The Human Centipede Trailer Online

Apparently this movie already made it on to some markets last year, but the trailer just hit the net yesterday and the Human Centipede is an exercise in the ridiculous being taken too far that its back to just being scary.

Basically some stranded motorists find themselves in the home of a demented surgeon determined to create a biological human centipede by surgically connecting their gastric systems. In short, he intends to sew their mouths to the next person’s ass. No really. This is a movie.

This is just too messed up not to share. So next time you are talking about how dumb some other movie sounds, just remember its NOT the Human Centipede!!

Nope…. you can never UN-do that image from your brain. And if you can, consider that the subtitle to this film is “First Sequence” implying that he plans on adding more people to the chain…

Now you can’t.

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23 Responses to “The Human Centipede Trailer Online”
  1. Slushie Man says:

    Calling a movie dumb that you have never seen. Yeah, ok.

    And keep in mind that this movie is getting HUGE buzz in the horror community.

    • WholeBlack says:

      A SEQUEL is getting made also. It’s on wikipedia, and in various interviews. Just search it on the net.

  2. arihmann says:

    WTF!!!! this has “Razzie” written all over it!!! Ed Wood woud be proud of it…

  3. bigsampson says:

    slushie i can see where the buzz is coming from….

    sometimes buzz is a bad thing.

    ill give this movie one thing, they use a nice camera when filming it lol.
    It does look scary but the premise is as short sighted and george bush!

  4. mad claw says:

    Beyond stupid concept
    I’m amaze why people in horror movies don’t fight back at the start

  5. Matt says:


  6. kiyo says:

    yeah…how about no. that trailer just gave me indigestion (and not just because of the subject). who the hell comes up with this stuff? some ideas you should just say no to.
    i know this is make-belief, but seriously, from a medical standpoint, this is the most retarded shit ever

  7. Fez says:

    I like it. That doesn’t mean I believe it’s good by any movie standards, but I still like it. The fact someone spent a good portion of time making an ass to mouth thriller makes it special to me.

  8. JonathanCranescameoreturns says:

    This is made by a friend of my - Tom Six. I also come from Holland, and most people say he is known as the Uwe Boll of Holland. But im proud for his work on this, finally some original horror from the Hostel genre.

  9. chris says:

    In terms of indie horror and film making, I have to give one spec of wow… but that is it… this truly is horrific kind of like that japanese horror movie (where she slices the guy’s foot off with sharp string). The fact that someone can think this up, write about it, and then get people to ACT in it?!?!?! Wow, got to give it to them for that. Otherwise, I love horror and I think I’ll stray aways from this film as it is just one step beyond horrorific and too many steps into bizarre.

  10. 420BAND says:

    Crazy how this type of crap keeps churning up money and dvd rental/sales and no one seems to give a shit about its content BUT they make Kevin Smith change the titles to his movies so people wont get “Offended” WTF?

  11. sean says:

    In case anyone was wondering, they do plan on making another one called something like “final sequence”, where 12 people will be connected together

  12. 420BAND says:

    All he needs is a needle filled with neon yellow/green liquid and THEN it might be interesting!(Wanna-be Re-Animater)

  13. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    LOL @ “100% Medically Accurate”……

    Looks pretty cool, actually, you gotta give it to the guy: it’s a different concept.

  14. Greg says:

    This movie sounds stupid. I wouldn’t take it if they were giving it away for free.

  15. darren j seeley says:

    Ah- but it is noteworthy to talk about on The Movie blog. And perhaps shock (schlock?) value is the only thing going for it. Demented, kooky, creepy and maybe over the top, above and beyond the call of duty.

    That said, I hope it doesn’t eat shit.


  16. Kaneda979 says:

    Disturbing beyond words. It’s like a train wreck. I really don’t know what to say, except that the people who made this have to be insane.

  17. Iam Wright says:

    Uhm… How is this ‘experiment’ going to work with all the victims still wearing their underwear?

  18. MandarinOrange says:

    I keep hearing how people complain that there is no originality left in hollywood, let alone the horror movies. Finally someone comes out with something original and everyone seems to be bashing it. I am no fan of horror so I can’t say this looks good or bad because all horror looks bad to me. All I can say is I am sure glad I am not the screenwriter’s neighbor.

    • Rodney says:

      Funny that peole complain about “no originality left in Hollywood” but more original films are made than adaptations and remakes every year.

      But to address your point, even original ideas are subject to opinion.

      And “not original” is not an opinion expressed against this ass-to-mouth movie.

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