight this killer without a road map? We have to figure out where we are.

And, should Scream 4 become a hit, you are signed on for Scream 5 and 6, right?
Yeah, I’m signed on for the duration.

I really like that Wes Craven is back on this. I wouldn’t be as hopeful without him in the mix.

I still hope that they make Sidney the killer. I really liked how they showed her inability to cope with the real world, jumping at shadows, imprisoning herself in her own home. Terrified to live. There is no supernatural to the franchise, but Ghostface is almost supernatural to her. He keeps coming back.

After a decade of trying to fix her life, I think it would be awesome if she turned out to be the killer. finally snapping and giving into her terror. Defeat what she fears by becoming it.

Check out the teaser poster:

Nothing special, but its a teaser, so I expected nothing but Ghostface anyways. I just wish they would stop with the leetspeek substituting letters for numbers. 10 Years from now we are going to look at this poster and see that title and say “remember when kids were retarded and thought it was cool to misspell on purpose?” the same way you scoff at my powder blue tux in your parents wedding picture.

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4 Responses to “Wes Craven talks Scream 4”
  1. Aaron says:

    Bring on the cast poster!!!

  2. cloud720 says:

    Ten years from now we as a people might be dumb enough to officially change words to include numbers in the place of letters. That is if Idiocracy was correct about where our society is heading.

    I would prefer that Sydney be in the couple killed in the opening.

    Not that if you stab someone, it isn’t painful but I wonder if the killer will be torturing his victims first. With Saw and Hostel, among others, horror films of the past decade seem to be more about torture than just killing people.

    • Jonny Martin says:

      “Not that if you stab someone, it isn’t painful but I wonder if the killer will be torturing his victims first. With Saw and Hostel, among others, horror films of the past decade seem to be more about torture than just killing people.”

      Hmm…You have a point there.

  3. methos84 says:

    This poster sucks! Looks fan-made.

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