Sony says Green Hornet doesn’t Suck - but delayed for 3D

A short while ago we got wind that Sony was incredibly displeased with Green Hornet and is being pushed back to a January release and while was saying it came from a reliable source, it sounds more like someone just made it up.

Sony Reacted with this statement:

Sony spokesperson Steve Elzer responded by saying that the IESB story was “complete garbage.” Studio execs had only seen about a third of the movie, Elzer said. “What we have seen is outstanding. The piece is unfounded.”

This gives me hope, as when I heard the news I was clinging to that shred that IESB’s source was just fabricating something out of nothing. They said way back that Green Hornet was not going to be a goofball spoof despite casting Rogen in the lead. Word said they were playing it straight.

However it did pull up a strong public reaction of toldya-so’s from the doubters that Seth Rogen can pull off the suave Green Hornet or that Michael Gondry was the right man to pull off a pulp superhero flick.

But this is the more interesting news, just as they were announcing that they were delaying the film, Sony says it’s because they are opting to give Hornet the 3D treatment. FilmJunk shares:

The Michel Gondry-helmed pic will now open Jan. 14, 2011. The studio bristled at the notion that bad buzz surrounding the project played a role in its decision to abandon one of choicest days on the box office calendar. Instead, Sony said that once the decision was made to incorporate 3D during the production process, “Green Hornet” needed to find a frame with sufficient digital screens. A number of 3D pics have already staked out December slots including “Tron: Legacy” and “Yogi Bear.”

This boggles my mind.

I know that there is a strong anti-3D movement out there, but the boxoffice boost doesn’t lie. There are more people eager to see a film in 3d than not, so the trend isn’t going anwywhere.

But for me its about using it appropriately on film. Not deliberate “throw stuff at the screen” kind of gimmick, but just to add an element to a visual film.

Avatar? Sure. Animated, why not? Alice in Wonderland, Ok, that looks good. But I don’t need to see EVERY film in 3D, and Green Hornet didn’t look like one that was going to get it either.

But its being delayed to release against some non-contenders in January (the month films go to die) just so it can hold some extra 3D screens.

What a waste of the technology.

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10 Responses to “Sony says Green Hornet doesn’t Suck - but delayed for 3D”
  1. cloud720 says:

    Still skeptical. Its not like a studio will ever admit they have a turn on their hands. As for the 3D, after class of the titans I will never again see another movie converted to 3D is post production.

  2. Soggie G. says:

    That’s why I’m glad my theater has the option for either 2D or 3D. I usually end up going to the 3D ones but only because my friends overrule me lol

  3. darren j seeley says:

    Sounds exciting, Hornet Gas coming out at ya…Kato’s high kick…

    It should just be kept 2D and skip the 3D stuff. I was looking forward to this. By the way, JANUARY 2011?! Sony can spin it any which way, and maybe the film isn’t that bad thus far. But 3D addition sounds like a wasteful move. The new date sounds like a burial plot.

  4. Lawrence says:

    This movie is going to tank BIG TIME at the box office. Originally a June 25,2010 release , then moved to December 2010, now it’s January 14,2011.. That says a lot .

  5. Steve Syber says:

    I’m getting tired of this 3D craze, I would rather see a decent flick than a flick with a gimmick. And I agree, the movie likely really does suck and the 3D thing is an attempt to draw more revenue

  6. Jon says:

    Enough with this 3D shit. There was one film that was highly successful using 3D, which we all know was Avatar. In some cases it works with the right movie. But this is ridiculous. Hollywood takes one idea and then runs it into the groud just to make more money.

  7. ozzie memz says:

    lol agree with cloud720, i hope they work on it though, i was looking forward to this

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