Two IMAX Iron Man 2 Posters Online

Its Two weeks away, and you would think there would be enough Iron Man 2 Promotional material out there, but nope.

Two new posters to promote Iron Man 2’s IMAX presentation have hit the net.

I like that they are using the Suitcase armour for the poster, and how Whiplash looks so damned intimidating in this poster too. Still looks awesome.

Just bring the damned movie out already!!


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8 Responses to “Two IMAX Iron Man 2 Posters Online”
  1. joe says:

    cant wait *drool*

  2. Lawrence says:

    Wow. I made them part of my Windows and Linux wallpapers already. Awesome.

  3. Jeff says:

    Just saw a poster of that suitcase armor at Wal-Mart yesterday and it says right on the poster that that suit is the Mark V Iron Suit.

    • Rodney says:

      But it won’t be the primary suit worn throughout the movie.

      The Mark IV is the triangluar “heart” suit. This is just his portable suit - which he keeps in a briefcase.

      • MBanno says:

        Actually the Mark IV is a suit similar to the Mark III. The Mark VI is the triangular one.

    • Jon says:

      So happy about the brief case suit being the in the movie. Way to go Favraeu! Bringing in practically every little detail into the film.

  4. Ken says:

    I LOVE that new briefcase iron man suit.

  5. 420Band says:

    All ready!

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