Step Up 3D Trailer Online

The Step Up franchise really isn’t much more than a 90 minute technical display of dance sequences. And for that I have no real problem with the movies.

They dance. Acting is a far secondary concern. So what does this superficial movie series need? Well a 3D Presentation of course! Check out the trailer.

I don’t believe that 3D is a gimmick itself. Its just a technique like any special effect it adds depth to the scene making it more immersible. But when you apply 3d to a film like this, its presence is pure gimmick. 3D puts you IN the scene, but with dance crew presentations and “battles” they are already set as a spectator sport and there is no need to have you sucked into the middle of it. Even if you were there live you are still on the outside looking in.

Just seems overkill.

But for the record, I love that this “new girl” they are introducing is so girl-next-door natural. It really adds to her attractiveness and allows you to focus on her talent. I am not a fan of this series by any means, but if I want to see some good dancing, I am sure this will do.

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10 Responses to “Step Up 3D Trailer Online”
  1. Slushie Man says:

    My ex-girlfriend’s favorite movie is Step Up and Step Up 2 so while dating her I was forced to see both in theaters. Sure, they are pretty generic stereotypical pretty bad movies, but the dance sequences sure are a fucking blast and quite enjoyable to watch and really, that’s the only reason these movies are made. What fast cars are to Fast and Furious, dance sequences are to Step Up and in that way, it works. Sure, they’re bad movies, but I don’t mind re-watching them from time to time when I’m in the right mood for them.

  2. tzaylor says:

    Just admit it, you both love these movies. It’s ok. My favorite line from the trailer “a single move can set a whole generation free” LOL! wow whoe does he think he is, Michael Jackson?

    Anyway my reason for commenting is your remarks about 3D. By the way I love the technology in theory, in reality I prefer 2D so far. I’m glad you don’t think it’s a gimmick, it’s nice to hear a different view. In my opinion, though, it’s not any gimmickier in a dance movie than it would be in any other movie, including an avatar type or an animated movie. You say 3D is meant to suck you in to the movie. I think it will pull you in to dancing as much as anything. Sure there won’t be the random things jumping way out at you in a movie like this, (like the floating fuzzy things in avatar, very cool) but stuff like that doesn’t suck you in to a movie. That actually takes you out of the movie and says “hey viewer, check out what we can do with 3D”! It makes it a tecnical showcase rather than a tool for immersion. In fact as I’m typing I’m starting to lean more towards it actually working better in a drama/comedy because you don’t have the crazy depths to worry about. For example in the opening scene in Avatar where they are coming out of hibernation you have that long long stretch of hallway, that made my eyes go crazy and took me right out of the moment. Anyway, that’s my opinion.

    Oh, there’s one exception to 3D working well in dancing. 3D seems to have a hard time with very quick movements. It works much better in slow or static images. If anyone has seen the IMAX NASA movie in 3D you know what I mean. The images are slow and deliberate and they really give you time to make the 3D work, its’ the best I’ve seen 3D used.

    • Rodney says:

      Do I love them? Not even close.

      Terrible acting, vague plot, no story.

      But dancing is fun to look at. Thats all these movies are, and thats all they need to be.

  3. Ken says:

    Is that Brianna Evigan from step up 2, I can’t really tell.

    Also C,mon with these dance flicks, i had believe that craze was over anyway.I enjoyed step up 1 but step up 2 was garbage story-plot an dance choreography wise IMO.

    Dance trailers,well movies in general but really a lot of dance trailers tend to show parts from the dancing choreography that looks awesome when viewed quickly or slowed down for the trailer, but when u view it in the film, usually you’re like (WOW WAS THAT IT -_-).

    IDK maybe there’s some hope for this, i will most definitely watch sense i like break-dancing,i hope it will be. Adam Sevani is cool though.

  4. T-VO says:

    Holy Shit, this is real? I thought it was an April Fools joke. This is the kinda chick flick I don’t mind seeing, I’d rathar see breakers and sexy girls than another Nicolas Sparks movie.

  5. Geno says:

    At first I thought this was some april fools joke. But if it being made I wanna cry a little bit on the inside. I’m not a fan of the dance films that much just the dancing and them music is what I like. But its always the same bit with them, nothing new, nothing special. What does bother me is that Hollywood just keeps on pushing the whole 3D downs everybody. I don’t like 3D, I would prefer to just watch this in 2D and still be amazed by the dance moves. I don’t need to feel like someones foot is coming right at from the screen. I’m sure people enjoy 3D but I feel its just another gimmick that is being overused and will die out again like before.

  6. chad says:

    LOL @ Slushie. Me too dude. I had to grin and bear it. Not every movie is mad for 3D . This one definitely isn’t. This 3D thing is getting crazy.

  7. 420BAND says:

    Breakin’ 2 “Electric Bugaloo” anyone?

  8. 790 says:

    Thanks for the warning!!!!
    I’m not sure what’s worse the Step Up franchise or 3D?

  9. 790 says:

    If any of you are wondering why 3D is sweeping into the Entertainment medium with all the grace of a prison rape, let me tell you.

    Its because the studios that produce and oversee every aspect of their films can now not only raise the ticket price but deploy all kinds of subliminal techniques that will cause moviegoers to be completely susceptible to whatever message the studio wants to embed in your mind!

    Let’s not forget who’s behind all this 3D madness, its not Cameron, its Disney studios. Directly Jeffrey Katzenberg… He vowed (back in 2007)to bring all films into the 3D world in no more then 10 years. Cameron is nothing more then a calculated mechanism that payed off.

    Do the research on Disney and subliminal messages.
    I’m not here to bash Disney, just offering my opinion on the sub… :)

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