Sony Says Logan Lerman is NOT Considered for Spider-Man

Seems over the weekend many sites were saying that Logan Lerman as all but a lock for the role of Peter Parker in Sony’s Spider-man reboot. Apparently he was in talks and all that was left was to put pen to ink and it was a done deal.

Oops. Guess he wasn’t that close. Or even considered. At least that’s the story Sony is going with.

Filmonic reports

Well now according to Deadline Sony has denied Lerman’s involvement again, saying that he isn’t even being considered.

…insiders at Sony say that the young actor is not getting the role. In fact, these sources were very definitive in denying the story, and were sure that Lerman was 100% not going to be Spidey and that he is not on the list of candidates being seriously considered.

While sometimes this stern denial is just a ploy to hide the fact that the story was leaked before they wanted it to come out, but it looks like this is the real deal.

The Logan Lerman rumour was just that. Stemmed from his comments that he would love to play it and may even talked to his agent about pursuing it. But right now it looks like he isn’t even being considered.

Shame. I was cool with the idea that he would play Parker.

Makes me wonder who they ARE considering. If anyone just yet.

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27 Responses to “Sony Says Logan Lerman is NOT Considered for Spider-Man”
  1. 420BAND says:

    ??? Me too!

    give us some closure already

  2. Matt Keith says:

    I thought he would have been great as Parker/Spider-man. Too bad. I’m still on the fence about this reboot anyway.

  3. cloud720 says:

    I cant think of any actors in that age group that has already made a name for themselves. They must be looking at unknowns or Taylor Lautner.

  4. Ken says:

    Wow i was all for logan playing our friendly neighborhood spiderman, with sony saying he’s not even considered now i fear we may see something truly no joke about…

    JUSTIN BEIBER playing spidey (-_-).

  5. middleman says:

    I know who would be good: Toby Maguire!

    • Rodney says:

      They are going with a young teenage highschool spiderman.

      Every suggestion on this page ignores that. They wont use Maguire, because its a reboot and he is 30.

      They wont use Beiber, because he is not an actor.

      They wont use any of those other guys either because they are not 15 (or look even close to it)

      • thematticus says:

        Seriously, would you be shocked if they went with Beiber?

      • Rodney says:

        I would be shocked indeed. Cute kid and all, super popular with the little girls.

        But honestly, did you see him on Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey last weekend? That kid makes Megan Fox look like a thespian. He couldnt even act in a skit where he had one line and the rest of it he just had to sing and look cute.

        He wont get picked up for acting roles anytime soon.

      • thematticus says:

        I did see that, and you are absolutely correct. He was Tara Reid bad.

  6. Jonny Martin says:

    Hmm….If the higher ups are looking for someone no one would expect and/or is still relatively unknown, perhaps they could give Josh Hutcherson a shot?

  7. Rob says:

    Wasn’t that whole thing an April Fool’s joke?

  8. Harsh (gypsydreams101) says:

    Jay Baruchel?

  9. darren j seeley says:

    Carter Jenkins from ‘Aliens In The Attic’ anyone?

  10. 3d says:

    why make a reboot, it didnt even seem like the others that the others were even done, if they remake one now its gonna suck

    • Rodney says:

      While the first two were great, the third Spider-Man film was a complete train wreck with poor effects and terrible plot execution.

      Sony forcing what they thought was right on a director that proved he knew what he was doing already is what tore this franchise down. Sony pays the bills and Raimi folded and the result was Spider-Man 3.

      Raimi wouldnt fold to Sony’s crazy demands for his plans on Spider-Man 4, so he quit. Rather than try to fill his shoes, Sony is rebooting it.

      You can’t say it will suck just because you wanted more of the same franchise that already existed. It might be great. It might suck. It might be anything. We dont know until they make it.

  11. slingthoery says:

    Kinda sad i was hoping logan would get it he sort of has that im a nerd but a cool one look to him that peter would have. who ever gets it i hope they bring a sense of energy to the role. maguire seemed to be missing that of the time even the dudes voiceover in the games sounded bored.

  12. 420BAND says:

    I for one want it to happen, and soon! I needs me Spidey fix!

    pick one already! and give me an awesome villan!

  13. Amish Bill says:

    Man, too bad we’re about 10 years too late for Haley Joel Osment. He could have owned this role.

  14. Unforgiven says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Justin Bieber gets the role. I mean they are rebooting this and they are sure to pack theaters with little girls and boys (probably more than in the past) if they get Bieber. Win/win for Sony even if the movie sucks. I doubt you can do any better than the last trilogy, but Spider-Man is a cash cow no matter what.

    • Rodney says:

      Beiber would sell the soundtrack to little girls and boys, but the guy cannot act AT ALL. Mark my words, they might screw this up, but it wont be with Bieber.

      • Unforgiven says:

        You are probably right Rodney but stranger things have happened. Logan Lerman seemed like a no-brainer and somehow Sony has a list he isn’t on? I don’t know. Maybe they want Zac Efron?

      • Rodney says:

        Efron is too old (remember Sony is going for a highschool spidey) and Efron is taking on adult serious roles now.

  15. Unforgiven says:

    True but Logan Lerman is already 18. So if they are going for highschool aged actors they should be looking at Disney TV. Efron is only 22. So the reality is that either could be cast. Efron is younger than Tobey was when he took the role in 2002 (Tobey was 27) so anything is possible. We have to remember that Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man began in Highschool too.

    • Rodney says:

      Numbers don’t mean much. Ralph Macchio was 27 when he did Karate Kid and he looked 16.

      Its how they look that is going to matter. Lerman still looks young, Efron is really grown up. Tobey isn’t looking so young either.

      They need someone who can pass for 15. While I was cool with Lerman, we are just going to have to wait to see what they do before we get a glimpse at how they are going with this.

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